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Created January 7, 2011 10:50
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from BCBio import GFF
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
import os
import pickle
import string
from pprint import pprint
def split_file():
"""takes the 20g file with all 5 chromosomes of all 81 ecotypes
and splits it into 5 separate files (one for each chromosome).
In the process it strips all tabs from the file and removes the
first two columns."""
f = open('TAIR9_genome_matrix_2010_10_18.txt')
t = None
count = 1
current = None
for line in f:
parts = line.strip().split('\t')
c = parts.pop(0)
n = parts.pop(0)
n = int(n.strip())
if c != current:
if t != None:
print 'Next Chromosome', c, n, count-1
t = open('%s.txt' % c, 'w')
current = c
count = 1
if n != count:
diff = n - count
print 'Inserting %s empty rows after %i' % (diff, count - 1)
count += diff
for i in xrange(diff):
t.write('-' * 81 + '\n')
t.write(''.join(parts) + '\n')
count += 1
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