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Created May 17, 2017 16:58
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PowerShell to turn off JIT optimization for all DLLs in a directory
$path = get-location
$files = get-Childitem $path -recurse -include *.dll
$content = "[.NET Framework Debugging Control]`r`nGenerateTrackingInfo=1`r`nAllowOptimize=0"
foreach ($file in $files)
if ($file.fullname.contains(".dll") -or $file.fullname.contains(".DLL"))
write-host ("{0:000#}:" -f $count) $file.fullname -NoNewline
$t = ($file.fullname -replace(".dll", "")) + ".ini"
if ($t -ne $null)
$fileExists = Test-Path $t
if ($fileExists -eq $false)
write-host " ==> created new ini"
out-file -filePath $t -inputobject $content
write-host " ==> ini already exists"
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