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Spamassassin rules description
1 AC_BR_BONANZA Too many newlines in a row... spammy template
2 ACCESSDB Message would have been caught by accessdb
3 ACCT_PHISHING_MANY Phishing for account information
4 AC_DIV_BONANZA Too many divs in a row... spammy template
5 AC_FROM_MANY_DOTS Multiple periods in From user name
6 AC_HTML_NONSENSE_TAGS Many consecutive multi-letter HTML tags, likely nonsense/spam
8 AC_SPAMMY_URI_PATTERNS10 link combos match highly spammy template
9 AC_SPAMMY_URI_PATTERNS11 link combos match highly spammy template
10 AC_SPAMMY_URI_PATTERNS12 link combos match highly spammy template
11 AC_SPAMMY_URI_PATTERNS1 link combos match highly spammy template
12 AC_SPAMMY_URI_PATTERNS2 link combos match highly spammy template
13 AC_SPAMMY_URI_PATTERNS3 link combos match highly spammy template
14 AC_SPAMMY_URI_PATTERNS4 link combos match highly spammy template
15 AC_SPAMMY_URI_PATTERNS8 link combos match highly spammy template
16 AC_SPAMMY_URI_PATTERNS9 link combos match highly spammy template
17 ACT_NOW_CAPS Talks about 'acting now' with capitals
18 ADMAIL "admail" and variants
19 ADMITS_SPAM Admits this is an ad
20 AD_PREFS Advertising preferences
21 ADVANCE_FEE_2_NEW_FORM Advance Fee fraud and a form
22 ADVANCE_FEE_2_NEW_FRM_MNY Advance Fee fraud form and lots of money
23 ADVANCE_FEE_2_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
24 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
25 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW_FORM Advance Fee fraud and a form
26 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW_FRM_MNY Advance Fee fraud form and lots of money
27 ADVANCE_FEE_3_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
28 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
29 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW_FORM Advance Fee fraud and a form
30 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW_FRM_MNY Advance Fee fraud form and lots of money
31 ADVANCE_FEE_4_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
32 ADVANCE_FEE_5_NEW Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
33 ADVANCE_FEE_5_NEW_FORM Advance Fee fraud and a form
34 ADVANCE_FEE_5_NEW_FRM_MNY Advance Fee fraud form and lots of money
35 ADVANCE_FEE_5_NEW_MONEY Advance Fee fraud and lots of money
36 ALIBABA_IMG_NOT_RCVD_ALI Alibaba hosted image but message not from Alibaba
37 ALL_TRUSTED Passed through trusted hosts only via SMTP
38 AMAZON_IMG_NOT_RCVD_AMZN Amazon hosted image but message not from Amazon
39 ANY_BOUNCE_MESSAGE Message is some kind of bounce message
40 APOSTROPHE_FROM From address contains an apostrophe
41 AWL Adjusted score from AWL reputation of From: address
42 AXB_XMAILER_MIMEOLE_OL_024C2 Yet another X header trait
44 BAD_CREDIT Eliminate Bad Credit
45 BAD_ENC_HEADER Message has bad MIME encoding in the header
46 BANG_GUAR Something is emphatically guaranteed
47 BANG_OPRAH Talks about Oprah with an exclamation!
48 BANKING_LAWS Talks about banking laws
49 BASE64_LENGTH_79_INF base64 encoded email part uses line length greater than 79 characters
50 BASE64_LENGTH_79_INF base64 encoded email part uses line length of 78 or 79 characters
51 BAYES_00 Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1%
52 BAYES_05 Bayes spam probability is 1 to 5%
53 BAYES_20 Bayes spam probability is 5 to 20%
54 BAYES_40 Bayes spam probability is 20 to 40%
55 BAYES_50 Bayes spam probability is 40 to 60%
56 BAYES_60 Bayes spam probability is 60 to 80%
57 BAYES_80 Bayes spam probability is 80 to 95%
58 BAYES_95 Bayes spam probability is 95 to 99%
59 BAYES_999 Bayes spam probability is 99.9 to 100%
60 BAYES_99 Bayes spam probability is 99 to 100%
61 BIGNUM_EMAILS_FREEM Lots of email addresses/leads, free email account
62 BIGNUM_EMAILS_MANY Lots of email addresses/leads, over and over
63 BILLION_DOLLARS Talks about lots of money
64 BITCOIN_BOMB BitCoin + bomb
65 BITCOIN_DEADLINE BitCoin with a deadline
66 BITCOIN_EXTORT_01 Extortion spam, pay via BitCoin
67 BITCOIN_EXTORT_02 Extortion spam, pay via BitCoin
68 BITCOIN_IMGUR Bitcoin + hosted image
69 BITCOIN_MALF_HTML Bitcoin + malformed HTML
70 BITCOIN_MALWARE BitCoin + malware bragging
71 BITCOIN_OBFU_SUBJ Bitcoin + obfuscated subject
72 BITCOIN_ONAN BitCoin + [censored]
73 BITCOIN_PAY_ME Pay me via BitCoin
74 BITCOIN_SPAM_01 BitCoin spam pattern 01
75 BITCOIN_SPAM_02 BitCoin spam pattern 02
76 BITCOIN_SPAM_03 BitCoin spam pattern 03
77 BITCOIN_SPAM_04 BitCoin spam pattern 04
78 BITCOIN_SPAM_05 BitCoin spam pattern 05
79 BITCOIN_SPAM_06 BitCoin spam pattern 06
80 BITCOIN_SPAM_07 BitCoin spam pattern 07
81 BITCOIN_SPAM_08 BitCoin spam pattern 08
82 BITCOIN_SPAM_09 BitCoin spam pattern 09
83 BITCOIN_SPAM_10 BitCoin spam pattern 10
84 BITCOIN_SPAM_11 BitCoin spam pattern 11
85 BITCOIN_SPAM_12 BitCoin spam pattern 12
86 BITCOIN_SPF_ONLYALL Bitcoin from a domain specifically set to pass +all SPF
87 BITCOIN_WFH_01 Work-from-Home + bitcoin
88 BITCOIN_XPRIO Bitcoin + priority
89 BITCOIN_YOUR_INFO BitCoin with your personal info
90 BLANK_LINES_80_90 Message body has 80-90% blank lines
91 BODY_8BITS Body includes 8 consecutive 8-bit characters
92 BODY_ENHANCEMENT2 Information on getting larger body parts
93 BODY_ENHANCEMENT Information on growing body parts
94 BODY_SINGLE_URI Message body is only a URI
95 BODY_SINGLE_WORD Message body is only one word (no spaces)
96 BODY_URI_ONLY Message body is only a URI in one line of text or for an image
97 BOGUS_MIME_VERSION Mime version header is bogus
98 BOGUS_MSM_HDRS Apparently bogus Microsoft email headers
99 BOMB_FREEM Bomb + freemail
100 BOMB_MONEY Bomb + money: bomb threat?
101 BOUNCE_MESSAGE MTA bounce message
102 BTC_ORG Bitcoin wallet ID + unusual header
103 BULK_RE_SUSP_NTLD Precedence bulk and RE: from a suspicious TLD
104 CANT_SEE_AD You really want to see our spam.
105 CHALLENGE_RESPONSE Challenge-Response message for mail you sent
106 CHARSET_FARAWAY Character set indicates a foreign language
107 CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADER A foreign language charset used in headers
108 CK_HELO_GENERIC Relay used name indicative of a Dynamic Pool or Generic rPTR
109 CN_B2B_SPAMMER Chinese company introducing itself
110 COMMENT_GIBBERISH Nonsense in long HTML comment
111 CONFIRMED_FORGED Received headers are forged
112 CONTENT_AFTER_HTML More content after HTML close tag
113 CORRUPT_FROM_LINE_IN_HDRS Informational: message is corrupt, with a From line in its headers
114 CRBOUNCE_MESSAGE Challenge-Response bounce message
115 CTE_8BIT_MISMATCH Header says 7bits but body disagrees
116 CTYPE_8SPACE_GIF Stock spam image part 'Content-Type' found (8 spc)
117 CUM_SHOT Possible porn - Cum Shot
118 DATE_IN_FUTURE_03_06 Date: is 3 to 6 hours after Received: date
119 DATE_IN_FUTURE_06_12 Date: is 6 to 12 hours after Received: date
120 DATE_IN_FUTURE_12_24 Date: is 12 to 24 hours after Received: date
121 DATE_IN_FUTURE_24_48 Date: is 24 to 48 hours after Received: date
122 DATE_IN_FUTURE_48_96 Date: is 48 to 96 hours after Received: date
123 DATE_IN_FUTURE_96_Q Date: is 4 days to 4 months after Received: date
124 DATE_IN_FUTURE_96_XX Date: is 96 hours or more after Received: date
125 DATE_IN_PAST_03_06 Date: is 3 to 6 hours before Received: date
126 DATE_IN_PAST_06_12 Date: is 6 to 12 hours before Received: date
127 DATE_IN_PAST_12_24 Date: is 12 to 24 hours before Received: date
128 DATE_IN_PAST_24_48 Date: is 24 to 48 hours before Received: date
129 DATE_IN_PAST_96_XX Date: is 96 hours or more before Received: date
130 DATE_SPAMWARE_Y2K Date header uses unusual Y2K formatting
131 DCC_CHECK Detected as bulk mail by DCC (
132 DCC_REPUT_00_12 DCC reputation between 0 and 12 % (mostly ham)
133 DCC_REPUT_13_19 DCC reputation between 13 and 19 %
134 DCC_REPUT_70_89 DCC reputation between 70 and 89 %
135 DCC_REPUT_90_94 DCC reputation between 90 and 94 %
136 DCC_REPUT_95_98 DCC reputation between 95 and 98 % (mostly spam)
137 DCC_REPUT_99_100 DCC reputation between 99 % or higher (spam)
138 __DC_GIF_MULTI_LARGO Message has 2+ inline gif covering lots of area
139 DC_GIF_UNO_LARGO Message contains a single large gif image
140 DC_IMAGE_SPAM_HTML Possible Image-only spam
141 DC_IMAGE_SPAM_TEXT Possible Image-only spam with little text
142 __DC_IMG_HTML_RATIO Low rawbody to pixel area ratio
143 __DC_IMG_TEXT_RATIO Low body to pixel area ratio
144 __DC_PNG_MULTI_LARGO Message has 2+ png images covering lots of area
145 DC_PNG_UNO_LARGO Message contains a single large png image
146 DEAR_BENEFICIARY Dear Beneficiary:
147 DEAR_EMAIL_USER Dear Email User:
148 DEAR_FRIEND Dear Friend? That's not very dear!
149 DEAR_SOMETHING Contains 'Dear (something)'
150 DEAR_WINNER Spam with generic salutation of "dear winner"
151 DIET_1 Lose Weight Spam
152 DIGEST_MULTIPLE Message hits more than one network digest check
153 DKIM_ADSP_ALL No valid author signature, domain signs all mail
154 DKIM_ADSP_CUSTOM_HIGH No valid author signature, adsp_override is CUSTOM_HIGH
155 DKIM_ADSP_CUSTOM_LOW No valid author signature, adsp_override is CUSTOM_LOW
156 DKIM_ADSP_CUSTOM_MED No valid author signature, adsp_override is CUSTOM_MED
157 DKIM_ADSP_DISCARD No valid author signature, domain signs all mail and suggests discarding the rest
158 DKIM_ADSP_NXDOMAIN No valid author signature and domain not in DNS
159 __DKIM_DEPENDABLE A validation failure not attributable to truncation
160 DKIM_INVALID DKIM or DK signature exists, but is not valid
161 DKIM_SIGNED Message has a DKIM or DK signature, not necessarily valid
162 DKIM_VALID_AU Message has a valid DKIM or DK signature from author's domain
163 DKIM_VALID_EF Message has a valid DKIM or DK signature from envelope-from domain
164 DKIM_VALID Message has at least one valid DKIM or DK signature
165 DKIMWL_BL - Blocked sender
166 DKIMWL_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to was blocked. See\#dnsbl-block for more information.
167 DKIMWL_WL_HIGH - High trust sender
168 DKIMWL_WL_MED - Medium trust sender
169 DKIMWL_WL_MEDHI - Medium-high trust sender
170 DOS_ANAL_SPAM_MAILER X-mailer pattern common to anal porn site spam
171 DOS_FIX_MY_URI Looks like a "fix my obfu'd URI please" spam
172 DOS_HIGH_BAT_TO_MX The Bat! Direct to MX with High Bits
173 DOS_LET_GO_JOB Let go from their job and now makes lots of dough!
174 DOS_OE_TO_MX Delivered direct to MX with OE headers
175 DOS_OE_TO_MX_IMAGE Direct to MX with OE headers and an image
176 DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX Delivered direct to MX with Outlook headers
177 DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX_IMAGE Direct to MX with Outlook headers and an image
178 DOS_RCVD_IP_TWICE_C Received from the same IP twice in a row (only one external relay; empty or IP helo)
179 DOS_STOCK_BAT Probable pump and dump stock spam
180 DOS_URI_ASTERISK Found an asterisk in a URI
181 DOS_YOUR_PLACE Russian dating spam
182 DOTGOV_IMAGE .gov URI + hosted image
183 DRUG_DOSAGE Talks about price per dose
184 DRUG_ED_CAPS Mentions an E.D. drug
185 DRUG_ED_GENERIC Mentions Generic Viagra
186 DRUG_ED_ONLINE Fast Viagra Delivery
187 DRUG_ED_SILD Talks about an E.D. drug using its chemical name
188 DRUGS_ANXIETY_EREC Refers to both an erectile and an anxiety drug
189 DRUGS_ANXIETY_OBFU Obfuscated reference to an anxiety control drug
190 DRUGS_ANXIETY Refers to an anxiety control drug
191 DRUGS_DIET_OBFU Obfuscated reference to a diet drug
192 DRUGS_DIET Refers to a diet drug
193 DRUGS_ERECTILE_OBFU Obfuscated reference to an erectile drug
194 DRUGS_ERECTILE Refers to an erectile drug
195 DRUGS_HDIA Subject mentions "hoodia"
196 DRUGS_MANYKINDS Refers to at least four kinds of drugs
197 DRUGS_MUSCLE Refers to a muscle relaxant
198 DRUGS_SLEEP_EREC Refers to both an erectile and a sleep aid drug
199 DRUGS_SMEAR1 Two or more drugs crammed together into one word
200 DSN_NO_MIMEVERSION Return-Path <> and no MIME-Version: header
201 DX_TEXT_02 "change your message stat"
202 DX_TEXT_03 "XXX Media Group"
203 DYNAMIC_IMGUR dynamic IP + hosted image
204 DYN_RDNS_AND_INLINE_IMAGE Contains image, and was sent by dynamic rDNS
205 DYN_RDNS_SHORT_HELO_HTML Sent by dynamic rDNS, short HELO, and HTML
206 DYN_RDNS_SHORT_HELO_IMAGE Short HELO string, dynamic rDNS, inline image
207 EBAY_IMG_NOT_RCVD_EBAY E-bay hosted image but message not from E-bay
208 EMAIL_ROT13 Body contains a ROT13-encoded email address
209 EMPTY_MESSAGE Message appears to have no textual parts and no Subject: text
210 EMRCP "Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit" scam
211 EM_ROLEX Message puts emphasis on the watch manufacturer
212 ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE Message is encrypted, not likely to be spam
213 END_FUTURE_EMAILS Spammy unsubscribe
214 ENGLISH_UCE_SUBJECT Subject contains an English UCE tag
215 ENV_AND_HDR_SPF_MATCH Env and Hdr From used in default SPF WL Match
216 ENVFROM_GOOG_TRIX From suspicious Google subdomain
217 EXCUSE_24 Claims you wanted this ad
218 EXCUSE_4 Claims you can be removed from the list
219 EXCUSE_REMOVE Talks about how to be removed from mailings
220 FAKE_OUTBLAZE_RCVD Received header contains faked ''
221 FBI_MONEY The FBI wants to give you lots of money?
222 FBI_SPOOF Claims to be FBI, but not from FBI domain
223 FIN_FREE Freedom of a financial nature
224 FORGED_GMAIL_RCVD 'From' does not match 'Received' headers
225 FORGED_HOTMAIL_RCVD2 'From' address, but no 'Received:'
226 FORGED_IMS_HTML IMS can't send HTML message only
227 FORGED_IMS_TAGS IMS mailers can't send HTML in this format
228 FORGED_MSGID_AOL Message-ID is forged, (
229 FORGED_MSGID_EXCITE Message-ID is forged, (
230 FORGED_MSGID_HOTMAIL Message-ID is forged, (
231 FORGED_MSGID_MSN Message-ID is forged, (
232 FORGED_MSGID_YAHOO Message-ID is forged, (
233 FORGED_MUA_EUDORA Forged mail pretending to be from Eudora
234 FORGED_MUA_IMS Forged mail pretending to be from IMS
235 FORGED_MUA_MOZILLA Forged mail pretending to be from Mozilla
236 FORGED_MUA_OIMO Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook IMO
237 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook
238 FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_BOUN Mail pretending to be from The Bat! (boundary)
239 FORGED_MUA_THEBAT_CS Mail pretending to be from The Bat! (charset)
240 FORGED_OUTLOOK_HTML Outlook can't send HTML message only
241 FORGED_OUTLOOK_TAGS Outlook can't send HTML in this format
242 FORGED_QUALCOMM_TAGS QUALCOMM mailers can't send HTML in this format
243 __FORGED_TBIRD_IMG Possibly forged Thunderbird image spam
244 FORGED_TELESP_RCVD Contains forged hostname for a DSL IP in Brazil
245 FORGED_THEBAT_HTML The Bat! can't send HTML message only
246 FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD 'From' does not match 'Received' headers
247 FORM_FRAUD_3 Fill a form and several fraud phrases
248 FORM_FRAUD_5 Fill a form and many fraud phrases
249 FORM_FRAUD Fill a form and a fraud phrase
250 FORM_LOW_CONTRAST Fill in a form with hidden text
251 FORWARD_LOOKING Stock Disclaimer Statement
252 FOUND_YOU I found you...
253 FRAGMENTED_MESSAGE Partial message
254 FREEMAIL_ENVFROM_END_DIGIT Envelope-from freemail username ends in digit
255 FREEMAIL_FORGED_REPLYTO Freemail in Reply-To, but not From
256 FREEMAIL_FROM Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider
257 FREEMAIL_REPLY From and body contain different freemails
258 FREEMAIL_REPLYTO_END_DIGIT Reply-To freemail username ends in digit
259 FREEMAIL_REPLYTO Reply-To/From or Reply-To/body contain different freemails
260 FREEMAIL_WFH_01 Work-from-Home + freemail
261 FREEM_FRNUM_UNICD_EMPTY Numeric freemail From address, unicode From name and Subject, empty body
262 FREE_PORN Possible porn - Free Porn
263 FREE_QUOTE_INSTANT Free express or no-obligation quote
264 FRNAME_IN_MSG_XPRIO_NO_SUB From name in message + X-Priority + short or no subject
265 FROM_2_EMAILS_SHORT Short body and From looks like 2 different emails
266 FROM_ADDR_WS Malformed From address
267 FROM_BANK_NOAUTH From Bank domain but no SPF or DKIM
268 FROM_BLANK_NAME From: contains empty name
269 FROM_DOMAIN_NOVOWEL From: domain has series of non-vowel letters
270 FROM_EXCESS_BASE64 From: base64 encoded unnecessarily
271 FROM_FMBLA_NDBLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to was blocked. See\#dnsbl-block for more information.
272 FROM_FMBLA_NEWDOM14 From domain was registered in last 7-14 days
273 FROM_FMBLA_NEWDOM28 From domain was registered in last 14-28 days
274 FROM_FMBLA_NEWDOM From domain was registered in last 7 days
275 FROM_GOV_DKIM_AU From Government address and DKIM signed
276 FROM_GOV_REPLYTO_FREEMAIL From Government domain but ReplyTo is FREEMAIL
277 FROM_GOV_SPOOF From Government domain but matches SPOOFED
278 FROM_ILLEGAL_CHARS From: has too many raw illegal characters
279 FROM_IN_TO_AND_SUBJ From address is in To and Subject
280 FROM_LOCAL_DIGITS From: localpart has long digit sequence
281 FROM_LOCAL_HEX From: localpart has long hexadecimal sequence
282 FROM_LOCAL_NOVOWEL From: localpart has series of non-vowel letters
283 FROM_MISSPACED From: missing whitespace
284 FROM_MISSP_DYNIP From misspaced + dynamic rDNS
285 FROM_MISSP_EH_MATCH From misspaced, matches envelope
286 FROM_MISSP_MSFT From misspaced + supposed Microsoft tool
287 FROM_MISSP_PHISH Malformed, claims to be from financial organization - possible phish
288 FROM_MISSP_TO_UNDISC From misspaced, To undisclosed
289 FROM_MISSP_USER From misspaced, from "User"
290 FROM_NEWDOM_BTC Newdomain with Bitcoin ID
291 FROM_NO_USER From: has no local-part before @ sign
292 FROM_NTLD_LINKBAIT From abused NTLD with little more than a URI
294 FROM_NUMBERO_NEWDOMAIN Fingerprint and new domain
295 FROM_NUMERIC_TLD From: address has numeric TLD
296 FROM_OFFERS From address is "at something-offers"
297 FROM_PAYPAL_SPOOF From PayPal domain but matches SPOOFED
298 FROM_STARTS_WITH_NUMS From: starts with several numbers
301 FROM_UNBAL2 From with unbalanced angle brackets, '<' missing
302 FROM_WSP_LEAD Leading whitespace after '<' in From header field
303 FROM_WSP_TRAIL Trailing whitespace before '>' in From header field
304 FSL_BULK_SIG Bulk signature with no Unsubscribe
305 FSL_CTYPE_WIN1251 Content-Type only seen in 419 spam
306 FSL_NEW_HELO_USER Spam's using Helo and User
307 FUZZY_AFFORDABLE Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
308 FUZZY_BILLION Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
309 FUZZY_CPILL Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
310 FUZZY_CREDIT Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
311 FUZZY_GUARANTEE Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
312 FUZZY_MEDICATION Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
313 FUZZY_MERIDIA Obfuscation of the word "meridia"
314 FUZZY_MILLION Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
315 FUZZY_MONERO Obfuscated "Monero"
316 FUZZY_MONEY Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
317 FUZZY_MORTGAGE Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
318 FUZZY_OBLIGATION Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
319 FUZZY_OFFERS Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
320 FUZZY_PHARMACY Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
321 FUZZY_PHENT Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
322 FUZZY_PRESCRIPT Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
323 FUZZY_PRICES Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
324 FUZZY_REFINANCE Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
325 FUZZY_REMOVE Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
326 FUZZY_SOFTWARE Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
327 FUZZY_THOUSANDS Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
328 FUZZY_VIOXX Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
329 FUZZY_VLIUM Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
330 FUZZY_VPILL Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
331 FUZZY_XPILL Attempt to obfuscate words in spam
332 GAPPY_SUBJECT Subject: contains G.a.p.p.y-T.e.x.t
333 __GB_BITCOIN_CP_DE German Bitcoin scam
334 __GB_BITCOIN_CP_EN English Bitcoin scam
335 __GB_BITCOIN_CP_ES Spanish Bitcoin scam
336 __GB_BITCOIN_CP_FR French Bitcoin scam
337 __GB_BITCOIN_CP_IT Italian Bitcoin scam
338 GB_BITCOIN_CP Localized Bitcoin scam
339 __GB_BITCOIN_CP_NL Dutch Bitcoin scam
340 __GB_BITCOIN_CP_SE Swedish Bitcoin scam
341 GB_FAKE_RF_SHORT Fake reply or forward with url shortener
342 GB_FORGED_MUA_POSTFIX Forged Postfix mua headers
343 GB_GOOGLE_OBFUR Obfuscate url through Google redirect
344 GMD_PDF_EMPTY_BODY Attached PDF with empty message body
345 GMD_PDF_ENCRYPTED Attached PDF is encrypted
346 GMD_PDF_HORIZ Contains pdf 100-240 (high) x 450-800 (wide)
347 GMD_PDF_SQUARE Contains pdf 180-360 (high) x 180-360 (wide)
348 GMD_PDF_VERT Contains pdf 450-800 (high) x 100-240 (wide)
350 GMD_PRODUCER_GPL PDF producer was GPL Ghostscript
352 GOOGLE_DOCS_PHISH_MANY Phishing via a Google Docs form
353 GOOGLE_DOCS_PHISH Possible phishing via a Google Docs form
354 GOOGLE_DOC_SUSP Suspicious use of Google Docs
355 GOOGLE_DRIVE_REPLY_BAD_NTLD From Google Drive and Reply-To is from a suspicious TLD
356 GOOG_MALWARE_DNLD File download via Google - Malware?
357 GOOG_REDIR_DOCUSIGN Indirect docusign link, probable phishing
358 GOOG_REDIR_HTML_ONLY Google redirect to obscure spamvertised website + HTML only
359 GOOG_REDIR_NORDNS Google redirect to obscure spamvertised website + no rDNS
360 GOOG_REDIR_SHORT Google redirect to obscure spamvertised website + short message
361 GOOG_STO_EMAIL_PHISH Possible phishing with google hosted content URI having email address
362 GOOG_STO_HTML_PHISH_MANY Phishing with google content hosting to avoid URIBL
363 GOOG_STO_HTML_PHISH Possible phishing with google content hosting to avoid URIBL
364 GOOG_STO_IMG_HTML Apparently using google content hosting to avoid URIBL
365 GOOG_STO_IMG_NOHTML Apparently using google content hosting to avoid URIBL
366 GOOG_STO_NOIMG_HTML Apparently using google content hosting to avoid URIBL
367 GTUBE Generic Test for Unsolicited Bulk Email
368 GUARANTEED_100_PERCENT One hundred percent guaranteed
369 __HAS_HREF Has an anchor tag with a href attribute in non-quoted line
370 __HAS_HREF_ONECASE Has an anchor tag with a href attribute in non-quoted line with consistent case
371 __HAS_IMG_SRC Has an img tag on a non-quoted line
372 __HAS_IMG_SRC_ONECASE Has an img tag on a non-quoted line with consistent case
373 HAS_X_NO_RELAY Has spammy header
374 HAS_X_OUTGOING_SPAM_STAT Has header claiming outbound spam scan - why trust the results?
375 HDR_ORDER_FTSDMCXX_001C Header order similar to spam (FTSDMCXX/MID variant)
376 HDR_ORDER_FTSDMCXX_BAT Header order similar to spam (FTSDMCXX/boundary variant)
377 HDR_ORDER_FTSDMCXX_DIRECT Header order similar to spam (FTSDMCXX/boundary variant) + direct-to-MX
378 HDR_ORDER_FTSDMCXX_NORDNS Header order similar to spam (FTSDMCXX/boundary variant) + no rDNS
379 HDRS_LCASE_IMGONLY Odd capitalization of message headers + image-only HTML
380 HDRS_LCASE Odd capitalization of message header
381 HDRS_MISSP Misspaced headers
382 HEADER_COUNT_CTYPE Multiple Content-Type headers found
383 HEADER_COUNT_SUBJECT Multiple Subject headers found
384 HEADER_SPAM Bulk email fingerprint (header-based) found
385 HEAD_ILLEGAL_CHARS Headers have too many raw illegal characters
386 HEAD_LONG Message headers are very long
387 HELO_DYNAMIC_CHELLO_NL Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (
388 HELO_DYNAMIC_DHCP Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (DHCP)
389 HELO_DYNAMIC_DIALIN Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (T-Dialin)
390 HELO_DYNAMIC_HCC Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (HCC)
391 HELO_DYNAMIC_HEXIP Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Hex IP)
392 HELO_DYNAMIC_HOME_NL Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (
393 HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR2 Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (IP addr 2)
394 HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (IP addr 1)
395 HELO_DYNAMIC_ROGERS Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Rogers)
396 HELO_DYNAMIC_SPLIT_IP Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Split IP)
397 HELO_NO_DOMAIN Relay reports its domain incorrectly
398 HELO_STATIC_HOST Relay HELO'd using static hostname
399 HEXHASH_WORD Multiple instances of word + hexadecimal hash
400 HIDE_WIN_STATUS Javascript to hide URLs in browser
401 HK_NAME_DRUGS From name contains drugs
402 HK_RANDOM_ENVFROM Envelope sender username looks random
403 HK_RANDOM_FROM From username looks random
404 HK_RANDOM_REPLYTO Reply-To username looks random
405 HOSTED_IMG_DIRECT_MX Image hosted at large ecomm site, message direct-to-mx
406 HOSTED_IMG_DQ_UNSUB Image hosted at large ecomm site, IP addr unsub link
407 HOSTED_IMG_FREEM Image hosted at large ecomm site or redirected, freemail from or reply-to
408 HOSTED_IMG_MULTI Multiple images hosted at different large ecomm sites, free image sites, or redirected
409 HOSTED_IMG_MULTI_PUB_01 Multiple hosted images at public site
410 HTML_BADTAG_40_50 HTML message is 40% to 50% bad tags
411 HTML_BADTAG_50_60 HTML message is 50% to 60% bad tags
412 HTML_BADTAG_60_70 HTML message is 60% to 70% bad tags
413 HTML_BADTAG_90_100 HTML message is 90% to 100% bad tags
414 HTML_CHARSET_FARAWAY A foreign language charset used in HTML markup
415 HTML_COMMENT_SAVED_URL HTML message is a saved web page
416 HTML_COMMENT_SHORT HTML comment is very short
417 HTML_EMBEDS HTML with embedded plugin object
419 HTML_ENTITY_ASCII_TINY Obfuscated ASCII + tiny fonts
420 HTML_EXTRA_CLOSE HTML contains far too many close tags
421 HTML_FONT_FACE_BAD HTML font face is not a word
422 HTML_FONT_LOW_CONTRAST HTML font color similar or identical to background
423 HTML_FONT_SIZE_HUGE HTML font size is huge
424 HTML_FONT_SIZE_LARGE HTML font size is large
425 HTML_FONT_TINY_NORDNS Font too small to read, no rDNS
426 HTML_FORMACTION_MAILTO HTML includes a form which sends mail
427 HTML_IFRAME_SRC Message has HTML IFRAME tag with SRC URI
428 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_04 HTML: images with 0-400 bytes of words
429 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_08 HTML: images with 400-800 bytes of words
430 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_12 HTML: images with 800-1200 bytes of words
431 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_16 HTML: images with 1200-1600 bytes of words
432 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_20 HTML: images with 1600-2000 bytes of words
433 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_24 HTML: images with 2000-2400 bytes of words
434 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_28 HTML: images with 2400-2800 bytes of words
435 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_32 HTML: images with 2800-3200 bytes of words
436 HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_02 HTML has a low ratio of text to image area
437 HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_04 HTML has a low ratio of text to image area
438 HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_06 HTML has a low ratio of text to image area
439 HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_08 HTML has a low ratio of text to image area
440 HTML_MESSAGE HTML included in message
441 HTML_MIME_NO_HTML_TAG HTML-only message, but there is no HTML tag
442 HTML_MISSING_CTYPE Message is HTML without HTML Content-Type
443 HTML_NONELEMENT_30_40 30% to 40% of HTML elements are non-standard
444 HTML_NONELEMENT_40_50 40% to 50% of HTML elements are non-standard
445 HTML_NONELEMENT_60_70 60% to 70% of HTML elements are non-standard
446 HTML_NONELEMENT_80_90 80% to 90% of HTML elements are non-standard
447 HTML_OBFUSCATE_05_10 Message is 5% to 10% HTML obfuscation
448 HTML_OBFUSCATE_10_20 Message is 10% to 20% HTML obfuscation
449 HTML_OBFUSCATE_20_30 Message is 20% to 30% HTML obfuscation
450 HTML_OBFUSCATE_30_40 Message is 30% to 40% HTML obfuscation
451 HTML_OBFUSCATE_50_60 Message is 50% to 60% HTML obfuscation
452 HTML_OBFUSCATE_70_80 Message is 70% to 80% HTML obfuscation
453 HTML_OBFUSCATE_90_100 Message is 90% to 100% HTML obfuscation
454 HTML_OFF_PAGE HTML element rendered well off the displayed page
455 HTML_SHORT_CENTER HTML is very short with CENTER tag
456 HTML_SHORT_LINK_IMG_1 HTML is very short with a linked image
457 HTML_SHORT_LINK_IMG_2 HTML is very short with a linked image
458 HTML_SHORT_LINK_IMG_3 HTML is very short with a linked image
459 HTML_SINGLET_MANY Many single-letter HTML format blocks
460 HTML_TAG_BALANCE_BODY HTML has unbalanced "body" tags
461 HTML_TAG_BALANCE_HEAD HTML has unbalanced "head" tags
462 HTML_TAG_EXIST_BGSOUND HTML has "bgsound" tag
463 HTTP_77 Contains an URL-encoded hostname (HTTP77)
464 HTTP_ESCAPED_HOST Uses %-escapes inside a URL's hostname
465 HTTP_EXCESSIVE_ESCAPES Completely unnecessary %-escapes inside a URL
466 HTTPS_IP_MISMATCH IP to HTTPS link found in HTML
467 IMG_ONLY_FM_DOM_INFO HTML image-only message from .info domain
468 IMPOTENCE Impotence cure
469 INVALID_DATE Invalid Date: header (not RFC 2822)
470 INVALID_DATE_TZ_ABSURD Invalid Date: header (timezone does not exist)
471 INVALID_MSGID Message-Id is not valid, according to RFC 2822
472 INVALID_TZ_CST Invalid date in header (wrong CST timezone)
473 INVALID_TZ_EST Invalid date in header (wrong EST timezone)
474 INVESTMENT_ADVICE Message mentions investment advice
475 IP_LINK_PLUS Dotted-decimal IP address followed by CGI
476 JAPANESE_UCE_BODY Body contains Japanese UCE tag
477 JAPANESE_UCE_SUBJECT Subject contains a Japanese UCE tag
478 JH_SPAMMY_HEADERS Has unusual message header(s) seen primarily in spam
479 JH_SPAMMY_PATTERN01 Unusual pattern seen in spam campaign
480 JH_SPAMMY_PATTERN02 Unusual pattern seen in spam campaign
481 JOIN_MILLIONS Join Millions of Americans
482 JS_FROMCHARCODE Document is built from a Javascript charcode array
483 KHOP_HELO_FCRDNS Relay HELO differs from its IP's reverse DNS
484 KOREAN_UCE_SUBJECT Subject: contains Korean unsolicited email tag
485 LIST_PARTIAL_SHORT_MSG Incomplete mailing list headers + short message
486 LIST_PRTL_PUMPDUMP Incomplete List-* headers and stock pump-and-dump
487 LIST_PRTL_SAME_USER Incomplete List-* headers and from+to user the same
488 LIVE_PORN Possible porn - Live Porn
489 LOCALPART_IN_SUBJECT Local part of To: address appears in Subject
490 LONG_HEX_URI Very long purely hexadecimal URI
491 LONG_IMG_URI Image URI with very long path component - web bug?
492 LONG_INVISIBLE_TEXT Long block of hidden text - bayes poison?
493 LONGWORDS Long string of long words
494 LOOPHOLE_1 A loop hole in the banking laws?
495 LOTTO_AGENT Claims Agent
496 LOTTO_DEPT Claims Department
497 LOW_PRICE Lowest Price
498 LUCRATIVE Make lots of money!
499 MAILING_LIST_MULTI Multiple indicators imply a widely-seen list manager
500 MALE_ENHANCE Message talks about enhancing men
501 MALF_HTML_B64 Malformatted base64-encoded HTML content
502 MALWARE_NORDNS Malware bragging + no rDNS
503 MALWARE_PASSWORD Malware bragging + "password"
504 MANY_SPAN_IN_TEXT Many <SPAN> tags embedded within text
505 MARKETING_PARTNERS Claims you registered with a partner
506 MICROSOFT_EXECUTABLE Message includes Microsoft executable program
507 MILLION_HUNDRED Million "One to Nine" Hundred
508 MILLION_USD Talks about millions of dollars
509 MIME_BAD_ISO_CHARSET MIME character set is an unknown ISO charset
510 __MIME_BASE64 Includes a base64 attachment
511 MIME_BASE64_TEXT Message text disguised using base64 encoding
512 MIME_BOUND_DD_DIGITS Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary
513 MIME_BOUND_DIGITS_15 Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary
514 MIME_BOUND_MANY_HEX Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary
515 MIME_CHARSET_FARAWAY MIME character set indicates foreign language
516 MIME_HEADER_CTYPE_ONLY 'Content-Type' found without required MIME headers
517 MIME_HTML_MOSTLY Multipart message mostly text/html MIME
518 MIME_HTML_ONLY Message only has text/html MIME parts
519 MIME_HTML_ONLY_MULTI Multipart message only has text/html MIME parts
521 MIMEPART_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Message has too many MIME parts
522 __MIME_QP Includes a quoted-printable attachment
523 MIME_QP_LONG_LINE Quoted-printable line longer than 76 chars
524 MIME_SUSPECT_NAME MIME filename does not match content
525 MISSING_DATE Missing Date: header
526 MISSING_FROM Missing From: header
527 MISSING_HB_SEP Missing blank line between message header and body
528 MISSING_HEADERS Missing To: header
529 MISSING_MID Missing Message-Id: header
530 MISSING_MIME_HB_SEP Missing blank line between MIME header and body
531 MISSING_MIMEOLE Message has X-MSMail-Priority, but no X-MimeOLE
532 MISSING_SUBJECT Missing Subject: header
533 MIXED_AREA_CASE Has area tag in mixed case
534 MIXED_CENTER_CASE Has center tag in mixed case
535 MIXED_FONT_CASE Has font tag in mixed case
536 MIXED_HREF_CASE Has href in mixed case
537 MIXED_IMG_CASE Has img tag in mixed case
538 __ML_TURNS_SP_TO_TAB A mailing list changing a space to a TAB
539 MONERO_DEADLINE Monero cryptocurrency with a deadline
540 MONERO_EXTORT_01 Extortion spam, pay via Monero cryptocurrency
541 MONERO_MALWARE Monero cryptocurrency + malware bragging
542 MONERO_PAY_ME Pay me via Monero cryptocurrency
543 MONEY_ATM_CARD Lots of money on an ATM card
544 MONEY_BACK Money back guarantee
545 MONEY_FORM Lots of money if you fill out a form
546 MONEY_FORM_SHORT Lots of money if you fill out a short form
547 MONEY_FRAUD_3 Lots of money and several fraud phrases
548 MONEY_FRAUD_5 Lots of money and many fraud phrases
549 MONEY_FRAUD_8 Lots of money and very many fraud phrases
550 MONEY_FROM_41 Lots of money from Africa
551 MONEY_FROM_MISSP Lots of money and misspaced From
552 MONEY_NOHTML Lots of money in plain text
553 MORE_SEX Talks about a bigger drive for sex
554 MPART_ALT_DIFF_COUNT HTML and text parts are different
555 MPART_ALT_DIFF HTML and text parts are different
556 MSGID_DOLLARS_URI_IMG Suspicious Message-ID and image
557 MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER Message-Id was added by a relay
558 MSGID_HDR_MALF Has invalid message ID header
559 MSGID_MULTIPLE_AT Message-ID contains multiple '@' characters
560 MSGID_NOFQDN1 Message-ID with no domain name
561 MSGID_OUTLOOK_INVALID Message-Id is fake (in Outlook Express format)
562 MSGID_RANDY Message-Id has pattern used in spam
563 MSGID_SHORT Message-ID is unusually short
564 MSGID_SPAM_CAPS Spam tool Message-Id: (caps variant)
565 MSGID_SPAM_LETTERS Spam tool Message-Id: (letters variant)
566 MSGID_YAHOO_CAPS Message-ID has
567 MSM_PRIO_REPTO MSMail priority header + Reply-to + short subject
568 MULTI_FORGED Received headers indicate multiple forgeries
569 NA_DOLLARS Talks about a million North American dollars
570 NEWEGG_IMG_NOT_RCVD_NEGG Newegg hosted image but message not from Newegg
571 NICE_REPLY_A Looks like a legit reply (A)
572 NML_ADSP_CUSTOM_HIGH ADSP custom_high hit, and not from a mailing list
573 NML_ADSP_CUSTOM_LOW ADSP custom_low hit, and not from a mailing list
574 NML_ADSP_CUSTOM_MED ADSP custom_med hit, and not from a mailing list
575 NO_DNS_FOR_FROM Envelope sender has no MX or A DNS records
576 NO_FM_NAME_IP_HOSTN No From name + hostname using IP address
577 NO_HEADERS_MESSAGE Message appears to be missing most RFC-822 headers
578 NO_MEDICAL No Medical Exams
579 NONEXISTENT_CHARSET Character set doesn't exist
580 NO_PRESCRIPTION No prescription needed
581 NO_RDNS_DOTCOM_HELO Host HELO'd as a big ISP, but had no rDNS
582 NORDNS_LOW_CONTRAST No rDNS + hidden text
583 NO_RECEIVED Informational: message has no Received headers
584 NO_RELAYS Informational: message was not relayed via SMTP
585 NORMAL_HTTP_TO_IP URI host has a public dotted-decimal IPv4 address
586 NOT_ADVISOR Not registered investment advisor
587 NOT_SPAM I'm not spam! Really! I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!
588 __NSL_ORIG_FROM_41 Originates from
589 __NSL_RCVD_FROM_41 Received from
590 NSL_RCVD_FROM_USER Received from User
591 NSL_RCVD_HELO_USER Received from HELO User
592 NULL_IN_BODY Message has NUL (ASCII 0) byte in message
593 NUMBEREND_LINKBAIT Domain ends in a large number and very short body with link
594 NUMERIC_HTTP_ADDR Uses a numeric IP address in URL
595 OBFU_BITCOIN Obfuscated BitCoin references
596 OBFU_JVSCR_ESC Injects content using obfuscated javascript
597 OBFUSCATING_COMMENT HTML comments which obfuscate text
598 OBFU_UNSUB_UL Obfuscated unsubscribe text
599 OBSCURED_EMAIL Message seems to contain rot13ed address
600 OFFER_ONLY_AMERICA Offer only available to US
601 ONE_TIME One Time Rip Off
602 ONLINE_PHARMACY Online Pharmacy
603 OOOBOUNCE_MESSAGE Out Of Office bounce message
604 PART_CID_STOCK Has a spammy image attachment (by Content-ID)
605 PART_CID_STOCK_LESS Has a spammy image attachment (by Content-ID, more specific)
606 PDS_BAD_THREAD_QP_64 Bad thread header - short QP
607 PDS_BTC_ID FP reduced Bitcoin ID
609 PDS_BTC_NTLD Bitcoin suspect NTLD
610 PDS_DBL_URL_TNB_RUNON Double-url and To no arrows, from runon
611 PDS_EMPTYSUBJ_URISHRT Empty subject with little more than URI shortener
612 PDS_FRNOM_TODOM_DBL_URL From Name to domain, double URL
613 PDS_FRNOM_TODOM_NAKED_TO Naked to From name equals to Domain
614 PDS_FROM_NAME_TO_DOMAIN From:name looks like To:domain
615 PDS_HELO_SPF_FAIL High profile HELO that fails SPF
616 PDS_NAKED_TO_NUMERO Naked-to, numberonly domain
618 PDS_OTHER_BAD_TLD Untrustworthy TLDs
619 PDS_PHP_EVAL PHP header shows eval'd code
620 PDS_PHP_RUNTIME_FUNC PHP header shows runtime-created function
621 PDS_SHORTFWD_URISHRT_QP Apparently a short fwd/re with URI shortener
623 PDS_TINYSUBJ_URISHRT Short subject with URL shortener
625 PDS_TONAME_EQ_TOLOCAL_HDRS_LCASE To: name matches everything in local email - LCASE headers
626 PDS_TONAME_EQ_TOLOCAL_VSHORT Very short body and From looks like 2 different emails
627 PERCENT_RANDOM Message has a random macro in it
628 PHISH_AZURE_CLOUDAPP Link to known phishing web application
629 PHISH_FBASEAPP Probable phishing via hosted web app
630 PHP_NOVER_MUA Mail from PHP with no version number
631 PHP_ORIG_SCRIPT_EVAL From suspicious PHP source
632 PHP_ORIG_SCRIPT Sent by bot & other signs
633 PHP_SCRIPT_MUA Sent by PHP script, no version number
634 PHP_SCRIPT Sent by PHP script
635 PLING_QUERY Subject has exclamation mark and question mark
636 POSSIBLE_APPLE_PHISH_02 Claims to be from apple but not processed by any apple MTA
637 POSSIBLE_EBAY_PHISH_02 Claims to be from ebay but not processed by any ebay MTA
638 POSSIBLE_PAYPAL_PHISH_01 Claims to be from paypal but has non-paypal from email address
639 POSSIBLE_PAYPAL_PHISH_02 Claims to be from paypal but not processed by any paypal MTA
640 PREST_NON_ACCREDITED 'Prestigious Non-Accredited Universities'
641 PREVENT_NONDELIVERY Message has Prevent-NonDelivery-Report header
642 PRICES_ARE_AFFORDABLE Message says that prices aren't too expensive
643 PUMPDUMP_MULTI Pump-and-dump stock scam phrases
644 PUMPDUMP Pump-and-dump stock scam phrase
645 PUMPDUMP_TIP Pump-and-dump stock tip
646 PYZOR_CHECK Listed in Pyzor (
647 RAND_HEADER_LIST_SPOOF Random gibberish message header(s) + pretending to be a mailing list
648 RAND_HEADER_MANY Multiple random gibberish message headers
649 RAND_MKTG_HEADER Has partially-randomized marketing/tracking header(s)
650 RATWARE_EFROM Bulk email fingerprint (envfrom) found
651 RATWARE_EGROUPS Bulk email fingerprint (eGroups) found
652 RATWARE_HASH_DASH Contains a hashbuster in Send-Safe format
653 RATWARE_MOZ_MALFORMED Bulk email fingerprint (Mozilla malformed) found
654 RATWARE_MPOP_WEBMAIL Bulk email fingerprint (mPOP Web-Mail)
655 RATWARE_MS_HASH Bulk email fingerprint (msgid ms hash) found
656 RATWARE_NAME_ID Bulk email fingerprint (msgid from) found
657 RATWARE_NO_RDNS Suspicious MsgID and MIME boundary + no rDNS
658 RATWARE_OE_MALFORMED X-Mailer has malformed Outlook Express version
659 RATWARE_OUTLOOK_NONAME Bulk email fingerprint (Outlook no name) found
660 RATWARE_RCVD_AT Bulk email fingerprint (Received @) found
661 RATWARE_RCVD_PF Bulk email fingerprint (Received PF) found
662 RATWARE_ZERO_TZ Bulk email fingerprint (+0000) found
663 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100 Razor2 gives confidence level above 50%
664 RAZOR2_CHECK Listed in Razor2 (
665 RCVD_AM_PM Received headers forged (AM/PM)
666 RCVD_BAD_ID Received header contains id field with bad characters
667 RCVD_DBL_DQ Malformatted message header
668 RCVD_DOTEDU_SHORT Via .edu MTA + short message
669 RCVD_DOTEDU_SUSP_URI Via .edu MTA + suspicious URI
670 RCVD_DOUBLE_IP_LOOSE Received: by and from look like IP addresses
671 RCVD_DOUBLE_IP_SPAM Bulk email fingerprint (double IP) found
672 RCVD_FAKE_HELO_DOTCOM Received contains a faked HELO hostname
673 RCVD_FORGED_WROTE Forged 'Received' header found ('wrote:' spam)
674 RCVD_HELO_IP_MISMATCH Received: HELO and IP do not match, but should
675 RCVD_ILLEGAL_IP Received: contains illegal IP address
676 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET Received via a relay in
677 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to DNSWL was blocked. See\#dnsbl-block for more information.
678 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_HI Sender listed at, high trust
679 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW Sender listed at, low trust
680 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_MED Sender listed at, medium trust
681 RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE Sender listed at, no trust
682 RCVD_IN_IADB_DK IADB: Sender publishes Domain Keys record
683 RCVD_IN_IADB_DOPTIN_GT50 IADB: Confirmed opt-in used more than 50% of the time
684 RCVD_IN_IADB_DOPTIN IADB: All mailing list mail is confirmed opt-in
685 RCVD_IN_IADB_DOPTIN_LT50 IADB: Confirmed opt-in used less than 50% of the time
686 RCVD_IN_IADB_EDDB IADB: Participates in Email Deliverability Database
687 RCVD_IN_IADB_EPIA IADB: Member of Email Processing Industry Alliance
688 RCVD_IN_IADB_GOODMAIL IADB: Sender has been certified by GoodMail
689 RCVD_IN_IADB_LISTED Participates in the IADB system
690 RCVD_IN_IADB_LOOSE IADB: Adds relationship addrs w/out opt-in
691 RCVD_IN_IADB_MI_CPEAR IADB: Complies with Michigan's CPEAR law
692 RCVD_IN_IADB_MI_CPR_30 IADB: Checked lists against Michigan's CPR within 30 days
693 RCVD_IN_IADB_MI_CPR_MAT IADB: Sends no material under Michigan's CPR
694 RCVD_IN_IADB_ML_DOPTIN IADB: Mailing list email only, confirmed opt-in
695 RCVD_IN_IADB_NOCONTROL IADB: Has absolutely no mailing controls in place
696 RCVD_IN_IADB_OOO IADB: One-to-one/transactional email only
697 RCVD_IN_IADB_OPTIN_GT50 IADB: Opt-in used more than 50% of the time
698 RCVD_IN_IADB_OPTIN IADB: All mailing list mail is opt-in
699 RCVD_IN_IADB_OPTIN_LT50 IADB: Opt-in used less than 50% of the time
700 RCVD_IN_IADB_OPTOUTONLY IADB: Scrapes addresses, pure opt-out only
701 RCVD_IN_IADB_RDNS IADB: Sender has reverse DNS record
702 RCVD_IN_IADB_SENDERID IADB: Sender publishes Sender ID record
703 RCVD_IN_IADB_SPF IADB: Sender publishes SPF record
704 RCVD_IN_IADB_UNVERIFIED_1 IADB: Accepts unverified sign-ups
705 RCVD_IN_IADB_UNVERIFIED_2 IADB: Accepts unverified sign-ups, gives chance to opt out
706 RCVD_IN_IADB_UT_CPEAR IADB: Complies with Utah's CPEAR law
707 RCVD_IN_IADB_UT_CPR_30 IADB: Checked lists against Utah's CPR within 30 days
708 RCVD_IN_IADB_UT_CPR_MAT IADB: Sends no material under Utah's CPR
709 RCVD_IN_IADB_VOUCHED ISIPP IADB lists as vouched-for sender
710 RCVD_IN_MAPS_DUL Relay in DUL,
711 RCVD_IN_MAPS_NML Relay in NML,
712 RCVD_IN_MAPS_OPS Relay in OPS,
713 RCVD_IN_MAPS_RBL Relay in RBL,
714 RCVD_IN_MAPS_RSS Relay in RSS,
715 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_BL Mailspike blacklisted
716 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2 Average reputation (+2)
717 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H3 Good reputation (+3)
718 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H4 Very Good reputation (+4)
719 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H5 Excellent reputation (+5)
720 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L2 Suspicious reputation (-2)
721 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L3 Low reputation (-3)
722 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L4 Bad reputation (-4)
723 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L5 Very bad reputation (-5)
724 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_WL Mailspike good senders
725 __RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_Z Spam wave participant
726 RCVD_IN_PBL Received via a relay in Spamhaus PBL
727 RCVD_IN_PSBL Received via a relay in PSBL
728 RCVD_IN_SBL_CSS Received via a relay in Spamhaus SBL-CSS
729 RCVD_IN_SBL Received via a relay in Spamhaus SBL
730 RCVD_IN_SORBS_BLOCK SORBS: sender demands to never be tested
731 RCVD_IN_SORBS_DUL SORBS: sent directly from dynamic IP address
732 RCVD_IN_SORBS_HTTP SORBS: sender is open HTTP proxy server
733 RCVD_IN_SORBS_MISC SORBS: sender is open proxy server
734 RCVD_IN_SORBS_SMTP SORBS: sender is open SMTP relay
735 RCVD_IN_SORBS_SOCKS SORBS: sender is open SOCKS proxy server
736 __RCVD_IN_SORBS SORBS: sender is listed in SORBS
737 RCVD_IN_SORBS_WEB SORBS: sender is an abusable web server
738 RCVD_IN_SORBS_ZOMBIE SORBS: sender is on a hijacked network
739 RCVD_IN_VALIDITY_CERTIFIED Sender in Validity Certification - Contact
740 RCVD_IN_VALIDITY_RPBL Relay in Validity RPBL,
741 RCVD_IN_VALIDITY_SAFE Sender in Validity Safe - Contact
742 RCVD_IN_XBL Received via a relay in Spamhaus XBL
743 RCVD_IN_ZEN_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to was blocked. See
744 RCVD_IN_ZEN_BLOCKED_OPENDNS ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to was blocked due to usage of an open resolver. See
745 __RCVD_IN_ZEN Received via a relay in Spamhaus Zen
746 RCVD_MAIL_COM Forged Received header (contains or
747 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_ADELPHIA Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Adelphia)
748 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_ATTBI Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (
749 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_CHELLO_NL Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (
750 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_CHELLO_NO Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (
751 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_COMCAST Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Comcast)
752 RDNS_DYNAMIC Delivered to internal network by host with dynamic-looking rDNS
753 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_DHCP Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (DHCP)
754 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_DIALIN Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (T-Dialin)
755 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_HCC Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (HCC)
756 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_HEXIP Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Hex IP)
757 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_IPADDR Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (IP addr 1)
758 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_NTL Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (NTL)
759 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_OOL Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (OptOnline)
760 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_ROGERS Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Rogers)
761 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_RR2 Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (RR 2)
762 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_SPLIT_IP Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Split IP)
763 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_TELIA Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Telia)
764 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_VELOX Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Veloxzone)
765 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_VTR Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (VTR)
766 __RDNS_DYNAMIC_YAHOOBB Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (YahooBB)
767 RDNS_LOCALHOST Sender's public rDNS is "localhost"
768 RDNS_NONE Delivered to internal network by a host with no rDNS
769 RDNS_NUM_TLD_ATCHNX Relay rDNS has numeric TLD + suspicious attachment
770 RDNS_NUM_TLD_XM Relay rDNS has numeric TLD + suspicious headers
771 REFINANCE_NOW Home refinancing
772 REFINANCE_YOUR_HOME Home refinancing
773 REMOVE_BEFORE_LINK Removal phrase right before a link
774 REPLICA_WATCH Message talks about a replica watch
775 REPLYTO_EMPTY Reply-To undeliverable
776 REPTO_419_FRAUD_AOL_LOOSE Ends-in-digits Reply-To is similar to known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
777 REPTO_419_FRAUD_AOL Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
778 REPTO_419_FRAUD_CNS Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
779 REPTO_419_FRAUD_GM_LOOSE Ends-in-digits Reply-To is similar to known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
780 REPTO_419_FRAUD_GM Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
781 REPTO_419_FRAUD_HM Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
782 REPTO_419_FRAUD_OL Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
783 REPTO_419_FRAUD_PM Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
784 REPTO_419_FRAUD_QQ Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
785 REPTO_419_FRAUD Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
786 REPTO_419_FRAUD_YH_LOOSE Ends-in-digits Reply-To is similar to known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
787 REPTO_419_FRAUD_YH Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
788 REPTO_419_FRAUD_YJ Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
789 REPTO_419_FRAUD_YN Reply-To is known advance fee fraud collector mailbox
790 REPTO_QUOTE_AOL AOL doesn't do quoting like this
791 REPTO_QUOTE_IMS IMS doesn't do quoting like this
792 REPTO_QUOTE_MSN MSN doesn't do quoting like this
793 REPTO_QUOTE_QUALCOMM Qualcomm/Eudora doesn't do quoting like this
794 REPTO_QUOTE_YAHOO Yahoo! doesn't do quoting like this
795 RISK_FREE No risk!
796 RUDE_HTML Spammer message says you need an HTML mailer
797 SENDGRID_REDIR_PHISH Redirect URI via Sendgrid + phishing signs
798 SENDGRID_REDIR Redirect URI via Sendgrid
799 SEO_SUSP_NTLD SEO offer from suspicious TLD
800 SERGIO_SUBJECT_VIAGRA01 Viagra garbled subject
801 SHARE_50_50 Share the money 50/50
802 SHOPIFY_IMG_NOT_RCVD_SFY Shopify hosted image but message not from Shopify
803 SHORTCIRCUIT Not all rules were run, due to a shortcircuited rule
804 SHORTENER_SHORT_IMG Short HTML + image + URL shortener
805 SHORTENER_SHORT_SUBJ URL shortener (avoiding URIBL?) + short subject
806 SHORT_HELO_AND_INLINE_IMAGE Short HELO string, with inline image
807 SHORT_IMG_SUSP_NTLD Short HTML + image + suspicious TLD
808 SHORT_SHORTNER Short body with little more than a link to a shortener
809 SINGLETS_LOW_CONTRAST Single-letter formatted HTML + hidden text
810 SORTED_RECIPS Recipient list is sorted by address
811 SPAMMY_XMAILER X-Mailer string is common in spam and not in ham
812 SPF_FAIL SPF: sender does not match SPF record (fail)
813 SPF_HELO_FAIL SPF: HELO does not match SPF record (fail)
814 SPF_HELO_NEUTRAL SPF: HELO does not match SPF record (neutral)
815 SPF_HELO_NONE SPF: HELO does not publish an SPF Record
816 SPF_HELO_PASS SPF: HELO matches SPF record
817 SPF_HELO_SOFTFAIL SPF: HELO does not match SPF record (softfail)
818 SPF_NEUTRAL SPF: sender does not match SPF record (neutral)
819 SPF_NONE SPF: sender does not publish an SPF Record
820 SPF_PASS SPF: sender matches SPF record
821 SPF_SOFTFAIL SPF: sender does not match SPF record (softfail)
822 SPOOF_COM2COM URI contains ".com" in middle and end
823 SPOOF_COM2OTH URI contains ".com" in middle
825 SPOOFED_FREEM_REPTO_CHN Forged freemail sender with Chinese freemail reply-to
826 SPOOFED_FREEM_REPTO Forged freemail sender with freemail reply-to
827 SPOOFED_FREEM_REPTO_RUS Forged freemail sender with Russian freemail reply-to
828 SPOOF_GMAIL_MID From Gmail but it doesn't seem to be...
829 SPOOF_NET2COM URI contains ".net" or ".org", then ".com"
831 STOCK_ALERT Offers a alert about a stock
832 STOCK_IMG_CTYPE Stock spam image part, with distinctive Content-Type header
833 STOCK_IMG_HDR_FROM Stock spam image part, with distinctive From line
834 STOCK_IMG_HTML Stock spam image part, with distinctive HTML
835 STOCK_IMG_OUTLOOK Stock spam image part, with Outlook-like features
836 STOCK_LOW_CONTRAST Stocks + hidden text
837 STOCK_TIP Stock tips
838 STRONG_BUY Tells you about a strong buy
839 SUBJ_ALL_CAPS Subject is all capitals
840 SUBJ_AS_SEEN Subject contains "As Seen"
842 SUBJ_BUY Subject line starts with Buy or Buying
843 SUBJ_DOLLARS Subject starts with dollar amount
844 SUBJECT_DIET Subject talks about losing pounds
845 SUBJECT_DRUG_GAP_C Subject contains a gappy version of 'cialis'
846 SUBJECT_DRUG_GAP_L Subject contains a gappy version of 'levitra'
847 SUBJECT_DRUG_GAP_S Subject contains a gappy version of 'soma'
848 SUBJECT_DRUG_GAP_X Subject contains a gappy version of 'xanax'
849 SUBJECT_FUZZY_CHEAP Attempt to obfuscate words in Subject:
850 SUBJECT_FUZZY_MEDS Attempt to obfuscate words in Subject:
851 SUBJECT_FUZZY_PENIS Attempt to obfuscate words in Subject:
852 SUBJECT_FUZZY_TION Attempt to obfuscate words in Subject:
853 SUBJECT_FUZZY_VPILL Attempt to obfuscate words in Subject:
854 SUBJECT_IN_BLACKLIST Subject: contains string in the user's black-list
855 SUBJECT_IN_WHITELIST Subject: contains string in the user's white-list
856 SUBJECT_NEEDS_ENCODING Subject is encoded but does not specify the encoding
857 SUBJECT_SEXUAL Subject indicates sexually-explicit content
858 SUBJ_ILLEGAL_CHARS Subject: has too many raw illegal characters
859 SUBJ_YOUR_FAMILY Subject contains "Your Family"
860 SURBL_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to SURBL was blocked. See\#dnsbl-block for more information.
861 SUSPICIOUS_RECIPS Similar addresses in recipient list
862 SUSPNTLD_EXPIRATION_EXTORT Susp NTLD with an expiration notice and lotsa money
863 SUSP_UTF8_WORD_FROM Word in From name using only suspicious UTF-8 characters
864 SUSP_UTF8_WORD_SUBJ Word in Subject using only suspicious UTF-8 characters
865 SYSADMIN Supposedly from your IT department
866 TBIRD_SUSP_MIME_BDRY Unlikely Thunderbird MIME boundary
867 T_COMPENSATION "Compensation"
868 T_DATE_IN_FUTURE_Q_PLUS Date: is over 4 months after Received: date
869 T_DRUGS_ERECTILE_SHORT_SHORTNER Short erectile drugs advert with T_URL_SHORTENER
870 TEQF_USR_IMAGE To and from user nearly same + image
871 TEQF_USR_MSGID_HEX To and from user nearly same + unusual message ID
872 TEQF_USR_MSGID_MALF To and from user nearly same + malformed message ID
873 T_FROMNAME_EQUALS_TO From:name matches To:
874 T_FROMNAME_SPOOFED_EMAIL From:name looks like a spoofed email
875 THIS_AD "This ad" and variants
876 THIS_IS_ADV_SUSP_NTLD This is an advertisement from a suspicious TLD
877 T_KAM_HTML_FONT_INVALID Test for Invalidly Named or Formatted Colors in HTML
878 T_LOTTO_AGENT_FM Claims Agent
879 T_LOTTO_AGENT_RPLY Claims Agent
880 T_LOTTO_URI Claims Department URL
881 T_MANY_HDRS_LCASE Odd capitalization of multiple message headers
882 TO_EQ_FM_DIRECT_MX To == From and direct-to-MX
883 TO_EQ_FM_DOM_HTML_IMG To domain == From domain and HTML image link
884 TO_EQ_FM_DOM_HTML_ONLY To domain == From domain and HTML only
885 TO_EQ_FM_HTML_ONLY To == From and HTML only
886 __TO_EQ_FROM_DOM To: domain same as From: domain
887 __TO_EQ_FROM To: same as From:
888 __TO_EQ_FROM_USR_NN To: username same as From: username sans trailing nums
889 __TO_EQ_FROM_USR To: username same as From: username
890 TO_IN_SUBJ To address is in Subject
891 TO_MALFORMED To: has a malformed address
892 TO_NAME_SUBJ_NO_RDNS Recipient username in subject + no rDNS
894 TO_NO_BRKTS_FROM_MSSP Multiple header formatting problems
895 TO_NO_BRKTS_HTML_IMG To: lacks brackets and HTML and one image
896 TO_NO_BRKTS_HTML_ONLY To: lacks brackets and HTML only
897 TO_NO_BRKTS_MSFT To: lacks brackets and supposed Microsoft tool
898 TO_NO_BRKTS_NORDNS_HTML To: lacks brackets and no rDNS and HTML only
899 TO_NO_BRKTS_PCNT To: lacks brackets + percentage
900 TONOM_EQ_TOLOC_SHRT_SHRTNER Short email with shortener and To:name eq To:local
901 TO_TOO_MANY_WFH_01 Work-from-Home + many recipients
902 T_PDS_FREEMAIL_REPLYTO_URISHRT Freemail replyto with URI shortener
903 T_PDS_FROM_2_EMAILS_SHRTNER From 2 emails short email with little more than a URI shortener
904 T_PDS_PRO_TLD .pro TLD
905 T_PDS_SHORTFWD_URISHRT_FP Apparently a short fwd/re with URI shortener
906 T_PDS_SHORTFWD_URISHRT Threaded email with URI shortener
907 T_PDS_URISHRT_LOCALPART_SUBJ Localpart of To in subject
908 TRACKER_ID Incorporates a tracking ID number
909 TRANSFORM_LIFE Transform your life!
910 T_SENT_TO_EMAIL_ADDR Email was sent to email address
911 T_SPF_HELO_PERMERROR SPF: test of HELO record failed (permerror)
912 T_SPF_HELO_TEMPERROR SPF: test of HELO record failed (temperror)
913 T_SPF_PERMERROR SPF: test of record failed (permerror)
914 T_SPF_TEMPERROR SPF: test of record failed (temperror)
915 TT_MSGID_TRUNC Scora: Message-Id ends after left-bracket + digits
916 TT_OBSCURED_VALIUM Scora: obscured "VALIUM" in subject
917 TT_OBSCURED_VIAGRA Scora: obscured "VIAGRA" in subject
918 T_TONOM_EQ_TOLOC_SHRT_PSHRTNER Short subject with potential shortener and To:name eq To:local
919 TVD_ACT_193 Message refers to an act passed in the 1930s
920 TVD_APPROVED Body states that the recipient has been approved
921 TVD_DEAR_HOMEOWNER Spam with generic salutation of "dear homeowner"
922 TVD_ENVFROM_APOST Envelope From contains single-quote
923 TVD_FLOAT_GENERAL Message uses CSS float style
924 TVD_FUZZY_DEGREE Obfuscation of the word "degree"
925 TVD_FUZZY_FINANCE Obfuscation of the word "finance"
926 TVD_FUZZY_FIXED_RATE Obfuscation of the phrase "fixed rate"
927 TVD_FUZZY_MICROCAP Obfuscation of the word "micro-cap"
928 TVD_FUZZY_PHARMACEUTICAL Obfuscation of the word "pharmaceutical"
929 TVD_FUZZY_SYMBOL Obfuscation of the word "symbol"
930 TVD_FW_GRAPHIC_NAME_LONG Long image attachment name
931 TVD_FW_GRAPHIC_NAME_MID Medium sized image attachment name
932 TVD_INCREASE_SIZE Advertising for penis enlargement
933 TVD_LINK_SAVE Spam with the text "link to save"
934 TVD_PH_BODY_ACCOUNTS_PRE The body matches phrases such as "accounts suspended", "account credited", "account verification"
935 TVD_PH_REC Message includes a phrase commonly used in phishing mails
936 TVD_PH_SEC Message includes a phrase commonly used in phishing mails
937 TVD_QUAL_MEDS The body matches phrases such as "quality meds" or "quality medication"
938 TVD_RATWARE_CB_2 Content-Type header that is commonly indicative of ratware
939 TVD_RATWARE_CB Content-Type header that is commonly indicative of ratware
940 TVD_RATWARE_MSGID_02 Ratware with a Message-ID header that is entirely lower-case
941 TVD_RCVD_IP4 Message was received from an IPv4 address
942 TVD_RCVD_IP Message was received from an IP address
943 TVD_SECTION References to specific legal codes
944 TVD_SILLY_URI_OBFU URI obfuscation that can fool a URIBL or a uri rule
945 TVD_SPACED_SUBJECT_WORD3 Entire subject is "UPPERlowerUPPER" with no whitespace
946 TVD_SPACE_ENCODED Space ratio & encoded subject
947 TVD_STOCK1 Spam related to stock trading
948 TVD_SUBJ_ACC_NUM Subject has spammy looking monetary reference
949 TVD_SUBJ_FINGER_03 Entire subject is enclosed in asterisks "* like so *"
950 TVD_SUBJ_OWE Subject line states that the recipieint is in debt
951 TVD_SUBJ_WIPE_DEBT Spam advertising a way to eliminate debt
952 TVD_VIS_HIDDEN Invisible textarea HTML tags
953 TVD_VISIT_PHARMA Body mentions online pharmacy
954 TW_GIBBERISH_MANY Lots of gibberish text to spoof pattern matching filters
955 T_XPRIO_URL_SHORTNER X-Priority header and short URL
956 TXREP Score normalizing based on sender's reputation
957 UC_GIBBERISH_OBFU Multiple instances of "word VERYLONGGIBBERISH word"
958 UNCLAIMED_MONEY People just leave money laying around
959 UNCLOSED_BRACKET Headers contain an unclosed bracket
960 UNDISC_FREEM Undisclosed recipients + freemail reply-to
961 UNDISC_MONEY Undisclosed recipients + money/fraud signs
962 UNPARSEABLE_RELAY Informational: message has unparseable relay lines
963 UNRESOLVED_TEMPLATE Headers contain an unresolved template
964 UNWANTED_LANGUAGE_BODY Message written in an undesired language
965 UPPERCASE_50_75 message body is 50-75% uppercase
966 UPPERCASE_75_100 message body is 75-100% uppercase
967 URG_BIZ Contains urgent matter
968 URI_AZURE_CLOUDAPP Link to hosted azure web application, possible phishing
969 URIBL_ABUSE_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the ABUSE SURBL blocklist
970 URIBL_BLACK Contains an URL listed in the URIBL blacklist
971 URIBL_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to URIBL was blocked. See\#dnsbl-block for more information.
972 URIBL_CR_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the CR SURBL blocklist
973 URIBL_CSS Contains an URL's NS IP listed in the Spamhaus CSS blocklist
974 URIBL_DBL_ABUSE_BOTCC Contains an abused botnet C&C URL listed in the Spamhaus DBL blocklist
975 URIBL_DBL_ABUSE_MALW Contains an abused malware URL listed in the Spamhaus DBL blocklist
976 URIBL_DBL_ABUSE_PHISH Contains an abused phishing URL listed in the Spamhaus DBL blocklist
977 URIBL_DBL_ABUSE_REDIR Contains an abused redirector URL listed in the Spamhaus DBL blocklist
978 URIBL_DBL_ABUSE_SPAM Contains an abused spamvertized URL listed in the Spamhaus DBL blocklist
979 URIBL_DBL_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to was blocked. See
980 URIBL_DBL_BLOCKED_OPENDNS ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to was blocked due to usage of an open resolver. See
981 URIBL_DBL_BOTNETCC Contains a botned C&C URL listed in the Spamhaus DBL blocklist
982 URIBL_DBL_ERROR Error: queried the Spamhaus DBL blocklist for an IP
983 URIBL_DBL_MALWARE Contains a malware URL listed in the Spamhaus DBL blocklist
984 URIBL_DBL_PHISH Contains a Phishing URL listed in the Spamhaus DBL blocklist
985 URIBL_DBL_SPAM Contains a spam URL listed in the Spamhaus DBL blocklist
986 URIBL_GREY Contains an URL listed in the URIBL greylist
987 URIBL_MW_SURBL Contains a URL listed in the MW SURBL blocklist
988 URIBL_PH_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the PH SURBL blocklist
989 URIBL_RED Contains an URL listed in the URIBL redlist
990 URIBL_RHS_DOB Contains an URI of a new domain (Day Old Bread)
991 URIBL_SBL Contains an URL's NS IP listed in the Spamhaus SBL blocklist
992 URIBL_WS_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the WS SURBL blocklist
993 URIBL_ZEN_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to was blocked. See
994 URIBL_ZEN_BLOCKED_OPENDNS ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to was blocked due to usage of an open resolver. See
995 URI_DASHGOVEDU Suspicious domain name
996 URI_DATA "data:" URI - possible malware or phish
997 URI_DOTEDU_ENTITY Via .edu MTA + suspicious HTML content
998 URI_DOTEDU Has .edu URI
999 URI_DOTTY_HEX Suspicious URI format
1000 URI_DQ_UNSUB IP-address unsubscribe URI
1001 URI_FIREBASEAPP Link to hosted firebase web application, possible phishing
1002 URI_GOOGLE_PROXY Accessing a blacklisted URI or obscuring source of phish via Google proxy?
1003 URI_GOOG_STO_SPAMMY Link to spammy content hosted by google storage
1004 URI_HEX_IP URI with hex-encoded IP-address host
1005 URI_HEX URI hostname has long hexadecimal sequence
1006 URI_IMG_WP_REDIR Image via WordPress "accelerator" proxy
1007 URI_LONG_REPEAT Very long identical host+domain
1008 URI_MALWARE_SCMS Link to malware exploit download (.SettingContent-ms file)
1009 URI_NOVOWEL URI hostname has long non-vowel sequence
1010 URI_NO_WWW_BIZ_CGI CGI in .biz TLD other than third-level "www"
1011 URI_NO_WWW_INFO_CGI CGI in .info TLD other than third-level "www"
1012 URI_OBFU_DOM URI pretending to be different domain
1013 URI_ONLY_MSGID_MALF URI only + malformed message ID
1014 URI_OPTOUT_3LD Opt-out URI, suspicious hostname
1015 URI_OPTOUT_USME Opt-out URI, unusual TLD
1016 URI_PHISH Phishing using web form
1017 URI_PHP_REDIR PHP redirect to different URL (link obfuscation)
1018 URI_TRUNCATED Message contained a URI which was truncated
1019 URI_TRY_3LD "Try it" URI, suspicious hostname
1020 URI_TRY_USME "Try it" URI, unusual TLD
1021 URI_UNSUBSCRIBE URI contains suspicious unsubscribe link
1022 URI_WPADMIN WordPress login/admin URI, possible phishing
1023 URI_WP_DIRINDEX URI for compromised WordPress site, possible malware
1024 URI_WP_HACKED_2 URI for compromised WordPress site, possible malware
1025 URI_WP_HACKED URI for compromised WordPress site, possible malware
1026 USB_DRIVES Trying to sell custom USB flash drives
1027 USER_IN_DEF_DKIM_WL From: address is in the default DKIM white-list
1028 USER_IN_DEF_SPF_WL From: address is in the default SPF white-list
1029 USER_IN_DKIM_WHITELIST From: address is in the user's DKIM whitelist
1030 USER_IN_SPF_WHITELIST From: address is in the user's SPF whitelist
1031 VBOUNCE_MESSAGE Virus-scanner bounce message
1032 VFY_ACCT_NORDNS Verify your account to a poorly-configured MTA - probable phishing
1033 VIA_GAP_GRA Attempts to disguise the word 'viagra'
1034 __VIA_ML Mail from a mailing list
1035 __VIA_RESIGNER Mail through a popular signing remailer
1036 VPS_NO_NTLD vps[0-9] domain at a suspiscious TLD
1037 WALMART_IMG_NOT_RCVD_WAL Walmart hosted image but message not from Walmart
1038 WEIRD_PORT Uses non-standard port number for HTTP
1039 WEIRD_QUOTING Weird repeated double-quotation marks
1040 WIKI_IMG Image from wikipedia
1041 WITH_LC_SMTP Received line contains spam-sign (lowercase smtp)
1042 XFER_LOTSA_MONEY Transfer a lot of money
1043 X_IP Message has X-IP header
1044 XM_DIGITS_ONLY X-Mailer malformed
1045 X_MESSAGE_INFO Bulk email fingerprint (X-Message-Info) found
1046 XM_LIGHT_HEAVY Special edition of a MUA
1047 XM_PHPMAILER_FORGED Apparently forged header
1048 XM_RANDOM X-Mailer apparently random
1049 XM_RECPTID Has spammy message header
1050 XPRIO Has X-Priority header
1051 X_PRIORITY_CC Cc: after X-Priority: (bulk email fingerprint)
1052 XPRIO_SHORT_SUBJ Has X Priority header + short subject
1053 YAHOO_DRS_REDIR Has Yahoo Redirect URI
1054 YAHOO_RD_REDIR Has Yahoo Redirect URI
1055 YOU_INHERIT Discussing your inheritance
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