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Forked from bhang/upgrade_foo.yml
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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# Deploys a new version of foo
- name: Deploy new version of foo
hosts: tag_type_appserver:&tag_stage_prod
user: ubuntu
sudo: true
gather_facts: false
serial: 1
- name: "foo_version"
prompt: "Version of foo to be installed?"
- name: Now processing this instance
debug: msg='{{ ec2_tag_Name }}'
- name: Deregister instance from ELB
module: ec2_elb
region: us-east-1
instance_id: '{{ ec2_id }}'
state: absent
sudo: false
- name: Wait for 1 minutes for requests to stop coming in
pause: minutes=1
- name: Remove foo
apt: pkg=foo state=absent
- name: Update cache and install specified version of foo
apt: pkg=foo="{{ foo_version }}" update_cache=yes state=present
- name: Register instance with ELB
module: ec2_elb
region: us-east-1
ec2_elbs: '{{ ec2_elbs }}'
instance_id: '{{ ec2_id }}'
state: present
sudo: false
- name: Wait for 30 seconds for instance to register/requests to start coming in
pause: seconds=30
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