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Last active August 28, 2023 08:52
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scheme glob->regex
(module (web globby) (globby->regexpstr globby->regexp globby-match)
(import (garlic base) regex)
;; made this since the one in `regex` egg doesnt support globstar
(define (globby->regexpstr glob)
"Only supports | ? * **"
;; mutable variable to dedupe globstars, sorry
(define ignoring-stars #f)
(define (peek i)
(let ([next (get (add1 i) glob)])
(if next (string next) "")))
(define (handle-char pair)
(let ([c (cdr pair)]
[i (car pair)])
(if (equal? c "*")
(cond [ignoring-stars #f]
[(equal? (peek i) "*") (begin (set! ignoring-stars #t) ".*")]
[else "([^/]*)"])
(set! ignoring-stars #f)
(cond [(equal? c "|") (string-append "//" c)]
[(equal? c "?") "."]
[else c])))))
(->> (string->list glob)
(map string)
(map handle-char)
(filter identity)
(apply string-append)))
(define (globby->regexp glob)
(regexp (globby->regexpstr glob)))
(define (globby-match glob str) (string-match (globby->regexp glob) str))
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this doesnt support character sets or much, but i needed something with globstar

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