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Created April 7, 2021 10:50
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Send raw email with attachment with AWS SES using Typescript
* This solution was built based on stackoverflow answer
* placed by user
import AWS from 'aws-sdk';
import {Template} from 'aws-sdk/clients/ses';
interface Attachment {
encoding: 'base64';
filename: string; // test.pdf
content: string; // base64 value
contentType: 'text/plain' | 'application/pdf' | 'image/gif';
* Send email with attachment
* @param address
* @param template
* @param attachment
* @returns
const sendRawEmail = (
address: string[],
template: Template,
attachment: Attachment
): Promise<any> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ses = new AWS.SES({
accessKeyId: process.env.AMZ_ACCESS_KEY,
secretAccessKey: process.env.AMZ_SECRET_KEY,
region: process.env.REGION,
const date = new Date();
const boundary = `----=_Part${Math.random().toString().substr(2)}`;
const rawMessage = [
`From: ${process.env.FROM_EMAIL}`, // Can be just the email as well without <>
`To: ${address[0]}`,
`Subject: ${template.SubjectPart}`,
`MIME-Version: 1.0`,
`Date: ${formatDate(date)}`, // Will be replaced by SES
`Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="${boundary}"`, // For sending both plaintext & html content
// ... you can add more headers here as decribed in
`Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8`,
`Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit`,
`Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8`,
`Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit`,
`Content-Type: text/plain; name="${attachment.filename}"`,
`Content-Description: ${attachment.filename}`,
`Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="${attachment.filename}";`,
`Content-Transfer-Encoding: ${attachment.encoding}`,
const params: AWS.SES.Types.SendRawEmailRequest = {
Destinations: address,
RawMessage: {
Data: rawMessage.join('\n'),
Source: process.env.FROM_EMAIL, // Must be verified within AWS SES
// ConfigurationSetName: configuration_set, // optional AWS SES configuration set for open & click tracking
Tags: [
// ... optional email tags
ses.sendRawEmail(params, (err: any, data: any) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
} else {
return resolve(data);
* Outputs timezone offset in format ZZ
* @param date
* @returns
const getOffset = (date: Date) => {
var offset = -date.getTimezoneOffset();
var offsetHours = Math.abs(Math.floor(offset / 60));
var offsetMinutes = Math.abs(offset) - offsetHours * 60;
var offsetSign = offset > 0 ? '+' : '-';
return (
offsetSign + ('0' + offsetHours).slice(-2) + ('0' + offsetMinutes).slice(-2)
* Outputs two digit inputs with leading zero
* @param input
* @returns
const leadingZero = (input: number) => ('0' + input).slice(-2);
* Formats date in ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:MM:SS ZZ
* @param date
* @returns
const formatDate = (date: Date) => {
var weekdays = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'];
var months = [
var weekday = weekdays[date.getDay()];
var day = leadingZero(date.getDate());
var month = months[date.getMonth()];
var year = date.getFullYear();
var hour = leadingZero(date.getHours());
var minute = leadingZero(date.getMinutes());
var second = leadingZero(date.getSeconds());
var offset = getOffset(date);
return `${weekday}, ${day} ${month} ${year} ${hour}:${minute}:${second} ${offset}`;
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