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Created November 9, 2015 22:29
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NSString Extensions
// NSString+StringExtensions.h
// StringFunctions
// Created by Geoff Armstrong on 10/29/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Geoff Armstrong. All rights reserved.
#ifndef NSString_StringExtensions_h
#define NSString_StringExtensions_h
@interface NSString (StringExtensions)
- (instancetype) reverseString;
- (instancetype) reverseParagraph;
Function to convert string to an integer with checks for invalid characters and overflow
@return The integer, 0 if invalid
- (int) stringToInteger;
Function to convert string to an array of all possible permutations of the characters in
the string.
@param theString The string to permute
@return Array containing all the string permutations
- (NSArray *) permutedStringArrayFromString: (NSString *) theString;
#endif /* NSString_StringExtensions_h */
// NSString+StringExtensions.m
// StringFunctions
// Created by Geoff Armstrong on 10/29/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Geoff Armstrong. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "NSString+StringExtensions.h"
#define asciiShift 48
@implementation NSString (StringExtensions)
- (instancetype) reverseString {
NSMutableString *revString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (int i=0; i < self.length; i++){
unichar character = [self characterAtIndex:(NSUInteger) i];
NSString *charStr = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&character length:1];
[revString insertString:charStr atIndex:0];
return (NSString *)revString;
- (instancetype) reverseParagraph {
NSMutableString *revString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *wordArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i=0; i < self.length; i++) {
unichar character = [self characterAtIndex:i];
if (character == ' ') {
//Add the word to the word array in reverse order
[wordArray insertObject:[NSString stringWithString:revString] atIndex:0];
[revString setString:@""];
else {
NSString *charStr = [NSString stringWithCharacters: &character length:1];
[revString appendString: charStr];
//At the end of the paragraph revString should already be set to the last word, just need to add a space
[revString appendString: @" "];
for (int j=0; j < wordArray.count; j++) {
NSString *theWord = [wordArray objectAtIndex:j];
[revString appendString: theWord];
if (j < wordArray.count - 1) {
[revString appendString: @" "];
return revString;
- (int) stringToInteger {
int newInt = 0;
BOOL isNegative = NO;
for (int i=0; i < [self length]; i++) {
unichar character = [self characterAtIndex:i];
if (character == '-') {
isNegative = YES;
//Check to make sure it is a numeral
else if (character < 48 || character > 57) {
return 0;
else {
//Check for overflow
if (newInt > (INT_MAX - character + asciiShift) / 10) {
return 0;
//Multiply by 10 to shift digit left
newInt = newInt * 10;
//subtract 48 to convert ASCII character to the corresponding number
newInt += (character - asciiShift);
if (isNegative) {
newInt *= -1;
return newInt;
- (NSArray *) permutedStringArrayFromString: (NSString *) theString {
NSMutableArray *theArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//The length should never be 0
if ([theString length] == 0) {
return theArray;
//The length will be 1 at the end of the string
if ([theString length] == 1) {
[theArray addObject:theString];
return theArray;
NSString *remainingCharacters = [theString substringFromIndex:1];
//Recursive call to this function will break each string down into smaller pieces until it reaches
//a single character
NSArray *remainingCharacterArray = [self permutedStringArrayFromString: remainingCharacters];
//Get the first character of the string so that it can be placed at all spots within the array
unichar character = [theString characterAtIndex:0];
NSString *firstCharacter = [NSString stringWithCharacters: &character length:1];
for (int j=0; j < remainingCharacterArray.count; j++) {
for (int i=0; i <= remainingCharacters.length; i++) {
NSString *arrayString = [remainingCharacterArray objectAtIndex:j];
NSMutableString *newString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:arrayString];
[newString insertString:firstCharacter atIndex:i];
[theArray addObject:newString];
return theArray;
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