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Created June 12, 2012 13:55
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Example using boto to create an IAM role and associate it with an EC2 instance
In [1]: policy = """{
...: "Statement":[{
...: "Effect":"Allow",
...: "Action":["s3:*"],
...: "Resource":["arn:aws:s3:::mybucket"]}]}"""
In [2]: import boto
In [4]: c = boto.connect_iam()
In [5]: instance_profile = c.create_instance_profile('myinstanceprofile')
In [6]: role = c.create_role('myrole')
In [7]: c.add_role_to_instance_profile('myinstanceprofile', 'myrole')
Out[7]: {u'add_role_to_instance_profile_response': {u'response_metadata': {u'request_id': u'2221d92c-b437-11e1-86e5-c9c4f3b58653'}}}
In [8]: c.put_role_policy('myrole', 'mypolicy', policy)
Out[8]: {u'put_role_policy_response': {u'response_metadata': {u'request_id': u'2b878c93-b437-11e1-86e5-c9c4f3b58653'}}}
In [9]: c = boto.connect_ec2()
In [10]: c.run_instances('ami-e565ba8c', key_name='mykeyname', security_groups=['mysecuritygroup'], instance_type='t1.micro', instance_profile_name='myinstanceprofile')
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grayaii commented Jun 12, 2013

Dido. This is a good snippet of code to show how to create an instance and apply the IAM role to it. Good job!

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sredhar commented Sep 26, 2013

Thanks for the example. I always used console to create roles and was scratching my head on what an instance profile is. For anyone wondering the same thing -

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I was recently playing with IAM and wrote a little test code to use dictionaries and lists, then the json.dumps() command to produce a valid policy string. It's pretty simple and a little nicer than string manipulation.

import json

if __name__ == "__main__":
    policy = {}
    policy['Version'] = '2011-04-01'
    statements = []
    # all access
    statements.append({'Effect': 'Allow', 'Action': '*', 'Resource': '*'})
    # define quota (a Eucalyptus thing)
    statements.append({'Effect': 'Limit', 'Action': 'ec2:RunInstances', 'Resource': '*', 'Condition':{'NumericLessThanEquals':{'ec2:quota-vminstancenumber': '16'}}})
    policy['Statement'] = statements

    print json.dumps(policy, indent=2)

On the other side, you can use json.loads() to reverse the process when pulling a policy out of IAM.

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sebgoa commented Feb 17, 2015

Thanks for this , it still works :)

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iMilnb commented Apr 30, 2017

As this example is not compatible with boto3, i wrote the equivalent with this newer boto version

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