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Created October 5, 2008 11:30
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alsa-utils acpid xorg xterm nvidia ttf-ms-fonts ttf-dejavu ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-liberation gnome gnome-system-tools gnome-extra gdm gtk-engine-murrine codecs cdrkit dvd+rw-tools firefox firefox-i18n flashplugin alacarte brasero openoffice-base openoffice-it wine ntp htop samba gnuplot qtiplot fte pidgin purple-plugin-pack centerim weechat xchat tightvnc vinagre skype-staticqt gimp banshee rhythmbox teeworlds amule deluge transmission-cli transmission-gtk tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-extras ttf-liberation jre vlc openoffice-spell-it compiz-fusion-gtk gnome-themes gnome-themes-extras wicd synaptics pidgin-facebookchat aspell-it tango-generator deskbar-applet avant-window-navigator awn-extras-applets murrine-configurator
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