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Last active July 4, 2017 18:03
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The basics on how to build a Chrome Extension.
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garrettmac commented Jul 2, 2017

How to Build A Chrome Extension: Part 1

The Basics. Working with Project Concepts, Structure, and Terminology.

A bird's eye overview.

Chrome extensions are web friendly files (js,html and css) that get injected into your browser to, as you know, add functionality to your browser.
These extensions are uniquely identified with a 32 characters [a-z] string, and if you're a proud Mac owner then your chrome extensions are located at /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions and if you're a Mac owner and not a proud one then you can GTFO.

How it works.

I wanna start by introducing the manifest.json file (as I will be mentioning it throughout). All projects have a file that must be named manifest.json. This is a special file that chrome looks for to grant permssions to your app located at the root of your Chrome Extensions folders (so again, that would be located at /Users/$(whoami)/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/<YOUR EXTENSIONS a-z ID]/manifest.json). If you are pulling your hair out asking "Why is Chrome not recognizing my chrome.* action? I'm doing exactly what their doc's say!", then it's likely a problem that starts here.

Now let's hope right into.

There are two UI system you can utilize as a developer when building your chrome extension Browser Actions and Page Actions and you'd best plan which route you'd like to ultimately go as you can only use one or the other!

So what is this liberal bullsh*t you ask?

Browser Actions

Declared as browser_actions in your manifest.json.

Include every permission you want the chrome.browserActions scope to have, in Part 2 I'll share an annoying experience I had with this one and how I fixed it in part 2.
The browser_actions object, that is a nested object inside the manifest.json file includes the following child attributes/keys:

  • default_title - What appears when the users mouse hovers over your Chrome Extension
  • default_popup - The .html file location of the page you'd like to be displayed when the user clicks your icon
  • default_icon - A string or object of a default icon for your extension.
    String Example:

Object Example:

  "default_icon": {
            "16": "img/icon-16.png",
            "48": "img/icon-48.png",
            "128": "img/icon-128.png"

A completed Example of the nested browser_action object inside manifest.json would look like:

"browser_action": {
        "default_title": "RedditLabs",
        "default_popup": "popup.html",

Page Actions

Declared as page_actions in your manifest.json.

Once you decide which route your going then you'll have some of the following functionality declared in your manifest.json file that include the use of the following:

Content Scripts

Declared as content_scripts in your manifest.json

screen shot 2017-07-04 at 11 57 13 am

Any arbitrary .js and .css files (scripts) that youd like to be injected into pages.

When to use this?
When you want to create your own modded out version of what you think a web page would look like.
When you want to create your own modded out functionality to a webpage, for instance if you wanted to add spechail buttons or hover actions (like the popular Hover Zoom Extinsion
See the Chrome Stores Personalize Chrome Section for example of this.

Background Pages

Declared as background_pages in your manifest.json

screen shot 2017-07-04 at 11 49 46 am

This runs all the time even when you have no tabs or windows open.
This is assuming Chrome is in-fact running.

the_basics_on_how_to_build_a_chrome_extension__and_readme_md_ ___desktop_redditlabs-chrome-extension_and_redditlabs-chrome-extens

This is where you want your Apps core logic to go, for persistence.

Long running scripts that manage state and apply tasks across your apps components.

Popup Page

screen shot 2017-07-04 at 11 56 45 am

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garrettmac commented Jul 2, 2017

How to Build A Chrome Extension: Part 2

Understanding the Chrome API's chrome.* functions.

This is Part 2 of my X Part Tutorial if you need an overview of Project Concepts, Structure, and Terminology check out my Part 1 of this Tutorial.

There are [TODO:HOW MANY] chrome.* actions (functions) that you have access to and I'm going to give a ELI5 definition for all of them and tell you what they all do.

Notice: If you followed the docs and example and your function is not working as expected then you likely have a permissions issue from not setting up your manifest.json correctly and may need to revisit Part 1
Be aware (as noted in Part 1)
Now that that's understood lets hope right onto each chrome.* methods.


Use to communicate between compoents and resolve urls of extinsion files.


Change's the appearance of your Chrome Extensions Icon.
This includes:

  • The badge that displays on your Extension Icon
  • Your Extensions Icon Image (yes you can change it dynamically)
    Read more about this in the below, Lessons Learned Section.


Use to enable or disable pageActions


Requires tabs permission in manifest.json

This enables the ability to open, close, search for, or update your browser windows.

Side note: You would think this would require a window permission but they don't have one, it's tabs because of how close the window and tab functions are in functionality, so close in-fact the Chrome Team should depreciate the window function and attach it to the chrome.tabs functions.


Requires tabs permission in manifest.json
This manages all instances of all windows and all tabs in all window.


Requires bookmarks permission in manifest.json
This manages users bookmarks.

Helpful Functions

  1. Get a full list of all chrome tabs you can run.
chrome.tabs.query({}, function(tabs){

This will spit out an array of all chrome tabs, include each tabs windowId and tabId.

  1. Change the badges background color:

. :

  1. Send Message from background.html to popup.html:
    Add a listenter in your React App
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
  console.warn(" From Injected Page: ",request.msg);//outputs => "Here's my message!"
     sendResponse({ msg: 'got message successfully! Thax!' });

in your injected page

  chrome.extension.sendMessage({ "msg":"Here's my message!" }, function(resp) {
      console.warn("Sent MESSAGE callback mssg",store);
    //outputs -> 'got message successfully! Thax!' 
  1. Send Logs from Extension Window (React Side) to Background.html:
    in react app
function consoleLog(msg){
  chrome.extension.sendMessage({ "method":"log","data":msg });
consoleLog("my message")

now add a listener in your background,js

chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(req, sender, sendResponse) {
  if(req.method==="log")console.warn("Message From React App: ",;

for more on messaging checkout

Lessons Learned

I felt comfortable with javascript and always wanted to build a chrome extension so dedicated a 1.5 to building one and the one most annoying issue that held me up was with the browser_action object I declared in my manifest.json no enabling the chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText to trigger.

I was trying to change the extensions Icon based on Reddit API I made for each Tab, the Chrome Extension that checks if each page you visit has been posted on reddit before, if it has then is should display what they are with a badge that include the count, and update the Icon with a Reddit Aliens face that meets the emotion with the results, so for no results the alien has a "IDK shrug face", and my manifest.json looked like

  "browser_action": {
        "default_title": "RedditLabs",
        "default_popup": "popup.html"
    "icons": {
        "16": "img/reddit-icon-7-16X16.png",
        "48": "img/reddit-icon-7-48X48.png",
        "128": "img/icon-128.png"

I gave permissions to my Icons but not in the correct place, I need it to look like:

  "browser_action": {
        "default_title": "RedditLabs",
        "default_popup": "popup.html",
        "default_icon": {
            "16": "img/icon-16.png",
            "48": "img/Icon-48.png",
            "128": "img/icon-128.png"
    "icons": {
        "16": "img/reddit-icon-7-16X16.png",
        "48": "img/reddit-icon-7-48X48.png",
        "128": "img/icon-128.png"

I need to give the browser_action object a default_icon with a default Icon or it disable me from being able to update my Badge by running:

 chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: currentTabPosts.length.toString() });

Note: Badges text must be strings and not numbers, you can use [your number].toString() like I did above.

The icons at the root of the manifest.json object is used for the image shown in the chrome://extensions tab of your browser.

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garrettmac commented Jul 2, 2017

How to Build A Chrome Extension: Part 3

How and Where to call Third Party APIs

Here we are going make a chrome extension that displays a window with a list of the Reddit Subreddit that the user's current url tab has been posted on.
So for chrome to enable us to have access to the users tab instances, and we want to make reddit api calls we need to add the following permission to our manifest.json


Here we want a subwindow to display when when a user clicks our extension we are going to need to declare a browser_action inside our manifest.json and lets tell it to load our popup.html file when the user clicks the icon. We can do that by adding the following browser_action object inside our manifest.json file.

  "browser_action": {
        "default_title": "RedditLabs",
        "default_popup": "popup.html",

So you're prolly asking, "where does the logic to make Reddit API calls go?" because I did.

We'll you can load in .js files into the popup.html file defined in our manifests.json file and that will work just fine, however you should use the background.js script for this that you can declare in your manifest.json browser_action object by adding


Let me clear up some things that may be confusing when looking at this. The background page is in .html but is not attached to your apps DOM Events.

Here the popup.html file will simply be a dumb view, only able to accept parameters from the background.html that we'll set up to do the heaving lifting, ergo making the our Reddit API Calls.

To enable the popup.html to awuire parameters from our background worker page we need to add the following refrence to our popup.html
const worker = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()
You now have access to the full scope of functions of any script tag loaded into the background.html. For instance if the background.html page includes:

       function foo(param){
             console.log("foo: ", param)

then in our popup.html page we can access it by:

const worker = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()"bar")

So knowing that lets enable us into being able to access the console object in our worker page inside our popup.html page, to do this we add the following to our background.html

       function chromeConsole(type="log",msg){
             return {type:"log",msg}

Then use chromeConsole() unstead of console.log() and add


to get them to emit to our popup.html page.


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Redditlabs Chrome Extension

A Chrome Extension that includes's comment section into each page you visit

Project Overview

Project File Structure:

dist/                         |  (where `src` folders build -setup in gulfile.babel.js)
src/                          |   (working directories)
gulpfile.babel.js             |   (compiles and reallocates output files in `dist` folder)

To start run:

gulp watch

See blog post

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