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Created January 18, 2020 16:03
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/* sidenotes.js: standalone JS library for parsing HTML documents with Pandoc-style footnotes and dynamically repositioning them into the left/right margins, when browser windows are wide enough.
Sidenotes are superior to footnotes where possible because they enable the reader to immediately look at them without requiring user action to 'go to' or 'pop up' the footnotes; even floating footnotes require effort by the reader.
sidenotes.js is inspired by the Tufte-CSS sidenotes (, but where Tufte-CSS uses static footnotes inlined into the body of the page (requiring modifications to Pandoc's compilation), which doesn't always work well for particularly long or frequent sidenotes, sidenotes.js will rearrange sidenotes to fit as best as possible, and will respond to window changes.
Particularly long sidenotes are also partially 'collapsed'.
Author: Said Achmiz
license: MIT (derivative of footnotes.js, which is PD)
if (typeof window.GW == "undefined")
window.GW = { };
function GWLog (string) {
if (GW.loggingEnabled || localStorage.getItem("logging-enabled") == "true")
GW.enableLogging = (permanently = false) => {
if (permanently)
localStorage.setItem("logging-enabled", "true");
GW.loggingEnabled = true;
GW.disableLogging = (permanently = false) => {
if (permanently)
GW.loggingEnabled = false;
/* The "target counterpart" is the element associated with the target, i.e.:
if the URL hash targets a footnote reference, its counterpart is the
sidenote for that citation; and vice-versa, if the hash targets a sidenote,
its counterpart is the in-text citation. We want a target counterpart to be
highlighted along with the target itself; therefore we apply a special
"targeted" class to the target counterpart.
function updateTargetCounterpart() {
/* Clear existing targeting.
document.querySelectorAll(".targeted").forEach(element => {
/* Identify new target counterpart, if any.
var counterpart;
if (location.hash.match(/#sn[0-9]/)) {
counterpart = document.querySelector("#fnref" + location.hash.substr(3));
} else if (location.hash.match(/#fnref[0-9]/) && GW.sidenotes.mediaQueries.viewportWidthBreakpoint.matches == false) {
counterpart = document.querySelector("#sn" + location.hash.substr(6));
/* If a target counterpart exists, mark it as such.
if (counterpart)
counterpart.classList.toggle("targeted", true);
/* Returns true if the given element intersects the viewport, false otherwise.
function isOnScreen(element) {
let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return ( < window.innerHeight &&
rect.bottom > 0 &&
rect.left < window.innerWidth &&
rect.right > 0);
/* This is necessary to defeat a bug where if the page is loaded with the URL
hash targeting some element, the element does not match the :target CSS
function realignHashIfNeeded() {
if (location.hash.match(/#sn[0-9]/) || location.hash.match(/#fnref[0-9]/))
function realignHash() {
var hash = location.hash;
history.replaceState(null, null, "#");
location.hash = hash;
/* Make sure clicking a sidenote does not cause scrolling.
function setHashWithoutScrolling(newHash) {
var selectedRange;
if (GW.isFirefox)
selectedRange = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
let scrollPositionBeforeNavigate = window.scrollY;
location.hash = newHash;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
window.scrollTo(0, scrollPositionBeforeNavigate);
if (GW.isFirefox)
/* Firefox.
This workaround is necessary because Firefox takes the 'ch' unit, *as used
in media queries* (e.g. "@media only screen and (max-width: 120ch)") from,
not the font-family set on the 'body' element or the 'html' element or even
the ':root' element (as Chrome does, and as is proper), but from the font
*set by the user to be the browser default*. That means that media queries
specified in 'ch' units change their meaning based on the browser default
font, even if that font is used absolutely nowhere on the page.
This makes 'ch' based media queries utterly useless in Firefox.
Thus, this workaround, which is a sort of "polyfill" for correct 'ch' unit
based media query behavior. It checks the computed value of the 'body'
element (which, while *specified* in 'ch' units, is returned in pixels),
divides it by the *specified* value, thus deriving the width of a 'ch' unit
for the font specified for the body. It then constructs media queries
specified in pixels (which are equivalent to those specified in default.css
in 'ch' units), and injects a <style> block into the <head> with those
media queries, wrapped in a Firefox-specific CSS block.
function ridiculousWorkaroundsForBrowsersFromBizarroWorld() {
GW.isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;
if (!GW.isFirefox) {
GW.sidenotes.viewportWidthBreakpointMediaQueryString = `(max-width: 176ch)`;
GW.sidenotes.mobileViewportWidthBreakpointMediaQueryString = `(max-width: 65ch)`;
} else {
/* This should match the "max-width" property of the "body" element.
GW.maxBodyWidthInCharacterUnits = 112;
/* This should be some property/value pair that only Firefox supports.
GW.firefoxTargetingSelector = "@supports (-moz-user-focus: normal)";
let widthOfCharacterUnit = parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.body).maxWidth) / GW.maxBodyWidthInCharacterUnits;
let viewportWidthBreakpointInPixels = 176 * widthOfCharacterUnit;
GW.sidenotes.viewportWidthBreakpointMediaQueryString = `(max-width: ${viewportWidthBreakpointInPixels}px)`;
let mobileViewportWidthBreakpointInPixels = 65 * widthOfCharacterUnit;
GW.sidenotes.mobileViewportWidthBreakpointMediaQueryString = `(max-width: ${mobileViewportWidthBreakpointInPixels}px)`;
var sidenotesBrowserWorkaroundStyleBlock = document.querySelector("style#sidenotes-browser-workaround");
if (!sidenotesBrowserWorkaroundStyleBlock) {
sidenotesBrowserWorkaroundStyleBlock = document.createElement("style"); = "sidenotes-browser-workaround";
sidenotesBrowserWorkaroundStyleBlock.innerHTML = `
${GW.firefoxTargetingSelector} {
@media only screen and (max-width: ${viewportWidthBreakpointInPixels}px) {
#sidenote-column-right {
display: none;
@media only screen and (min-width: ${viewportWidthBreakpointInPixels + 1}px) {
main {
position: relative;
right: 4ch;
#markdownBody {
position: relative;
@media only screen and (max-width: ${viewportWidthBreakpointInPixels}px) {
.footnote-ref:target {
background-color: inherit;
box-shadow: none;
/* Create media query objects (for checking and attaching listeners).
GW.sidenotes.mediaQueries = {
viewportWidthBreakpoint: matchMedia(GW.sidenotes.viewportWidthBreakpointMediaQueryString),
mobileViewportWidthBreakpoint: matchMedia(GW.sidenotes.mobileViewportWidthBreakpointMediaQueryString),
hover: matchMedia("only screen and (hover: hover) and (pointer: fine)")
/* Listen for changes to whether the viewport width media query is matched;
if such a change occurs (i.e., if the viewport becomes, or stops being,
wide enough to support sidenotes), switch modes from footnote popups to
sidenotes or vice/versa, as appropriate.
(This listener may also be fired if the dev tools pane is opened, etc.)
GW.sidenotes.mediaQueries.viewportWidthBreakpoint.addListener(GW.sidenotes.viewportWidthBreakpointChanged = () => {
/* Returns true if the string begins with the given prefix.
String.prototype.hasPrefix = function (prefix) {
return (this.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0);
/* Returns true if the given collapse block is currently collapsed.
NOTE: This does not count targeted collapse blocks as expanded unless
their disclosure button is also engaged (i.e., in the checked state).
This is deliberate! (Because we use the disclosure button state to
determine whether we need to recompute layout.)
function isCollapsed(collapseBlock) {
let collapseCheckbox = collapseBlock.querySelector(".disclosure-button");
return (collapseCheckbox.checked == false);
/* Returns true if the given element is within a currently-collapsed collapse
function isWithinCollapsedBlock(element) {
/* If the element is not within a collapse block at all, it obviously can't
be within a *currently-collapsed* collapse block.
let collapseParent = element.closest(".collapse");
if (!collapseParent) return false;
/* If the element is within a collapse block and that collapse block is
currently collapsed, then the condition is satisfied...
if (isCollapsed(collapseParent)) return true;
/* BUT the collapse block that the element is in, even if *it* is not
itself collapsed, could be *within* another collapse block!
return isWithinCollapsedBlock(collapseParent.parentElement);
/* This function expands all collapse blocks containing the given element, if
any (including the element itself, if it is a collapse block). Returns true
if any such expansion occurred.
function expandCollapseBlocksToReveal(element) {
/* If the given element is not within any collapse block, there is nothing
to do.
if (!isWithinCollapsedBlock(element)) return false;
// Expand the nearest collapse block.
let collapseParent = element.closest(".collapse");
let disclosureButton = collapseParent.querySelector(".disclosure-button");
let expansionOccurred = (disclosureButton.checked == false);
disclosureButton.checked = true;
collapseParent.classList.toggle("expanded", disclosureButton.checked);
// Expand any higher-level collapse blocks!
/* Update sidenote positions only if we do NOT have to do any further
expansion (otherwise we'll do redundant layout).
if (!expandCollapseBlocksToReveal(collapseParent.parentElement) && expansionOccurred)
// Report whether we had to expand a collapse block.
return expansionOccurred;
/* This function expands all necessary collapse blocks to reveal the element
targeted by the URL hash. (This includes expanding collapse blocks to
reveal a footnote reference associated with a targeted sidenote). It also
scrolls the targeted element into view.
function revealTarget() {
if (!location.hash) return;
let target = document.querySelector(decodeURIComponent(location.hash));
if (!target) return;
/* What needs to be revealed is not necessarily the targeted element
itself; if the target is a sidenote, expand collapsed blocks to reveal
the citation reference.
let targetInText = location.hash.match(/#sn[0-9]/) ?
document.querySelector("#fnref" + location.hash.substr(3)) :
// Scroll the target into view.
/* Move sidenotes within currently-collapsed collapse blocks to the hidden
sidenote storage container (#hidden-sidenote-storage). Conversely, move
sidenotes within currently-expanded collapse blocks from the hidden sidenote
storage container to the appropriate sidenote column.
function updateSidenotesInCollapseBlocks() {
for (var i = 0; i < GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length; i++) {
let fnref = GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs[i];
let sidenote = GW.sidenotes.sidenoteDivs[i];
// If the enclosing collapse block is currently collapsed...
if (isWithinCollapsedBlock(fnref)) {
// Move the sidenote to the hidden sidenote storage.
// Otherwise, move the sidenote back into the correct sidenote column.
let side = (i % 2) ? GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnLeft : GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnRight;
// What's the next sidenote?
var nextSidenoteIndex = i + 2;
while (nextSidenoteIndex < GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length &&
GW.sidenotes.sidenoteDivs[nextSidenoteIndex].parentElement == GW.sidenotes.hiddenSidenoteStorage)
nextSidenoteIndex += 2;
if (nextSidenoteIndex >= GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length) {
/* If no subsequent sidenote is displayed, append the current sidenote
to the column.
} else {
/* Otherwise, insert it before the next displayed sidenote.
side.insertBefore(sidenote, GW.sidenotes.sidenoteDivs[nextSidenoteIndex]);
/* In footnote mode (i.e., on viewports too narrow to support sidenotes),
footnote reference links (i.e., citations) should point down to footnotes.
But in sidenote mode, footnote reference links should point to sidenotes.
This function rewrites all footnote reference links appropriately to the
current mode (based on viewport width).
function updateFootnoteReferenceLinks() {
for (var i = 0; i < GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length; i++) {
let fnref = GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs[i];
if (GW.sidenotes.mediaQueries.viewportWidthBreakpoint.matches == false) {
fnref.href = "#sn" + (i + 1);
} else {
fnref.href = "#fn" + (i + 1);
/* Bind event listeners for the footnote popups or the sidenotes, as
appropriate for the current viewport width; unbind the others.
function updateFootnoteEventListeners() {
/* Determine whether we are in sidenote mode or footnote mode.
var sidenotesMode = (GW.sidenotes.mediaQueries.viewportWidthBreakpoint.matches == false);
if (sidenotesMode) {
if (window.Footnotes) {
// Unbind footnote events.
// Bind sidenote mouse events.
for (var i = 0; i < GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length; i++) {
let fnref = GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs[i];
let sidenote = GW.sidenotes.sidenoteDivs[i];
fnref.addEventListener("mouseover", GW.sidenotes.footnoteover = () => {
sidenote.classList.toggle("highlighted", true);
fnref.addEventListener("mouseout", GW.sidenotes.footnoteout = () => {
sidenote.addEventListener("mouseover", GW.sidenotes.sidenoteover = () => {
fnref.classList.toggle("highlighted", true);
sidenote.addEventListener("mouseout", GW.sidenotes.sidenoteout = () => {
} else {
// Unbind sidenote mouse events.
for (var i = 0; i < GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length; i++) {
let fnref = GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs[i];
let sidenote = GW.sidenotes.sidenoteDivs[i];
fnref.removeEventListener("mouseover", GW.sidenotes.footnoteover);
fnref.removeEventListener("mouseout", GW.sidenotes.footnoteout);
sidenote.removeEventListener("mouseover", GW.sidenotes.sidenoteover);
sidenote.removeEventListener("mouseout", GW.sidenotes.sidenoteout);
if (window.Footnotes &&
GW.sidenotes.mediaQueries.mobileViewportWidthBreakpoint.matches == false &&
GW.sidenotes.mediaQueries.hover == true) {
// Bind footnote events.
/* In some rare cases, we might switch to sidenote mode while a footnote popup
is on the screen. Since we remove footnote popup event listeners during the
switch, that popup will remain there forever... unless we clean it up.
function clearFootnotePopups() {
document.querySelectorAll("#footnotediv").forEach(footnotePopup => { footnotePopup.remove(); });
/* LAYOUT */
/* This function actually calculates and sets the positions of all sidenotes.
function updateSidenotePositions() {
/* If we're in footnotes mode (i.e., the viewport is too narrow), then
don't do anything.
if (GW.sidenotes.mediaQueries.viewportWidthBreakpoint.matches == true)
/* Position left sidenote column so top is flush with top of first
full-width block (i.e., one that is not pushed right by the TOC).
NOTE: This doesn’t quite do what it says (due to overflow), but that’s
fine; nothing really breaks as a result...
let markdownBody = document.querySelector("#markdownBody");
var firstFullWidthBlock;
for (var block of markdownBody.children) {
if (block.clientWidth == markdownBody.clientWidth) {
firstFullWidthBlock = block;
let offset = firstFullWidthBlock.offsetTop || 0;
if (GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnLeft.offsetTop < firstFullWidthBlock.offsetTop) { = offset + "px"; = `calc(100% - ${offset}px)`;
// Update the disposition of sidenotes within collapse blocks.
/* Initial layout (to force browser layout engine to compute sidenotes’
height for us).
for (var i = 0; i < GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length; i++) {
let sidenote = GW.sidenotes.sidenoteDivs[i];
/* Check whether the sidenote is in the hidden sidenote storage (i.e.,
within a currently-collapsed collapse block. If so, skip it.
if (sidenote.parentElement == GW.sidenotes.hiddenSidenoteStorage)
// What side is this sidenote on?
let side = (i % 2) ? GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnLeft : GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnRight;
// Default position (vertically aligned with the footnote reference). = Math.round(((GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs[i].getBoundingClientRect().top) - side.getBoundingClientRect().top) + 4) + "px";
/* Mark sidenotes which are cut off vertically.
let sidenoteOuterWrapper = sidenote.firstElementChild;
sidenote.classList.toggle("cut-off", (sidenoteOuterWrapper.scrollHeight > sidenoteOuterWrapper.clientHeight + 2));
/* Determine proscribed vertical ranges (i.e., bands of the page from which
sidenotes are excluded, by the presence of, e.g., a full-width table).
var proscribedVerticalRanges = [ ];
let rightColumnBoundingRect = GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnRight.getBoundingClientRect();
/* Examine all potentially overlapping elements (i.e., non-sidenote
elements that may appear in, or extend into, the side columns).
GW.sidenotes.potentiallyOverlappingElementsSelector = ".marginnote, .tableWrapper.full-width, figure.full-width";
document.querySelectorAll(GW.sidenotes.potentiallyOverlappingElementsSelector).forEach(potentiallyOverlappingElement => {
let elementBoundingRect = potentiallyOverlappingElement.getBoundingClientRect();
proscribedVerticalRanges.push({ top: -,
bottom: elementBoundingRect.bottom - });
/* The bottom of the right column is also a "proscribed vertical range".
top: GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnRight.clientHeight,
bottom: GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnRight.clientHeight
/* Correct for overlap (both between sidenotes, and of sidenotes with
proscribed vertical ranges, such as those associated with full-width
for (var i = 0; i < GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length; i++) {
let sidenote = GW.sidenotes.sidenoteDivs[i];
let nextSidenote = sidenote.nextElementSibling;
/* Is this sidenote even displayed? Or is it hidden (i.e., within
a currently-collapsed collapse block)? If so, skip it.
if (sidenote.parentElement == GW.sidenotes.hiddenSidenoteStorage) continue;
// What side is this sidenote on?
let side = (i % 2) ? GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnLeft : GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnRight;
/* What points bound the vertical region within which this sidenote may
be placed?
let room = {
ceiling: 0,
floor: side.clientHeight
let sidenoteFootprint = {
top: sidenote.offsetTop - GW.sidenotes.sidenoteSpacing,
bottom: sidenote.offsetTop + sidenote.clientHeight + GW.sidenotes.sidenoteSpacing
let sidenoteFootprintHalfwayPoint = ( + sidenoteFootprint.bottom) / 2;
/* Simultaneously traverse the array of proscribed ranges up and down,
narrowing down the room we have to work with (in which to place this
sidenote) from both sides.
var nextProscribedRangeAfterSidenote = -1;
for (var j = 0; j < proscribedVerticalRanges.length; j++) {
let rangeCountingUp = {
top: proscribedVerticalRanges[j].top - side.offsetTop,
bottom: proscribedVerticalRanges[j].bottom - side.offsetTop,
rangeCountingUp.halfwayPoint = ( + rangeCountingUp.bottom) / 2;
if (rangeCountingUp.halfwayPoint < sidenoteFootprintHalfwayPoint)
room.ceiling = rangeCountingUp.bottom;
let indexCountingDown = proscribedVerticalRanges.length - j - 1;
let rangeCountingDown = {
top: proscribedVerticalRanges[indexCountingDown].top - side.offsetTop,
bottom: proscribedVerticalRanges[indexCountingDown].bottom - side.offsetTop
rangeCountingDown.halfwayPoint = ( + rangeCountingDown.bottom) / 2;
if (rangeCountingDown.halfwayPoint > sidenoteFootprintHalfwayPoint) {
room.floor =;
nextProscribedRangeAfterSidenote = indexCountingDown;
GWLog(`Sidenote ${i + 1}’s room is: (${room.ceiling}, ${room.floor}).`);
// Is this sidenote capable of fitting within the room it now occupies?
if (sidenoteFootprint.bottom - > room.floor - room.ceiling) {
/* If this is not caused by bumping into the top of a proscribed
range, then it could only be because the sidenote is either too
long for the entire page itself, or it’s longer than the entire
footnotes section (and comes very late in the document).
In that case, just give up.
if (nextProscribedRangeAfterSidenote == -1) {
/* Otherwise, move the sidenote down to the next free space, and
try laying it out again.
*/ = (proscribedVerticalRanges[nextProscribedRangeAfterSidenote].bottom + GW.sidenotes.sidenoteSpacing) + "px";
/* At this point, we are guaranteed that the sidenote can fit within
its room. We do not have to worry that it will overlap its floor if
we move it right up against its ceiling (or vice versa).
/* Does this sidenote overlap its room’s ceiling? In such a case, we
will have to move it down, regardless of whether there’s a next
sidenote that would be overlapped.
var overlapWithCeiling = room.ceiling -;
if (overlapWithCeiling > 0) {
GWLog(`Sidenote ${} overlaps its ceiling!`); = (parseInt( + overlapWithCeiling) + "px"; += overlapWithCeiling;
sidenoteFootprint.bottom += overlapWithCeiling;
// Does this sidenote overlap its room’s floor?
var overlapWithFloor = sidenoteFootprint.bottom - room.floor;
if (overlapWithFloor > 0)
GWLog(`Sidenote ${} overlaps its floor!`);
/* Is there a next sidenote, and if so, is there any overlap between
it and this one?
var overlapWithNextSidenote = nextSidenote ?
(sidenoteFootprint.bottom - nextSidenote.offsetTop) :
if (overlapWithNextSidenote > 0)
GWLog(`Sidenote ${} overlaps sidenote ${}!`);
/* If the sidenote overlaps the next sidenote AND its room’s floor,
we want to know what it overlaps more.
var overlapBelow = Math.max(overlapWithNextSidenote, overlapWithFloor);
/* If there’s no overlap with the room’s floor, and there’s no overlap
with the next sidenote (or there is no next sidenote), then the
current sidenote’s position needs no further adjustment.
if (overlapBelow <= 0) continue;
/* Figure out how much vertical space above we have; if there’s enough
“headroom”, we can simply move the current sidenote up.
let previousSidenote = sidenote.previousElementSibling;
let maxHeadroom = - room.ceiling;
let headroom = previousSidenote ?
Math.min(maxHeadroom, ( - (previousSidenote.offsetTop + previousSidenote.clientHeight))) :
GWLog(`We have ${headroom}px of headroom.`);
// If we have enough headroom, simply move the sidenote up.
if (headroom >= overlapBelow) {
GWLog(`There is enough headroom. Moving sidenote ${} up.`); = (parseInt( - overlapBelow) + "px";
} else {
// We don’t have enough headroom!
GWLog(`There is not enough headroom to move sidenote ${} all the way up!`);
/* If there’s overlap with the room’s floor, and the headroom is
insufficient to clear that overlap, then we will have to move
the current sidenote to the next open space, and try laying it
out again.
if (headroom < overlapWithFloor) { = (proscribedVerticalRanges[nextProscribedRangeAfterSidenote].bottom + GW.sidenotes.sidenoteSpacing) + "px";
/* If the headroom is enough to clear the sidenote’s overlap with
the room’s floor (if any), then it must be insufficient to clear
the overlap with the next sidenote. Before we try moving the
current sidenote up, we check to see whether the *next* sidenote
will fit in the remaining space of the current room. If not,
then that next sidenote will need to be moved to the next open
space, and the current sidenote need not be disturbed...
if ((sidenoteFootprint.bottom + nextSidenote.clientHeight + GW.sidenotes.sidenoteSpacing - headroom) >
// Move the sidenote up as much as we can...
GWLog(`Moving sidenote ${} up by ${headroom} pixels...`); = (parseInt( - headroom) + "px";
// Recompute overlap...
overlapWithNextSidenote -= headroom;
/* And move the next sidenote down - possibly causing overlap.
(But this will be handled when we process the next sidenote.)
GWLog(`... and moving sidenote ${} down by ${overlapWithNextSidenote} pixels.`); = (parseInt( + overlapWithNextSidenote) + "px";
// Show the sidenote columns. = ""; = "";
/* Constructs the HTML structure, and associated listeners and auxiliaries,
of the sidenotes.
function constructSidenotes() {
/* Do nothing if sidenotes.js somehow gets run extremely early in the page
load process.
let markdownBody = document.querySelector("#markdownBody");
if (!markdownBody) return;
/* Add the sidenote columns (removing them first if they already exist).
if (GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnLeft) GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnLeft.remove();
if (GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnRight) GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnRight.remove();
"<div id='sidenote-column-left' class='footnotes' style='visibility:hidden'></div>" +
"<div id='sidenote-column-right' class='footnotes' style='visibility:hidden'></div>");
GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnLeft = document.querySelector("#sidenote-column-left");
GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnRight = document.querySelector("#sidenote-column-right");
/* Create and inject the sidenotes.
GW.sidenotes.sidenoteDivs = [ ];
// The footnote references (citations).
GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a.footnote-ref"));
for (var i = 0; i < GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length; i++) {
// Create the sidenote outer containing block...
let sidenote = document.createElement("div");
sidenote.classList.add("sidenote"); = "sn" + (i + 1);
// Wrap the contents of the footnote in two wrapper divs...
let referencedFootnote = document.querySelector(GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs[i].hash);
sidenote.innerHTML = "<div class='sidenote-outer-wrapper'><div class='sidenote-inner-wrapper'>" +
(referencedFootnote ? referencedFootnote.innerHTML : "Loading sidenote contents, please wait…")
+ "</div></div>";
// Add the sidenote to the sidenotes array...
// On which side should the sidenote go? Odd - right; even - left.
let side = (i % 2) ? GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnLeft : GW.sidenotes.sidenoteColumnRight;
// Inject the sidenote into the page.
/* Create & inject the sidenote self-links (i.e., boxed sidenote numbers).
for (var i = 0; i < GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length; i++) {
let sidenoteSelfLink = document.createElement("a");
sidenoteSelfLink.href = "#sn" + (i + 1);
sidenoteSelfLink.textContent = (i + 1);
/* Create & inject the hidden sidenote storage (for sidenotes within
currently-collapsed collapse blocks).
if (GW.sidenotes.hiddenSidenoteStorage) GW.sidenotes.hiddenSidenoteStorage.remove();
GW.sidenotes.hiddenSidenoteStorage = document.createElement("div"); = "hidden-sidenote-storage"; = "none";
/* Add listeners to target a sidenote when clicked.
for (var i = 0; i < GW.sidenotes.footnoteRefs.length; i++) {
let sidenote = GW.sidenotes.sidenoteDivs[i];
sidenote.addEventListener("click", GW.sidenotes.sidenoteClicked = (event) => {
if (decodeURIComponent(location.hash) == || == "A") return;
// Preserve hash before changing it.
if (!(location.hash.hasPrefix("#sn") || location.hash.hasPrefix("#fnref")))
GW.sidenotes.hashBeforeSidenoteWasFocused = location.hash;
/* Insert zero-width spaces after problematic characters in sidenotes.
(This is to mitigate justification/wrapping problems.)
GW.sidenotes.problematicCharacters = '/=≠';
GW.sidenotes.sidenoteDivs.forEach(sidenote => {
sidenote.querySelectorAll("*").forEach(element => {
if (element.closest(".sourceCode")) return;
element.childNodes.forEach(node => {
if (node.childNodes.length > 0) return;
node.textContent = node.textContent.replace(new RegExp("(\\w[" + GW.sidenotes.problematicCharacters + "])(\\w)", 'g'), "$1\u{200B}$2");
/* Q: Why is this setup function so long and complex?
A: In order to properly handle all of the following:
1. The two different modes (footnote popups vs. sidenotes)
2. The interactions between sidenotes and collapse blocks
3. Linking to footnotes/sidenotes
4. Loading a URL that links to a footnote/sidenote
5. Disclosing too-long sidenotes (and otherwise interacting with sidenotes)
6. Changes in the viewport width dynamically altering all of the above
… and, of course, correct layout of the sidenotes, even in tricky cases
where the citations are densely packed and the sidenotes are long.
function sidenotesSetup() {
/* The `sidenoteSpacing` constant defines the minimum vertical space that
is permitted between adjacent sidenotes; any less, and they are
considered to be overlapping.
GW.sidenotes = {
sidenoteSpacing: 60
// Compensate for Firefox nonsense.
if (GW.isFirefox && document.readyState != "complete")
window.addEventListener("load", ridiculousWorkaroundsForBrowsersFromBizarroWorld);
/* Construct the sidenotes immediately, and also re-construct them as soon
as the HTML content is fully loaded (if it isn't already).
if (document.readyState == "loading")
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", constructSidenotes);
/* Add a resize listener so that sidenote positions are recalculated when
the window is resized.
window.addEventListener('resize', GW.sidenotes.windowResized = (event) => {
/* Lay out the sidenotes as soon as the document is loaded.
if (document.readyState == "complete") {
} else {
if (document.readyState == "loading") {
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", updateSidenotePositions);
} else {
window.addEventListener("load", updateSidenotePositions);
/* On page load, set the correct mode (footnote popups or sidenotes), and
rewrite the citation (footnote reference) links to point to footnotes
or to sidenotes, as appropriate.
if (document.readyState == "complete") {
} else {
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
/* In case footnotes.js loads later, make sure event listeners are set in
order afterwards.
GW.sidenotes.footnotesObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
if (document.querySelector("#footnotediv")) {
GW.sidenotes.footnotesObserver.observe(document.body, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true });
/* If the page was loaded with a hash that points to a footnote, but
sidenotes are enabled (or vice-versa), rewrite the hash in accordance
with the current mode (this will also cause the page to end up scrolled
to the appropriate element - footnote or sidenote).
if (location.hash.match(/#sn[0-9]/) &&
GW.sidenotes.mediaQueries.viewportWidthBreakpoint.matches == true) {
location.hash = "#fn" + location.hash.substr(3);
} else if (location.hash.match(/#fn[0-9]/) &&
GW.sidenotes.mediaQueries.viewportWidthBreakpoint.matches == false) {
location.hash = "#sn" + location.hash.substr(3);
} else {
/* Otherwise, make sure that if a sidenote is targeted by the hash, it
indeed ends up looking highlighted (this defeats a weird bug).
/* Having updated the hash, now properly highlight everything, if needed,
and add a listener to update the target counterpart if the hash changes
Also, if the hash points to a collapse block, or to an element within a
collapse block, expand it and all collapse blocks enclosing it.
window.addEventListener("hashchange", GW.sidenotes.hashChanged = () => {
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
/* Add event listeners to (asynchronously) recompute sidenote positioning
when a collapse block is manually collapsed or expanded.
document.querySelectorAll(".disclosure-button").forEach(collapseCheckbox => {
collapseCheckbox.addEventListener("change", GW.sidenotes.disclosureButtonValueChanged = (event) => {
// Prepare for hash reversion.
/* Save the hash, if need be (if it does NOT point to a sidenote or a
footnote reference).
GW.sidenotes.hashBeforeSidenoteWasFocused = (location.hash.hasPrefix("#sn") || location.hash.hasPrefix("#fnref")) ?
"" : location.hash;
/* Add event listener to un-focus a sidenote (by resetting the hash) when
then document is clicked anywhere but a sidenote or a link.
document.body.addEventListener("click", GW.sidenotes.bodyClicked = (event) => {
if (!( == "A" ||".sidenote")) &&
(location.hash.hasPrefix("#sn") || location.hash.hasPrefix("#fnref"))) {
Copy link

can you please provide a html content for that

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