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Last active October 3, 2023 12:04
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Create custom Azure AD identity for use with CLI for Microsoft 365 using Azure CLI
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
function createAppRegistration (){
local appName=$1
appObjectId=`az ad app create --display-name "${appName}" --oauth2-allow-implicit-flow false --query "objectId" --output tsv`
# Undocumented: You need to create the service principal to back the app registration
sp=`az ad sp create --id ${appObjectId}`
appId=`az ad app show --id ${appObjectId} --query "appId" --output tsv`
echo "${appId}"
function addDelegatePermission (){
local appId=$1
local sp=$2
local scope=$3
spId=`az ad sp list --display-name "${sp}" --query "[0].appId" --output tsv`
scopeId=`az ad sp show --id ${spId} --query "oauth2Permissions[?value=='${scope}'].id" --output tsv`
count=`az ad app permission list --id ${appId} --query "length([*].resourceAccess[?id=='${scopeId}'] | [])" --output tsv`
if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Adding ${scope} permission for ${sp} ..."
az ad app permission add --id ${appId} --api ${spId} --api-permissions "${scopeId}=Scope"
echo "${scope} already listed in permissions ... skipping ..."
function grantAdminConsent (){
local appId=$1
az ad app permission admin-consent --id ${appId}
function updatePlatformConfiguration () {
local appId=$1
appObjectId=`az ad app show --id ${appId} --query "objectId" --output tsv`
az rest --method patch --uri "${appObjectId}" --headers 'Content-Type=application/json' --body "{\"isFallbackPublicClient\":true,\"publicClient\":{\"redirectUris\":[\"\"]},\"web\":{\"implicitGrantSettings\":{\"enableIdTokenIssuance\":false}}}"
echo "Creating app registration ..."
appName='CLI for Microsoft 365 Identity'
appId=`createAppRegistration $appName`
echo "Adding delegate permissions ..."
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Microsoft Graph" "AppCatalog.ReadWrite.All"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Microsoft Graph" "Directory.AccessAsUser.All"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Microsoft Graph" "Directory.ReadWrite.All"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Microsoft Graph" "Group.ReadWrite.All"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Microsoft Graph" "IdentityProvider.ReadWrite.All"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Microsoft Graph" "Mail.Send"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Microsoft Graph" "Reports.Read.All"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Microsoft Graph" "TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForUser"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Microsoft Graph" "User.Invite.All"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Office 365 SharePoint Online" "AllSites.FullControl"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Office 365 SharePoint Online" "User.Read.All"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Office 365 SharePoint Online" "TermStore.ReadWrite.All"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Windows Azure Active Directory" "Directory.AccessAsUser.All"
addDelegatePermission ${appId} "Windows Azure Service Management API" "user_impersonation"
echo "Granting admin consent ..."
grantAdminConsent ${appId}
echo "Updating plaform configuration ..."
updatePlatformConfiguration ${appId}
tenantId=`az account show --query "homeTenantId" --output tsv`
echo "Execute the following commands in the prompt to use the identity and login to Microsoft 365 ..."
echo "<!--- BEGIN ---!>"
echo "export CLIMICROSOFT365_AADAPPID=${appId}"
echo "export CLIMICROSOFT365_TENANT=${tenantId}"
echo "m365 login"
echo "<!--- END ---!>"
echo "Done"
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Updated script to use functions, which makes it much easier to read and also easier to configure permissions to users needs.

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