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Created February 9, 2022 16:52
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Shopify Audit Permissions
* Shopify Admin Auditing
* Copyright (c) 2022 Eric Garside (
* Available under the MIT license:
// The selector for permssion checkboxes label sets on the individual user pages (if shopify changes this)
const permissionSelector = 'label.Polaris-Choice_j5gzq:not([for^="Polaris"])'
// The selector for permission text within the checkbox label
const permissionTextSelector = ".Polaris-Choice__Label_2vd36"
// ======= Usage Instructions =======
// Step 1: go to
// Step 2: paste the following script and hit enter.
// The script will take you from the account page to the first authorized user page.
// In the console, hit the arrow key and hit enter.
// The script will:
// - Create an indexed list of all users except the site owner and store this in local storage
// - Iterate over each user in the list, visiting their individual user account page
// - Scrape their user page and parse their permissions storing them in local storage
// - Create a one time permission map of machine readable permissions to shopify display permissions
// - Redirect back to the /admin/settings/account page when all users have been audited.
// All you need to be:
// - Someone with developer console access enabled in your browser
// - An admin in shopify with access to view permissions for all admins in your account
// - Patient. Like really fuckin' patient. Saint level patient.
// Your workflow is:
// - load the /admin/settings/account page
// - Paste the script in a console the first time
// - hit enter
// - wait for the script to load the first admin
// - hit the up arrow
// - hit then enter key
// - 10) wait for the script to load the next admin
// - hit the up arrow
// - hit the enter key
// - goto (10)
// Eventually by the mercy of the gods, the script will return you to the /admin/settings/account page.
// - hit the up arrow
// - hit the enter key
// - `shopifyUsersForAudit` now contains all the data you care about
// - `permissionMap` has the machine to human readable encoding
// When this is done, you can run `toCSV()` to get a nice string output and be done with this madness.
// Run `toCSVData()` if you're into that sort of thing.
// You can also extend this to audit 2FA and grab emails if you want, I didn't care to, cause not my use case.
// When you're finished, run `purgeData()`.
// Best of luck to you and your district in the upcoming hunger games. May the odds forever be in your favor.
// ======= DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE =======
// The key to store these users in localstorage
const storageKey = "shopifyUsersForAudit"
const permissionMapKey = "permissionMap"
// Retrieve the users from local storage (will be null when first used)
let shopifyUsersForAudit = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(storageKey))
let permissionMap = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(permissionMapKey))
let auditing = false
// Persist the users into local storage
const persist = (users) => window.localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(users))
// On the first run, fetch the users to profile from the index account
if (shopifyUsersForAudit == null) {
// This will grab all links to admin user accounts.
// NodeList isn't an array so it can't be sliced, hence it must be first converted to an array to make it sliceable
// extract the first two elements, which will always be the store owner (uneditable) and the "add new" link
const links = Array.from(document.body.querySelectorAll('a[href^="/admin/settings/account/"]')).slice(2)
// Create account tracking objects out of each link
shopifyUsersForAudit = => ({ name: link.text, href: link.href, permissions: null, }))
// Process user account, auditing if its permissions are unknown, or skipping if known.
function process(user) {
if (user.permissions == null) {
// precaution; audit should load a webpage to audit these permissions
return false
return true
// Audit the user account, halting the iteration on the processing
function audit(user) {
auditing = true
if (window.location != user.href) {
window.location = user.href
// Get all permissions on the page
const permissions = document.body.querySelectorAll(permissionSelector)
// Map the permissions (checkboxes) into a flat object of values
const userPermissions = {}
const buildPermissionMap = (permissionMap == null)
if (buildPermissionMap) permissionMap = {}
permissions.forEach(permission => {
const input = permission.querySelector("input")
if (buildPermissionMap) {
const text = permission.querySelector(permissionTextSelector).textContent
// There's a "New" badge with a hidden "Info" badge at the end of some permission lines
permissionMap[] = text.replace("Info New", "")
userPermissions[] = input.checked
if (buildPermissionMap) window.localStorage.setItem(permissionMapKey, JSON.stringify(permissionMap))
// Store the user's permissions on their object
user.permissions = userPermissions
// Persist the user object in the array
auditing = false
// when all accounts process successfully, return to the "account homepage"
if (!auditing) {
if (window.location.pathname == "/admin/settings/account") { console.log("You're done!") }
else { window.location.pathname = "/admin/settings/account" }
function toCSVData() {
const csv = []
const headers = ["Name", "Link"]
const labels = ["Labels", "-"]
const permissions = Object.keys(permissionMap)
permissions.forEach(key => {
csv.push(headers, labels)
shopifyUsersForAudit.forEach(user => {
const row = [, user.href]
permissions.forEach(key => row.push(user.permissions[key] ? "YES" : "NO"))
return csv
function toCSV() {
toCSVData().map(row => row.join(",")).join("\n")
function purgeData() {
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Hi, thanks for your efforts here. Any update to this for the new UI?

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garside commented Sep 7, 2023

Naw mate sorry. Not my circus anymore so I don’t know what changed. Sorry! Best of luck. 🙏

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