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Created November 23, 2011 15:29
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Convert url image ref into inline base 64 in css with nodejs
var css = 'insert lots of css here';
var files = {};
css = css.replace(/url\((\S*)\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif)\)/g, function(match, file, type)
var fileName = file + '.' + type;
var size = fs.statSync(fileName).size;
if (size > 4096) {
console.log('Skipping ' + fileName + ' (' + (Math.round(size/1024*100)/100) + 'k)');
return match;
else {
var base64 = fs.readFileSync(fileName).toString('base64');
if (typeof(files[fileName]) !== 'undefined') {
console.log('Warning: ' + fileName + ' has already been base64 encoded in the css');
files[fileName] = true;
return 'url("data:image/' + (type === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : type) + ';base64,' + base64 + '")';
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garth commented Nov 23, 2011

This gist uses fs.readFileSync() because it is used as part of the build process (Jakefile.js), if you want to use it from within a production web server, then it should be changed to non-blocking and add caching.

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garth commented Dec 5, 2011

Updated to skip images > 4k

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plivox commented Apr 26, 2012

Thank you very much for this post 'garth', here is an example with Lessjs:

(function(tree, dirname) {
    tree.functions.base64 = function(argument) {
        return new(tree.Anonymous)((function(filename, quote) {
            var dist = 'url(' + quote + filename + quote + ')';

            // Search types supported.
            if (match = filename.match(/\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif)/)) {
                var image = path.normalize(dirname + '/' + filename),
                    type = match[1];

                try {
                    if ((fs.statSync(image).size) > 4096)
                        return dist;

                    return 'url(' + quote + 'data:image/' + (type === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : type) + 
                                ';base64,' + fs.readFileSync(image).toString('base64') + quote + ')';

                } catch(err) {
                    return 'none';
            } else {
                return dist;
        })(argument.value, argument.quote));
})(less.tree, __dirname + '/../../public');

If it can help;)

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jreading commented Jan 2, 2013

Edited to allow for single or double quotes:

css = css.replace(/url\(["']?(\S*)\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif)["']?\)/g, function(match, file, type)

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