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Last active March 21, 2022 12:35
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Handy Aliases for your bash/zsh profile
alias mvci="/usr/local/bin/mvn clean install"
alias mvcp="/usr/local/bin/mvn clean package"
alias sbr="mvn spring-boot:run"
alias c="clear" # Thee best!
alias l="ls -alh"
alias port="lsof -i" # Usage: port tcp:8080
alias kill-safe='kill -15' # Usage: kill-safe 12345
alias kill-force='kill -9'
alias nerd="npm run dev"
alias npmcc="npm cache clean -f"
alias npmci="rm -rf node_modules && npm i"
alias npmfci="rm -rf node_modules && rm package-lock.json && npm i"
alias npmu="npx npm-check-updates -u"
alias npmb="npm run build"
# Git
alias gs="git status"
alias ga="git add --all"
alias gr="git reset HEAD^"
# Adding SSH keys
alias ssh-garthtee="ssh-add -D &> /dev/null && ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/github_public_key && git config --global \"\""
# Logitech mouse bluetooth issue
alias mouse="echo 'Restarting Logitech daemon 😈' && killall LogiMgrDaemon"
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