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Last active October 13, 2023 20:30
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Python Wifi Channel Hopping Sniffer
Wifi Sniffer
import os
from scapy.all import *
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
iface = str(sys.argv[1])
iface = "wlan0"
os.system("ifconfig " + iface + " down")
os.system("iwconfig " + iface + " mode monitor")
os.system("ifconfig " + iface + " up")
def packet_info(pkt):
bssid = pkt[Dot11].addr3
p = pkt[Dot11Elt]
cap = pkt.sprintf("{Dot11Beacon:%Dot11Beacon.cap%}"
ssid, channel = None, None
crypto = set()
while isinstance(p, Dot11Elt):
if p.ID == 0:
ssid =
elif p.ID == 3:
channel = ord(
elif p.ID == 48:
elif p.ID == 221 and'\x00P\xf2\x01\x01\x00'):
p = p.payload
if not crypto:
if 'privacy' in cap:
print " %r [%s], %s" % (ssid, bssid,' / '.join(crypto) )
def handle_packet(packet):
if not packet.haslayer(Dot11Beacon) and not packet.haslayer(Dot11ProbeReq) and not packet.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp):
#regular packet
print " " + packet.summary()
if packet.haslayer(Raw):
print "\n"
print hexdump(packet.load)
print "\n"
elif packet.haslayer(Dot11ProbeReq) or packet.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp) or packet.haslayer(Dot11AssoReq):
print "[+] Sniffing on interface " + iface + ": "
while True:
for channel in range(1, 14):
os.system("iwconfig " + iface + " channel " + str(channel))
print "[+] Sniffing on channel " + str(channel)
sniff(iface=iface, prn=handle_packet, count=10, timeout=3, store=0)
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