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Created January 29, 2018 14:56
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Service Testing Glue Code
@When("^I call \"([^\"]*)\" with \"([^\"]*)\" the \"([^\"]*)\" is \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void i_call_with_the_is(String serviceName, String input, String property, String expectedValue) throws Throwable {
String userName = configuration.getProperty("");
String password = configuration.getProperty("bpm.user.password");
String requestURL = configuration.getProperty("rest.url") + configuration.getProperty("rest.unitTest") + serviceName;
Response response = given().auth().
form(userName, password, formAuthConfig).
headers("Accept", "application/json", "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "X-Method-Override", "POST").
queryParam("action", "start").
queryParam("params", input).
queryParam("createTask", "false").
queryParam("parts", "all").
// System.out.println(response.prettyPrint());
String responseBody = response.getBody().asString();
JsonPath responseJson = new JsonPath(responseBody);
String actualValue = String.valueOf(responseJson.getString(property));
String contentsError = String.format("Expected %s but found %s", expectedValue, actualValue);
Assert.assertTrue(expectedValue.equals(actualValue), contentsError);
// System.out.println(response.prettyPrint());
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