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Created April 30, 2018 04:10
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A demo of the blockDAG "Blue Selection Algorithm" with Go Lang
// Copyright 2018 The godag Authors
// This file is part of the godag library.
// The godag library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The godag library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the godag library. If not, see <>.
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package main;
import (
func chainInitialize() map[string]*Block{
//initial an empty chain
chain := make(map[string]*Block)
//add blocks
ChainAddBlock("Genesis", []string{}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("B", []string{"Genesis"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("C", []string{"Genesis"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("D", []string{"Genesis"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("E", []string{"Genesis"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("F", []string{"B","C"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("I", []string{"C","D"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("H", []string{"E"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("J", []string{"F","D"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("L", []string{"F"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("K", []string{"J","I","E"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("N", []string{"D","H"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("M", []string{"L","K"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("O", []string{"K"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("P", []string{"K"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("Q", []string{"N"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("R", []string{"O","P","N"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("S", []string{"Q"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("T", []string{"S"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("U", []string{"T"}, chain)
tips := FindTips(chain)
tipsName := LTPQ(tips, true) // LTPQ is not relevant here, I just use it to get Tips name.
ChainAddBlock("Virtual", tipsName, chain)
return chain
func main() {
var actual bytes.Buffer
fmt.Println("\n- BlockDAG Algorithm Simulation - Algorithm 1: Selection of a blue set. -")
chain := chainInitialize()
fmt.Println("chainInitialize(): done. blocks=", len(chain)-1)
CalcBlue(chain, 3, chain["Virtual"])
// print the result of blue sets
ltpq := LTPQ(chain, true)
fmt.Print("blue set selection done. blue blocks = ")
nBlueBlocks := 0
for _, name := range ltpq {
block := chain[name]
if IsBlueBlock(block)==true {
if name=="Genesis" || name=="Virtual" {
}else {
fmt.Println(actual.String(), " total blue:", nBlueBlocks)
type Block struct {
Name string // Name used for simulation. In reality, block header hash can be used as the 'Name' of a block.
Score int
SizeOfPastSet int // Size of its past set (blocks). It's fixed number once a block is created, and can't change anymore.
Prev map[string]*Block
Next map[string]*Block // Block don't have this info, it comes from the analysis of existing chain
Blue map[string]bool // Blue is relative to each Tip
func ChainAddBlock(Name string, References []string, chain map[string]*Block) *Block{
//create this block
thisBlock := Block{Name, -1, -1,make(map[string]*Block), make(map[string]*Block),make(map[string]bool)}
//add references
for _, Reference := range References {
prev, ok := chain[Reference]
if ok {
thisBlock.Prev[Reference] = prev
prev.Next[Name] = &thisBlock
fmt.Println("chainAddBlock(): error! block reference invalid. block name =", Name, " references=", Reference)
thisBlock.SizeOfPastSet = SizeOfPastSet(&thisBlock)
//add this block to the chain
chain[Name] = &thisBlock
return &thisBlock
* if a block's Next is not in G, then it's a Tip
func FindTips(G map[string]*Block) map[string]*Block {
tips := make(map[string]*Block)
for k, v := range G {
if len(v.Next)==0 {
tips[k] = v
for next := range v.Next {
if _,ok := G[next]; ok {
continue checkNextBlock
tips[v.Name] = v
return tips
func pastSet(B *Block, past map[string]*Block){
for k, v := range B.Prev {
if _,ok := past[k]; !ok {
pastSet(v, past)
past[k] = v
func futureSet(B *Block, future map[string]*Block){
for k, v := range B.Next {
if _,ok := future[k]; !ok {
futureSet(v, future)
future[k] = v
func countBlue(G map[string]*Block, tip *Block) int{
var blueBlocks = 0
for _, v := range G {
if blue, ok := v.Blue[tip.Name]; ok {
if blue {
} else if v.Name=="Genesis"{
return blueBlocks
func antiCone(G map[string]*Block, B *Block) map[string]*Block{
anticone := make(map[string]*Block)
past := make(map[string]*Block)
pastSet(B, past)
future := make(map[string]*Block)
futureSet(B, future)
for name, block := range G {
if _,ok := past[name]; ok {
continue // block not in B's past
if _,ok := future[name]; ok {
continue // block not in B's future
if name==B.Name {
continue // block not B
anticone[name] = block // then this block belongs to anticone
return anticone
func IsBlueBlock(B *Block) bool {
if B==nil {
return false
if B.Name=="Genesis" {
return true
for _,blue := range B.Blue {
if blue==true {
return true
return false
func SizeOfPastSet(B *Block) int{
past := make(map[string]*Block)
pastSet(B, past)
return len(past)
* lexicographical topological priority queue
func LTPQ(G map[string]*Block, ascending bool) []string{
ltpq := make([]struct {
Name string
SizeOfPastSet int
}, len(G))
for _, block := range G {
ltpq[i].Name, ltpq[i].SizeOfPastSet = block.Name, block.SizeOfPastSet
* The priority of a block is represented by the size of its past set; in case of ties, the block with lowest hash ID is chosen.
sort.Slice(ltpq, func(i, j int) bool {
return ltpq[i].SizeOfPastSet < ltpq[j].SizeOfPastSet || (ltpq[i].SizeOfPastSet == ltpq[j].SizeOfPastSet && ltpq[i].Name < ltpq[j].Name)
priorityQue := make([]string, len(ltpq))
if ascending==true { // asc: little first
for i := 0; i < len(ltpq); i++ {
priorityQue[i] = ltpq[i].Name
}else{ // desc: big first
for i,j := len(ltpq)-1,0; i >= 0; i,j = i-1,j+1 {
priorityQue[j] = ltpq[i].Name
return priorityQue
func CalcBlue(G map[string]*Block, k int, topTip *Block){
if len(G)==1 {
if _,ok := G["Genesis"]; ok {
fmt.Println("CalcBlue(): error! len(G)=1 but not Genesis block")
} else if len(G)==0 {
fmt.Println("CalcBlue(): error! impossible to reach here. len(G)=0")
// step 4
tips := FindTips(G)
if len(tips)==0 {
fmt.Println("calcBlue(): error! impossible! Tips Empty.")
maxBlue := -1
var Bmax *Block = nil
// step 4' Starting from the highest scoring tip (to be continued... for the moment, I use reversed LTPQ.)
var ltpq = LTPQ(tips, false)
for _, name := range ltpq {
tip := tips[name] // step 4'
past := make(map[string]*Block)
pastSet(tip, past)
//fmt.Println("calcBlue(): info of next recursive call - tip=", tip.Name, " past=", len(past))
// step 5
CalcBlue(past, k, tip)
// step 6
blueBlocks := countBlue(past, tip)
if blueBlocks>maxBlue {
maxBlue = blueBlocks
Bmax = tip
} else if blueBlocks==maxBlue {
// tie-breaking
* Important Note: in some cases, the tie-breaking method will decide the final blue selection result! not always converge to maximum k-cluster SubDAG.
* research to be continued.
if tip.Name < Bmax.Name {
Bmax = tip
if Bmax==nil {
fmt.Println("calcBlue(): error! impossible! Bmax=nil.")
// step 7
for _, v := range G {
for name, blue := range v.Blue {
for _, tip := range tips {
if blue == true && name != Bmax.Name && name==tip.Name {
v.Blue[name] = false // clear all other tips blue blocks, only keep the Bmax blue ones
Bmax.Blue[Bmax.Name] = true // BLUEk(G) = BLUEk(Bmax) U {Bmax}
// step 8
anticoneBmax := antiCone(G, Bmax)
ltpq = LTPQ(anticoneBmax, true) // in 'some' topological ordering: LTPQ
for _, name := range ltpq {
B := anticoneBmax[name]
// step 9
nBlueAnticone := 0
anticone := antiCone(G, B)
for _, block := range anticone {
if IsBlueBlock(block)==true {
if nBlueAnticone<=k {
B.Blue[Bmax.Name] = true // step 10
// additional step: replace Blue[Bmax] with [topTip]
for _, B := range G {
if blue, ok := B.Blue[Bmax.Name]; ok && blue==true {
B.Blue[Bmax.Name] = false
B.Blue[topTip.Name] = true
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