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Created June 4, 2024 14:40
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Reqnroll debug step-in tester
using Moq;
using Reqnroll;
using Reqnroll.Bindings;
using Reqnroll.Bindings.Reflection;
using Reqnroll.BoDi;
using Reqnroll.Configuration;
using Reqnroll.Infrastructure;
using Reqnroll.Tracing;
// get a sample STATIC method from the package
var methodInfo = Type.GetType("ConsoleApp1.SampleClass, ConsoleApp1").GetMethod("SampleMethod");
var bindingInvoker = new BindingInvoker(ConfigurationLoader.GetDefault(), null, new BindingDelegateInvoker());
var binding = new HookBinding(new RuntimeBindingMethod(methodInfo), HookType.BeforeScenario, null, 0);
var contextManagerMock = new Mock<IContextManager>();
var scenarioContainer = new ObjectContainer();
scenarioContainer.RegisterInstanceAs(new ScenarioInfo("", null, null, null));
scenarioContainer.RegisterInstanceAs(new Mock<ITestObjectResolver>().Object);
contextManagerMock.SetupGet(cm => cm.ScenarioContext)
await bindingInvoker.InvokeBindingAsync(binding, contextManagerMock.Object, Array.Empty<object>(), new Mock<ITestTracer>().Object, new DurationHolder());
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The ConsoleApp1.SampleClass, ConsoleApp1 and the SampleMethod has to be customized.

Line 21 makes the invoke. With a local method debugger steps in correctly.

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