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Created July 4, 2023 10:40
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Tree in the Forest: Exercise for Agile2023 Scotland, Gaspar Nagy
Feature: Tree in the Forest Exercise
- Work in pairs or 3 people mini-groups
- Find at least one example of the detail types below
- Is that particular detail necessary in the scenario?
Detail types:
1. Entity property
2. Entity existence
3. Hierarchical data
4. Technical details
5. Contextual details (scenario execution context)
6. Baseline
7. Workflow steps
8. System status
Rule: Dispatched orders cannot me modified in the app
Scenario: Customer attempts to modify a dispatched order
Given the Earth is spinning
And there is electricity for the servers
And the system has been started
And the system has been initialized
And the system is not in maintenance mode
And there are the following products
| name | unit price | status |
| Flipchart | 250 | active |
| Sticky Notes | 18 | active |
And there is a customer
| name | user name | password |
| Agile Alliance | agall | SecRat!2345 |
And the customer "Agile Alliance" has an address
| street | city | zip |
| 18 Holyrood Park Road | Edinburgh | EH16 5AY |
And the customer "Agile Alliance" is not blocked
And the customer "Agile Alliance" has an order "O293445"
| status | payment method | issue date | due date |
| created | bank_transfer | 7/25/2023 | 8/24/2023 |
And the order "O293445" has an item
| item id | product | quantity |
| 743268 | Flipchart | 13 |
And the order "O293445" has an item
| item id | product | quantity |
| 743269 | Sticky Notes | 200 |
And the order "O293445" preparation has started
And the order "O293445" has been dispatched
And the user has logged in with user name "agall" and password "SecRat!2345"
And the user clicks on button "dismiss_newsl_s" in "newsl_subs"
And the user hovers over menu "mn_orders"
And the user clicks on button "mn_orders_myord"
When the user clicks on button "//*[@id="orders_O293445"]/td[3]/a"
Then the DIV "msg_ord_err" should contain
Dispatched orders cannot be modified.
Please call hotline at +441234567890.
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