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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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sample data using DUV for a collection of dataset catalog, taken from URL in at
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix foaf: <>.
@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix org: <> .
@prefix duv: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
ex:cdsIndatagouv a dcat:Catalog;
dcat:dataset ex:dst1, ex:dst2 ;
dcterms:publisher [a org:Organization; rdfs:label "Amelie-Assurance Maladie"@fr];
dcterms:licence <>; #better an uri here
# more metadata here ##
# We might need a duv:feedback as an inverse property for duv:endorses
## the csv uploader of data.gouv feedback ##
[] a foaf:Agent, duv:Consumer ;
foaf:name "CSVuploader"@en ;
duv:provides [a duv:Feedback;
rdfs:label "no errors detected"@fr
] ;
duv:endorses ex:cdsIndatagouv ;
## cquest is a person providing feedback ###
ex:cquest a foaf:Person, duv:Consumer ;
duv:provides ex:fdbcquest ;
## ptodorov provides a blog as feedback ###
ex:ptodorov a foaf:Person, duv:Consumer ;
duv:provides ex:fdbptodorov ;
## the feedback here is a curated dataset
## yet another Distribution ##
ex:fdbcquest a duv:Feedback, dcat:Distribution ;
dcterms:issued "2014-12-18"^^xsd:date ;
dcat:accessURL <> ;
dcterms:format "CSV";
dcat:downloadURL <>;
duv:numberOfDownload "37" ; # Do we need to track the number of downloads?
duv:endorses ex:cdsIndatagouv ; # linking the feedback to the original catalog
ex:fdbptodorov a duv:Blog;
## access to the summary describing the feedback ##
dcterms:description <> ;
## access to the full blog ##
foaf:homepage <> ;
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