- fix explicit definition of the primary and subsidiary locations.
- Added era:formatNote property and annotations.
- added the Turtle file generated from excel file annotated by ERA.
- Introduced topology and positioning classes and properties (closer to well known topological models)
- Removed obsolete classes and properties involved in topology and positioning
- Introduced era:parameterValueType to describe parameter applicability value meaning
- Bug fixes
- renamed era:tsiOPEappendixD1Index to era:tsiOPEAppendixD1Index, same for era:tsiOPEappendixD2Index to era:tsiOPEAppendixD2Index and s/era:tsiOPEappendixD3Index/era:tsiOPEAppendixD3Index
- Added definitions to object properties that denote relationships among classes
- Fixes in hierarchies of CCS, Energy and Infra subsystems
- Added CommonCharacteristicsSubset to domain of parameterApplicability
- Added functional property axiom to some properties with domain TrainDetectionSystem and ContactLineSystem
- Added porperty borderPointId to the class ReferenceBorderPoint
- Fix RINF index to for location
- Added definition to class Track
- Renamed the annotation properties era:appendixD2Index and era:appendixD3Index to the corresponding era:tsiOPEAppendixD2Index and era:tsiOPEAppendixD3Index. Created annotation properties era:tsiOPEappendixD1Index
- Added two annotation properties: era:applicable and era:legalDeadline
- Fix on hierarchy transitionsBetweenSystems parameters and its subproperties
- Fix domain etcsSytemCompatibilitiy, etcsTransmitsTrackConditions, ETCSTransmittedTrackConditions to ETCS
- Delete property hasSetOfParameters (duplicate with belongsTo)
- Added CommonCharacteristics subset to domain of some of the parameters of PlatformEdge, Siding, and Tunnel parameters
- Removed CommonCharacteristicsSubset from domain of ContactLineSystem, Train DetectionSystem and ETCS
- Fix delete @en tag in RINF index
- Removed annotation RINF index and change Domain from those RINF parameters that have been deprecated but that are maintained because there also ERATV and removed Track, CommonCharacteristicsSubset from Domain
- Remove deprecated axiom from trainDetectionSystemSpecificCheck,
- Added transitive axiom to subsetOf property between two CommonCharacteristicsSubset
- Deleted datatype property NationalLineIdentification, its metadata added to object property nationalLine netween (Position or SectionOfLin)e and NationalRailwayLine. Added metadata to nationalLineId of NationalRailwayLine. -Added functional property axiom to: errorCorrectionsOnBoard, errorCorrectionsOnboardExplanation, conditionsSwitchClassBSystems, roleOf
- Added CommonCharacteristicsSybset to domain of localRulesOrRestrictions, localRulesOrRestrictionsDoc
- Modified accelerationLevelCrossing to an object property with range Document
- Added Siding to domain maxCurrentStandstillPantograph
- Fix on hierarchy transitionsBetweenSystems Obj and Data properties and its subProperties
- Added functional property axiom to properties where the domain is ETCS
- Added rbcID axiom subproperty of dcterms:identifier
- Added VehicleType to domain in TemperatureRange
- Divided etcsNationalPacket44 (deprecated) into boolean hasEtcsNationalPacket44 etcsNationalPacket44Function that points to a taxonomy.
- Create placeholder skos concept scheme forETCS national packet 44 functions.
- Changed range hasETCSRestrictionConditions to boolean. Created an object property etcsRestrictionConditionsDoc to point to its Document.
- Deprecated era:imCode. Replaced by organisationCode
- Added metadata (dcterms:modified and rdfs:isDefinedBy to all ObjParameter and DataParameter properties in the hierarchy of Energy, Infra and CCS subsystems
- Deleted annotation properties dcterms:modifief and dcterms:modifed
- Added annotation properties era:affectedProperty, era:affectedClass, era:scope for annotating SHACL shapes
- Added annotation property era:shaclShapeValidationRule to point from properties to the corresponding shape.
- Added functional axiom to properties according to RINF app guide (1.6.1) to those properties that have "Can be repeated: N"
- Removed metadata from length, now a grouping property and place the relevant definitions in the corresponding subproperties. Added subproperty lengthOfVehicle
- Imported propeties time:hasBeginning and time:hasEnd from Time ontology
- Updated domain to the class ETCS: era:etcsInfill, era:etcsMVersion, era:etcsSystemCompatibility, era:etcsTransmittedTrackConditions
- Changed domain kilometer and kmPostName to Position
- Changed data properties instructionsSwitchRadioSystems, documentRestrictionPowerConsumption, documentRestrictionPositionContactLineSeparation, conditionsSwitchClassBSystems, conditionsAppliedRegenerativeBraking to object properties with range era:Document
- Added hierarchies for Vehicle and VehicleType characteristics.
- Deprecated datatype property trainDetectionSystemSpecificCheck, as the same object property exists (points to a SKOS concept scheme)
- Changes in network and subset with common characteristics proposal (decision meeting 31-10-2024)
- Created the hierarchy of object and datatype properties for CCS system. Updated domain to Track. Added Subset of Common characteristics to domain. Deleted the class CCS subsystem
- Changed names for classes InfrastructureObject to InfrastructureElement and also their subclasses now BasicElement and AggregatedElement.
- Axiom for deprecation was deleted for imCode. Its domain is OrganisationRole.
- Deleted the class TechnicalCharacteristic. Change all domain and ranges where this class appears. Delete the era:parameter property.
- Deprecated properties certificate, state of VehicleType as the class Certificate was also deprecated. The skos concept scheme for certificate states is moved to folder of deprecated skos.
- Deleted the property organization between InfrastructureElement and Body (now infrastructureManager is the property that relates the Infrastructure element with the organisation role)
- Deleted RINF indexes from minAxleLoad and minDistConsecutiveAxles. Properties remain as there are also eratv properties.
- Deleted lineNationalId as lineNationalIdentification also exists (with complete metadata)
- Changed name of class and property ETCSLevel and etcsLevel to ETCS and etcs respectively.
- Added deprecated axiom to property platformEdge.
- Created hierarchy of properties for ccs subsystem and energy subsystem object parameters and ccs subsystem and energy subsystem data parameters. Changed domain to corresponding infrastructure object and added SubsetWithCommonCharacteristics to domain of these properties.
- Changed names clases InfrastructureObject, BasicObject and AggregatedObject to InfrastructureElement, BasicElement and AggregatedElement
Move company code categories SKOS to deprecated SKOS as corresponding property has been deprecated.
Deprecated lineNationalId, replaced by nationalLine property. Create a string datatype property nationalLineIdentfication with same annotations than lineNationalId
Created property hasOrientation between Signal and Orientation
Fixed dcterms:isReplacedBy to hasPosition in deprecated lineReference property
Proposal representation of hierarchy of parameters in the RINF app guide:
Add RINF index and to the property infrastructureManager
Created hierarchy of properties for infrastructure subsystem object parameters and infrastructure subsystem data parameters. Changed domain to corresponding infrastructure object and added SubsetWithCommonCharacteristics to domain of these properties.
-Proposal for BaseLocation, PrimaryLocation and SubsidiaryLocation
- Linear Location is now a subclass of BaseLocation
- Changed domain of location from TopologicalObject to InfrstructureObject
- Delete axiom InfrastructureObject is subclass of Feature.
- PrimaryLocation is now a subclass of SpotLocation (no more subclass of an AggregatedObject)
- Created linkedToPrimaryLocation between a SubsidiaryLocation and a PrimaryLocation
- Added domain PrimaryLocation to hasPosition
- Proposal on applicability
- Changed the name of the class Applicability to ParameterApplicability.
- Changed the name of the property applicability to parameterApplicability with domain InfrastructureObject and range ParameterApplicability
- Created property era:ofparameter to relate the ParameterApplicability to the parameter it is denoting (a property in the ontology)
-Changes according to agreed Organisation proposal:
- Changed domain of property infrastructureManager to include Network or PrimaryLocation or InfrastructureObject
- Added roleOf as an inverse property of role. Relation that goes from OrganisationRole to Organisation
- Updated range of properties vehicleKeeper, manufacturer, allocationCompany to OrganisationRole
- Changes according to agreed Border point proposal:
- Created class ReferenceBorderPoint that will contain all the listed border points in the RINF application guide.
- Created object property referenceBorderPoint relating an OP with a reference border point.
- Deprecated properties opInfoPerCountry and borderPointOf
- property companyCodeCategory was deprecated. companu code categories SKOS was moved to the folder of deprectaed SKOS
- Class Certificate is deprecated, belongs to the the EVR ontology.
- Properties vehicleTypesCompatibleTrafficLoad and vehiclesCompatibleTrafficLoad are now object properties pointing to the classes VehicleType and Vehicle respectively
Fix skos:definition to rdfs:label in era:direction property
Change in Network and Network Resource proposal:
- Deleted class NetworkResource
- belongsTo has as domain InfrastructureObject
- added new property subNetworkOf that relates two networks.
- added new property infrastructureManager to relate Network with the Organisation (OrganisationRole).
- Add axiom Network is a subclass of AreaLocation
Change in Position layer proposal
- Deprecated LineReference class and lineReference property
- Created LinePosition and TrackPosition as subclasses of Position.
- Deleted the Referent class.
- The domain of kilometer and kmPostName is now LinePosition.
- Deleted the carrierObject property
- Changed domain of hasPosition to InfrastructureObject
- Changed domain of nationalLine to LinePosition
- Changed range of lineReferenceTunnelStart and lineReferenceTunnelEnd to LinePosition. Subproperties of hasPosition.
- Changed domain and range of referent property to TrackPosition and Track respectively.
- Deprecated minimumTemperature and maximumTemperature as both RINF and ERATV define a temprature range with a list of predefined values.
- Changed era:trainDetectionSystemSpecificChecks from a data property to an object property (It is a list of predefined values). Added the pointer to its SKOS Concept Scheme.
- Fixed annotation inSKOSConceptScheme for property era:osmClass
- Deleted from definitions (rdfs:comment) URIs referring to the source and added them as dcterms:source annotations. Replaced all rdfs:seeAlso to dcterms:source for consistency in the annotations.
- Removed duplicate properties appendixD2Index and appendixD3Index, fixed references to point to remaining properties.
- Fixed Specific constraints imposed by the GSM-R network, deleted 1.1... RINF index. Fixed & as the correct RINF indexes of "Radio Network ID".
- Added isReplacedBy annotations to deprecated classes era:Manufacturer and era.VehicleKeeper.
- Fixed typo ammendment for amendment.
- Added annotation dcterms:isReplacedBy era:errorCorrectionsOnBoard for era:gsmrErrorCorrectionsOnBoard, era:etcsErrorCorrectionsOnBoard, era:ertmsErrorCorrectionsOnBoard.
- Add annotation in SKOSConceptScheme to era:operationalRegimeType, era:subsidiaryLocationType, era:conditionsUseReflectivePlates, era:standardCombinedTransportRollerUnit, era:linesideDistanceIndicationAppearance (currently placeholder concept schemes to be developed)
- Deleted foaf:Project, no Usage in ontology and the concept is not part of the domain.
- Fix bug era:direction, change skos:definition to rdfs:label
- Fix Typo definition NationalRailwayLine, Network
- According to conceptual design import gsp:SpatialObject sf:LineString, sf:MultiPolygon, sf:Point and also other superclasses in the hierarchy of these classes.
- Change era:qNvdriverAdhes to an object property that points to a SKOS concept scheme (currently a boolean data property)
- Add era:inSkosConceptScheme for era:hasOrganisationRole
- Add era:inSkosConceptScheme for era:operatingLanguage: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language
- Added annotations for use of ontology as the RINF AG technical annex;
refers to ELI URI of the applicable reference legislation (TSI's, regulations)- Fixed anyURI for links using skos:seeAlso
- clarified the comment and label for ORG pattern as per issue #74.
- renamed prefix qudt: to unit: to avoid confusion as per issue #47.
- merged annexD2Index with appendixD2index as per issue #50.
- added range and/or domain for annotation properties as per issue #56.
- fixed label and comment for the properties era:ETCSLevel and era:ETCSLevelType as per issue #60.
- removed owl:incompatibleWith in a property as per issue #71.
- Reduced some long labels + split off notes from definition (see issue #45)
- removed comments from wgs ontology, keeping mininal annotations (issue #51)
- removed owl:imports axiom (issue #73)
- Added annotations of time classes used (time:TemporalDuration and time:TemporalEntity)
- Replaced dcterms:requires by skos:scopeNote per suggested in issue #58.
- Fixed typos in the range of the properties era:side, era:orientation, era:lrsMethod and era:direction. (issue #69)
- removed empty prefix and base
- Changed the reference to previous version to point to release in Github
- changed dcterms:description with skos:changeNote.
- removed owl:topDataProperty , owl:topObjectProperty and ^^rdfs:Literal
- linked with existing (updated) or new SKOS Concepts, related to the TWG RINF CCS;
- included references and guidelines as in Table 5 of the RINF Application Guide.
- added properties for the primary and subsidiary locations
- reuse the organisation ontology to address the ERA stakeholder organisations (bodies) and their roles
- deprecated classes related to organisation
- error corrections
- added several definitions
- remove of the owl:FunctionalProperty from every object or data property;
- addition of new classes for the purpose of the Topical Wrokgroup micro-level;
- reshaping the topology layer, deprecating unused properties and renaming some of the classes
- reuse of the time ontology for addressing the validity and applicability;
- remove of the axiom era:TopologicalObject as subclass of era:Feature;
- changing the domains of multiple data and object properties to subclasses of era:TechnicalCharacteristics;
- removed some of the relations between tracks, sidings, tunnels, etc.;
- deprecated the properties addressing the validity;
- TODO: deprecate unused properties from version 3.0.0;
- updated as per results of the Topical Working Group RINF-CCS (Draft report 0.2);
- include upcoming remarks from TWG members (inclusing those as documented in Report 0.3);
- linked with existing (updated) or new SKOS Concepts, related to the TWG RINF CCS;
- included references and guidelines as in Table 5 of the RINF Application Guide."""@en .
- Added four subproperties of length: lengthOfSectionOfLine, lengthOfPlatform, lengthOfSiding, lengthOfTunnel
- Added unit of measure annotation property, annotate corresponding parameters
- Changed in all of the documentation, "Vocabulary" to "Ontology:
- Added TSI existence and compliances SKOS (instead of a single TSI compliances SKOS). For properties TSIMagneticFields and TSITractionHarmonics
- Updated all data properties that point to reference documents (properties are now object properties that point to the class Document).
- Thorough review of latest legal text. Updated labels and definitions in order to be aligned with legal text
- Refactored properties that are comprised of several parts into a Class and its properties: PhaseInfo, SystemSeparationInfo,
- Changed definition canonical URI. Add annotation property hashSource for canonical URIs. Modify properties hasAbstraction and hasImplementation no more inverses.
- Updated data properties and, tunnel Start and tunnel End. Changed to object properties that point to the class LineReference (kilometer with respect to line)
- Renamed class and property Platform to PlatformEdge to correctly denote the concept, i.e. now a plaform with two edges will have two instances instead of one, each one with its own length.
- Changed label and definition of property Not yet available to Not provided
- Added RINF indexes to classes according to RINF hierarchy
- Added annotation property isUsedInRCCCalculations, annotated corresponding parameters
- Refactored properties that are comprised of several parts into a Class and its properties: French train detection system limitation, minimum radius of vertical curve, ERATV property maximum speed and cant deficiency.
- Included company properties: schema:url, foaf:name, foaf:nick, companyCodeCategory, org:identifier"""@en .