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Last active February 22, 2017 20:05
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Simple logical unification in Haskell / a really terrible datalog system. It appears to work!
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.List (nub, union)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
-- * The propositional language
-- | Term grammar
data Term
= V Int -- ^ Variable with unique numeric identifier
| K String -- ^ A constant value (strings for simplicity)
| L [Term] -- ^ A list of 'Term's
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A list of variable-value bindings that have been deduced
newtype Frame = Frame {
getBindings :: [ (Term, Term) ]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Monoid Frame where
mempty = Frame []
Frame l1 `mappend` Frame l2 = Frame $ l1 <> l2
-- | A rule says that the head 'Term' (the left-hand side) is true if all of the
-- body 'Term' values (the right-hand side) are also true.
-- A fact is a rule with an empty body, not a separate type.
data Rule = Term :- [ Term ]
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- * Unification
-- | Uses a given frame to unify two terms, augmenting the frame
unify :: Term -> Term -> Maybe Frame -> Maybe Frame
unify p1 p2 frame
| isNothing frame = Nothing -- stop if we've already failed
| p1 == p2 = frame -- tautology
| otherwise = go p1 p2 frame
-- If either of the terms are variables unify them as such
go p1@(V _) p2 frame = unify_var p1 p2 frame
go p1 p2@(V _) frame = unify_var p2 p1 frame
-- Two constants must be equal to unify
go p1@(K _) p2@(K _) frame
| p1 == p2 = frame
| otherwise = Nothing
-- A list cannot unify with a constant
-- (we have already ruled out p1 as a variable)
go _ p2@(K _) _ = Nothing
-- Two lists unify if their members recursively unify
go p1@(L (x1:xs1)) p2@(L (x2:xs2)) frame =
unify (L xs1) (L xs2) $ unify x1 x2 frame
-- | Attempts to unify two variables as one given a frame
unify_var :: Term -> Term -> Maybe Frame -> Maybe Frame
unify_var var val frame
| var == val = frame
| otherwise = case bindingInFrame var frame of
-- The variable isn't bound yet.
Nothing -> if occurs_check var val frame
then addBinding var val frame
else Nothing
-- The variable is already bound. Check its value.
Just val' -> unify val' val frame
-- | Prevents unifying a variable with a term containing it.
-- The result says whether or not the terms pass the check, NOT whether the
-- first term occurs in the second.
occurs_check :: Term -> Term -> Maybe Frame -> Bool
occurs_check var@(V x) val frame = go val where
go (K _) = True
go p@(V _)
| var == p = False
| otherwise = case bindingInFrame p frame of
Nothing -> True
Just v' -> go v'
go (L (x:xs)) = and [go x, go (L xs)]
go (L []) = True
-- | Checks for the existence of a variable in the head of a 'Rule'
variableInHead :: Rule -> Bool
variableInHead ((L h) :- _) = or $ map check h
where check (V _) = True
check _ = False
variableInHead ((V _) :- _) = True
variableInHead _ = False
-- | Generate new facts from a list of rules and a list of facts.
forwardChain :: [ Rule ] -> [ Rule ] -> [ Rule ]
forwardChain [] fs = fs
forwardChain rs fs =
if length newFacts > 0
then forwardChain rs (newFacts `union` fs)
else filter (not . variableInHead) fs
newFacts = filter (\n -> not (elem n fs)) $
nub $
concatMap (\r -> consequences r fs) rs
-- | Given a rule and some foldable container of facts, generate any new facts
-- as a consequence of applying this rule
consequences :: Rule -> [ Rule ] -> [ Rule ]
consequences (_ :- []) facts = facts
consequences r fs = go r fs [] where
go (_ :- []) _ newFacts = newFacts
go (h :- (b:bs)) facts newFacts = concatMap
(\(fact :- _) -> case unify b fact (Just mempty) of
--Nothing -> go (h :- bs) facts newFacts
Nothing -> [] -- I think the previous line was wrong
Just fr -> case apply fr (h :- bs) of
f@(_ :- []) -> go f facts $ nub $ f : newFacts
r -> go r facts newFacts
) facts
-- | Use a frame to substitute any variables with known constants
apply :: Frame -> Rule -> Rule
apply (Frame bindings) ((L h) :- bs) = (L (map check h)) :- go where
go = map L $ map (map check) bs'
bs' = map (\(L x) -> x) bs
check item = case lookup item bindings of
Just val -> val
Nothing -> item
-- | Determines if a term is bound in a given frame.
bindingInFrame :: Term -> Maybe Frame -> Maybe Term
bindingInFrame x (Just (Frame xs)) = lookup x xs
bindingInFrame _ Nothing = Nothing
-- | Binds two terms in a frame.
addBinding :: Term -> Term -> Maybe Frame -> Maybe Frame
addBinding var val (Just (Frame xs)) = Just . Frame $ (var, val) : xs
addBinding var val _ = Just . Frame $ [(var, val)]
-- * Examples
test_1 = unify
(L [K "F", V 4, K "b"])
(L [K "F", K "5", K "b"]) $ Just mempty
-- Abner is Betty's parent, Betty & Billy are Charles' parents
facts = [ L [ K "parent", K "abner", K "betty" ] :- []
, L [ K "parent", K "betty", K "charles" ] :- []
, L [ K "parent", K "billy", K "charles" ] :- []
-- You're an ancestor of someone if you are their parent
-- You are also an ancestor if you are an ancestor of their parent
rules = [ L [ K "ancestor", V 1, V 2] :- [ L [ K "parent", V 1, V 2 ] ]
, L [ K "ancestor", V 1, V 2] :- [ L [ K "parent", V 1, V 3 ]
, L [ K "ancestor", V 3, V 2 ] ] ]
cool_rule = L [ K "cool", V 1 ] :-
[ L [ K "has_a_bike", V 1 ]
, L [ K "has_shades", V 1 ] ]
cool_facts = [ L [ K "has_a_bike", K "gatlin" ] :- []
, L [ K "has_a_bike", K "kyle" ] :- []
, L [ K "has_shades", K "kyle" ] :- [] ]
-- these are problematic but they were tested examples from
ruler_rules =
[ L [ K "father", V 1, V 2 ] :- [ L [ K "parent", V 1, V 2 ]
, L [ K "male", V 1 ] ]
, L [ K "parent", V 1, V 2 ] :- [ L [ K "father", V 1, V 2 ] ]
, L [ K "male", V 1 ] :- [ L [ K "father", V 1, V 2 ] ]
, L [ K "mother", V 1, V 2 ] :- [ L [ K "parent", V 1, V 2 ]
, L [ K "female", V 1 ] ]
, L [ K "parent", V 1, V 2 ] :- [ L [ K "mother", V 1, V 2 ] ]
, L [ K "female", V 1 ] :- [ L [ K "mother", V 1, V 2 ] ]
, L [ K "parent", V 2, V 1 ] :- [ L [ K "child", V 1, V 2, V 3 ] ]
, L [ K "parent", V 3, V 1 ] :- [ L [ K "child", V 1, V 2, V 3 ] ]
, L [ K "child", V 1, V 2, V 3] :- [ L [K "son", V 1, V 2, V 3 ] ]
, L [ K "male", V 1 ] :- [ L [ K "son", V 1, V 2, V 3 ] ]
, L [ K "son", V 1, V 2, V 3 ] :- [ L [ K "male", V 1 ]
, L [ K "child", V 1, V 2, V 3 ] ] ]
ruler_facts = [ L [ K "male", K "philip" ] :- []
, L [ K "female", K "elizabeth" ] :- []
, L [ K "son", K "charles", K "philip", K "elizabeth" ] :- [] ]
main = do
forM_ (forwardChain rules facts) $ putStrLn . show
putStrLn . show $ test_1
forM_ (forwardChain [cool_rule] cool_facts) $ putStrLn . show
putStrLn "***"
forM_ (forwardChain ruler_rules ruler_facts) $ putStrLn . show
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