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Created March 25, 2017 16:41
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Large Type</title>
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<div class="out"><span contenteditable autofocus>*hello*</span></div>
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* Minimum font size, in CSS pixels.
const MIN_SIZE = 10;
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el: $(".out"),
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// If there are newlines, don't wrap except on newlines.
// Otherwise, wrap normally.
setWrapping(value.indexOf("\n") >= 0 ?
"pre" :
// ±1 offset is to prevent bouncing between sizes
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maxSize = isBounded() ? target.h : size + 1;
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function setWrapping(wrapping) {
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target.text.css("white-space", wrapping);
function setSize() {
shadow.text.css("font-size", size);
function finished() {
function isBounded() {
return shadow.text.outerWidth() < target.w &&
shadow.text.outerHeight() < target.h;
function setTarget() {
target.h = target.el.innerHeight();
target.w = target.el.innerWidth();
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// Make it look like not a radio element
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&:hover, &:checked {
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&:checked {
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cursor: initial;
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