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Last active September 24, 2015 01:42
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Simple neural network with backpropagation in Haskell, using Repa. Inspired by:
To run:
1. Ensure you have repa and repa-algorithms installed
2. ghc --make nn_repa.hs -O2
3. ./NN +RTS -s
The `+RTS -s` part prints out a summary of runtime statistics.
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Array.Repa as R hiding ((++))
import Data.Array.Repa.Algorithms.Matrix (mmultS, transpose2S)
import Data.Array.Repa.Algorithms.Randomish (randomishDoubleArray)
import Data.IORef
type Matrix a = Array a DIM2
type Two a = (a,a) -- Kept a type signature shorter
-- | Convenience wrapper for generating random-ish arrays
randomArray :: Int {- ^ Rows -} -> Int {- ^ Columns -} -> Matrix U Double
randomArray rows cols = computeS $ (\x -> 2 * x - 1) $
randomishDoubleArray (Z :. rows :. cols) 0 1 100
-- | Test input data
x :: Matrix U Double
x = fromListUnboxed (Z:.4:.3)
[ 0, 0, 1
, 0, 1, 1
, 1, 0, 1
, 1, 1, 1 ]
-- | Expected output
y :: Matrix U Double
y = fromListUnboxed (Z:.4:.1) [ 0, 1, 1, 0 ]
-- | Train the synapses (weights) of a 3-layer network
train :: Matrix U Double -- ^ Input matrix
-> Matrix U Double -- ^ Expected output matrix
-> Int -- ^ Number of iterations to run
-> IO (Two (Matrix U Double)) -- ^ weight synapses
train _in _ex n = do
s0_ref <- newIORef $ randomArray 3 4 -- - Create two mutable references
s1_ref <- newIORef $ randomArray 4 1 -- /
forM_ [1..n] $ \j -> do
syn0 <- readIORef s0_ref
syn1 <- readIORef s1_ref
let l1 = computeS $ (1/) ( (1+) ( exp ( ((-1)*) (mmultS _in syn0))))
let l2 = (1/) ( (1+) ( exp ( ((-1)*) (mmultS l1 syn1))))
let l2_delta = computeS $ R.zipWith (*) (R.zipWith (-) _ex l2)
(R.zipWith (*) l2 ( (1-) l2))
let l1_delta = computeS $ R.zipWith (*) (mmultS l2_delta (transpose2S syn1))
(R.zipWith (*) l1 ( (1-) l1))
modifyIORef' s1_ref $ \s1 -> computeS $ R.zipWith (+) s1
(mmultS (transpose2S l1) l2_delta)
modifyIORef' s0_ref $ \s0 -> computeS $ R.zipWith (+) s0
(mmultS (transpose2S _in) l1_delta)
syn0 <- readIORef s0_ref
syn1 <- readIORef s1_ref
return (syn0, syn1)
-- | Run a network with the given synapses and inputs
run :: Two (Matrix U Double)
-> Matrix U Double
-> Matrix U Double
run (syn0, syn1) _in =
let l1 = computeS $ (1/) ( (1+) ( exp ( ((-1)*) (mmultS _in syn0))))
in computeS $ (1/) ( (1+) ( exp ( ((-1)*) (mmultS l1 syn1))))
main :: IO ()
main = do
syns <- train x y 60000
let results = run syns x
putStrLn $ "Results: " ++ (show results)
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