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Created July 26, 2021 21:35
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num_points = 10000
num_dims = 200
def norm(x, keepdims=False):
return np.linalg.norm(x, ord=2, axis=-1, keepdims=keepdims)
def normalize(x):
return x / norm(x, True)
points = normalize(np.exp(np.random.randn(num_points, num_dims)))
def loss(x, points):
x = normalize(x)
return np.sum(np.inner(x, points)**2, axis=-1)
def minimum(points):
A = np.matmul(points.T, points)
w, v = np.linalg.eigh(A)
ind1 = np.all(v > 0, axis=0)
ind2 = np.all(v < 0, axis=0)
if np.any(ind1):
ind = ind1
elif np.any(ind2):
ind = ind2
raise RuntimeError
return w[ind], np.abs(v[:, ind])
w, v = minimum(points)
print(w)#, v)
print(loss(v.T, points))
print(loss(points, points).max())
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