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Created October 4, 2013 19:28
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A basic implementation of Aho-Corasick in Scala. Not thread safe because the tree uses mutable state.
package com.tlo.ahocorasick
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
sealed trait Node {
def children: mutable.Map[Char, LetterNode]
case class RootNode(children: mutable.Map[Char, LetterNode] = mutable.Map.empty) extends Node
case class LetterNode(
ch: Char,
children: mutable.Map[Char, LetterNode],
parent: Node,
var failure: Node,
var isWord: Boolean
) extends Node
object AhoCorasick {
* Generates the tree that future searches will be run against
* @param dictionary List of words to use as the dictionary
* @return Root node of the search tree
def generateTreeFrom(dictionary: Set[String]): Node = {
// Goto
def addWordToTree(lastNode: Node, word: List[Char]): Unit =
word match {
case Nil => lastNode match {
case ln: LetterNode if !ln.isWord => ln.isWord = true
case _ => }
case letter :: tail => {
val next = lastNode.children
LetterNode(letter, mutable.Map.empty, lastNode, lastNode , isWord = false))
addWordToTree(next, tail) }
// Generate dictionary tree
val root = RootNode()
.foreach(addWordToTree(root, _))
// Failure
def failure(q: immutable.Queue[LetterNode]): Unit = if (q.nonEmpty) {
val (node, next) = q.dequeue
def failureForNode(n: Node, ch: Char): Node = {
n match {
case r: RootNode => r
case ln: LetterNode => {
ln.failure.children.get(ch) match {
case Some(wn) => wn
case None => failureForNode(ln.failure, ch) }}}
node.failure = failureForNode(node.failure,
val q2 = (next /: node.children.values) (_ enqueue _)
// start the recursive failure function
failure {
// adds root's children to the queue
(immutable.Queue.empty[LetterNode] /: root.children.values) (_ enqueue _)
* Given a corpus of text, find all matches on the tree.
* @param corpus Corpus of text to match against
* @param dictNode Root node of tree representing the distionary
* @return All matching strings (one instance of each)
def searchForNamesIn(corpus: String, dictNode: Node): Set[String] = {
def transition(corpus: List[Char], state: Node, accumulator: Set[Node]): Set[Node] =
corpus match {
case Nil => accumulator
case letter :: tail =>
state.children.get(letter) match {
case Some(ln) if ln.isWord => transition(tail, ln, accumulator + ln)
case Some(ln) if !ln.isWord => transition(tail, ln, accumulator)
case None => state match {
case r: RootNode => transition(tail, state, accumulator)
case ln: LetterNode => transition(corpus, ln.failure, accumulator) }}
def nodeToString(node: Node, stack: immutable.Stack[Char] = immutable.Stack.empty[Char]): String =
node match {
case r: RootNode => String.valueOf(stack.toArray)
case ln: LetterNode => nodeToString(ln.parent, stack.push(
transition(corpus.toList, dictNode, immutable.Set.empty[Node])
object ExampleUsage {
import AhoCorasick._
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Generate tree
val names = Set("Russell Crowe", "Lance Armstrong", "Elon Musk")
val dict = generateTreeFrom(names)
println(s"generated rood node with ${dict.children.keySet.size} branches")
// Search for names
val text = "Hey Elon Musk, how are you?"
val found = searchForNamesIn(text, dict)
println(s"${found.size} names found")
// output
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