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Created January 28, 2018 10:10
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Human Resource churn prediction
HREmployeeAttritionwithDefinitions <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\Gaurav_Gola\\Desktop\\project\\HR\\HR.csv",header = TRUE)
hr_data = HREmployeeAttritionwithDefinitions
#hr_data = read_csv("C:/Users/Rajat/Documents/R/HREmployeeAttritionwithDefinitions.csv")
# leaving out- EmployeeCount, EmployeeNumber, Over18, StandardHours
# As they are same data value for all observation
hr_data1 = hr_data[,-c(9,10,22,27)]
# creating factors
hr_data1$Education = as.factor(hr_data1$Education)
hr_data1$EnvironmentSatisfaction = as.factor(hr_data1$EnvironmentSatisfaction)
hr_data1$JobInvolvement = as.factor(hr_data1$JobInvolvement)
hr_data1$JobLevel = as.factor(hr_data1$JobLevel)
hr_data1$JobSatisfaction = as.factor(hr_data1$JobSatisfaction)
hr_data1$PerformanceRating = as.factor(hr_data1$PerformanceRating)
hr_data1$RelationshipSatisfaction = as.factor(hr_data1$RelationshipSatisfaction)
hr_data1$StockOptionLevel = as.factor(hr_data1$StockOptionLevel)
hr_data1$WorkLifeBalance = as.factor(hr_data1$WorkLifeBalance)
# exploratory analysis with categorical variables
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition), col = c("lightblue", 'darkred'), xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Counts", main = "Overall Attrition levels")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$Department), beside = T, col = c("green", "blue"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Departments")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$Education), beside = T, col = c("darkgreen", "lightgreen"), names.arg = c("Below College", "College", "Bachelor", "Master", "Doctor"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Education levels")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$EducationField), beside = T, col = c("blue", "lightgreen"), names.arg = c("Human Resources", "Life Sciences", "Marketing", "Medical", "Other", "Technical Degree"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Education Fields")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$EnvironmentSatisfaction), beside = T, col = c("darkred", "orange"), names.arg = c("Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Environment Satisfaction Levels")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$Gender), beside = T, col = c("yellow", "red"), names.arg = c("Female", "Male"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Gender")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$JobInvolvement), beside = T, col = c("lightyellow", "orange"), names.arg = c("Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Job Involvement Levels")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$JobLevel), beside = T, col = c("lightgreen", "lightblue"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Job Levels")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$JobRole), beside = T, col = c("lightgreen", "lightblue"), names.arg = c("Sales Exec", "Research Scientist", "Lab Tech", "Manufac Dir", "Healthcare Rep", "Manager", "Sales Rep", "Research Dir", "Human Resources"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Job Role")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$JobSatisfaction), beside = T, col = c("blue", "green"), names.arg = c("Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Job Satisfaction Levels")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$MaritalStatus), beside = T, col = c("darkgreen", "lightgreen"), names.arg = c("Divorced", "Married", "Single"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Marital Status")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$OverTime), beside = T, col = c("darkblue", "lightblue"), names.arg = c("No", "Yes"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Overtime status")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$PerformanceRating), beside = T, col = c("blue", "green"), names.arg = c("Low", "Good", "Excellent", "Outstanding"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Performance Ratings")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$RelationshipSatisfaction), beside = T, col = c("orange", "lightgreen"), names.arg = c("Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Relationship Satisfaction Levels")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$StockOptionLevel), beside = T, col = c("orange", "lightblue"), names.arg = c("0", "1", "2", "3"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Stock Option Levels")
barplot(table(hr_data1$Attrition, hr_data1$WorkLifeBalance), beside = T, col = c("lightblue", "lightgreen"), names.arg = c("Bad", "Good", "Better", "Best"), ylab = "Counts", main = "Plot of Attrition Nos. Vs Work Life Balance Levels")
# statistical tests with categorical variables
chi_test = function(DV,IV,df){
var_class = sapply(hr_data1[,-2],class)
cat_var = names(var_class)[var_class=="factor"]
chiTest_pValue = sapply(cat_var,chi_test,DV = "Attrition",df = hr_data1)
imp_cat_var = names(chiTest_pValue)[chiTest_pValue<0.01]
# exploratory analysis with numerical variables
boxplot(Age ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("red", "green")), main = "Age Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Age")
boxplot(DailyRate ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("lightblue", "lightgreen")), main = "Daily Rate Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Daily Rate")
boxplot(DistanceFromHome ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("orange", "red")), main = "Distance from home Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Distance from Home")
boxplot(HourlyRate ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("blue", "green")), main = "Hourly Rate Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Hourly Rate")
boxplot(MonthlyIncome ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("lightblue", "lightgreen")), main = "Monthly Income Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Monthly Income")
boxplot(MonthlyRate ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("lightblue", "lightgreen")), main = "Monthly Rate Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Monthly Rate")
boxplot(NumCompaniesWorked ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("orange", "lightblue")), main = "No. of Companies Worked Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "No. of Companies Worked")
boxplot(PercentSalaryHike ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("orange", "green")), main = "Percentage of Salary Hike Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Percentage of Salary Hike")
boxplot(TotalWorkingYears ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("orange", "red")), main = "Total Working Years Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Total Working Years")
boxplot(TrainingTimesLastYear ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("blue", "green")), main = "Training Times Last Year Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Training Times Last Year")
boxplot(YearsAtCompany ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("lightblue", "lightgreen")), main = "Years At Company Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Years At Company")
boxplot(hr_data1$YearsInCurrentRole ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("lightblue", "lightgreen")), main = "Years in Current Role Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Years in Current Role")
boxplot(YearsSinceLastPromotion ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("orange", "lightblue")), main = "Years Since Last Promotion Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Years Since Last Promotion")
boxplot(YearsWithCurrManager ~ Attrition, data = hr_data1, col = (c("orange", "green")), main = "Years With Current Manager Vs Attrition", xlab = "Attrition", ylab = "Years With Current Manager")
num_var = names(var_class)[var_class!="factor"]
ksTest_pValues = sapply(num_var,function(x)ks.test(hr_data1[,x][hr_data1$Attrition=="Yes"],
imp_num_var = names(ksTest_pValues)[ksTest_pValues<0.001]
hr_data1$Attrition_1 = ifelse(hr_data1$Attrition == "Yes", 1, 0)
index = sample(nrow(hr_data1), 1390)
train_hr_data1 = hr_data1[index,]
test_hr_data1 = hr_data1[-index,]
#using logistic regression
lr_model =glm(Attrition_1 ~ ., family = binomial, data = train_hr_data1[,-2])
pred_lr_model = predict(lr_model, test_hr_data1, type = "response")
class_lr = ifelse(pred_lr_model > 0.5 , 1, 0)
caret::confusionMatrix(class_lr, test_hr_data1$Attrition_1)
#using rpart
model_rpart = rpart::rpart(Attrition_1 ~ ., data = train_hr_data1[,-2])
pred_rpart = predict(model_rpart, newdata = test_hr_data1)
class_rpart = ifelse(pred_rpart > 0.5 , 1, 0)
caret::confusionMatrix(class_rpart, test_hr_data1$Attrition_1)
#using decision tree
model_c50 = C50::C5.0(Attrition ~ ., data = train_hr_data1[,-31])
pred_c50 = predict(model_c50, newdata = test_hr_data1[,-31], type = "class")
caret::confusionMatrix(pred_c50, test_hr_data1$Attrition)
# ############# check giving erroreneous result #########
# with random forest
model_rf = randomForest::randomForest(Attrition ~ ., data = train_hr_data1[,-31], ntree=1000)
pred_rf = predict(model_rf, newdata = test_hr_data1[,-31], type = "class")
caret::confusionMatrix(pred_rf, test_hr_data1$Attrition)
model_rf = randomForest::randomForest(Attrition ~ train_hr_data1$Age+
train_hr_data1$TotalWorkingYears, data = train_hr_data1[,-31], ntree=1000)
pred_rf = predict(model_rf, newdata = test_hr_data1[,-31], type = "class")
caret::confusionMatrix(pred_rf, test_hr_data1$Attrition)
#using naive bayes
model_nb = naiveBayes(train_hr_data1[,-c(2,31)], train_hr_data1$Attrition)
pred_nb = predict(model_nb, test_hr_data1)
caret::confusionMatrix(pred_nb, test_hr_data1$Attrition)
# using svm
model.svm = svm(Attrition_1 ~ ., data = train_hr_data1[,-2], scale = T)
predict.svm = predict(model.svm, newdata = test_hr_data1[,-2])
class_svm = ifelse(predict.svm > 0.5 , 1, 0)
caret::confusionMatrix(class_svm, test_hr_data1$Attrition_1)
f = paste("Attrition~", paste(names(hr_data1[,-c(2, 32)]),collapse = "+"))
F = cfs(formula = as.formula(f), data = hr_data1[,-32])
# Age, MonthlyIncome, OverTime, StockOptionLevel, TotalWorkingYears, YearsWithCurrManager
################------------------Feature selection---------------------------------------###########################
HREmployeeAttritionwithDefinitions <- read.csv("/media/jibesh/5AD20696D2067693/Praxis/3rd_Trimester/HRA/HREmployeeAttritionwithDefinitions.csv",header = TRUE)
hr_data = HREmployeeAttritionwithDefinitions
##specifying outcome variable as factor
hr_data$Attrition= as.factor(hr_data$Attrition)
hr_data$Time = NULL
model_rf<-randomForest(hr_data$Attrition ~ ., data = hr_data)
sort(importance(model_rf),decreasing = T)
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