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Last active January 13, 2019 19:52
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# Binary representation of a FixedWidthInteger with padding zeros.

Binary representation of a FixedWidthInteger with padding zeros

An initializer in String class String(5, radix: 2) creates a string which is a binary representation of 5 as : 101 But it will not give a padded version (for obvious and good reasons) like 00000101 or 00000000 00000101 which may be desirable in some cases

Here are two approaches of achieving this :


extension String {
    static func binaryRepresentation<F: FixedWidthInteger>(of val: F) -> String {
        let binaryString = String(val, radix: 2)
        if val.leadingZeroBitCount > 0 {
            return String(repeating: "0", count: val.leadingZeroBitCount) + binaryString
        return binaryString

// Usage
let five = UInt8(5) // 101
print(String.binaryRepresentation(of: UInt8(5))) //prints 00000101


By: Karwag @ SO

extension String {
  init<B: FixedWidthInteger>(fullBinary value: B) {
    self = value.words.reduce(into: "") {
      $0.append(contentsOf: repeatElement("0", count: $1.leadingZeroBitCount))
      $0.append(String($1, radix: 2))
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