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Created January 27, 2012 03:06
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Save gauravpaliwal/1686693 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Perl Script to send SMS to mobile from computer
# source link :
# From CPAN : from CPAN link itself you can download the source for way2sms.
# Modified by : Arulalan.T (
# Version : 1b on 29-10-2011
# Goal : send sms through with few easy options. So I modified this below code accordingly.
# Note : This should work only to the Indian regions cell phone numbers only
# Usage :
# Save this file in the path /usr/bin/sms and make it as excutable by setting permission
# 1. $ sms 9876543210 'hello'
# 2. $ sms 9876543210,9876501234,9988776655 'hai dude'
# 3. $ sms -f sms-nos-list-file 'message'
# sms-nos-list-file is a text file, that contains the 10 digit phone nos with new line character.
# i.e. each line must have only one phone no.
# We no need to use +91 or 0 prefix no. So use only 10 digit phone no alone.
use WWW::Mechanize;
use Compress::Zlib;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
my $username = ""; #fill in username here
my $keyword = ""; #fill in password here
my ($text,$mobile,$option);
my @mobilenos;
$option = $ARGV[0];
if ( $option == "-f") {
# reading file and collecting the nos
my $smslistfile = $ARGV[1];
$text = $ARGV[2];
open(FILE,$smslistfile) or die "Can not open file\n";
@mobilenos = <FILE>;
close FILE;
my $morenos = $ARGV[0];
if (length($morenos) > 10) {
# splitting nos with comma seperated in the first arg
@mobilenos = split(',',$morenos);
else {
# for single phone no
@mobilenos = $morenos;
# collecting message to send
$text = $ARGV[1];
$deb = 1;
print "Total Character of message is ".length($text)."\n" if($deb);
$text = $text."\n\n\n\n\n" if(length($text) < 135);
$dest = $mech->response->content;
print "Fetching...\n" if($deb);
if($mech->response->header("Content-Encoding") eq "gzip")
$dest = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($dest);
# Commented the below line from version 1b. Uncomment it for version 1a.
#$dest =~ s/<form name="loginForm"/<form action='..\/' name="loginForm"/ig;
# Added the below updated line to replace the above line in the version 1b.
$dest =~ s/<form name="loginForm"/<form action='..\/Login1.action' name="loginForm"/ig;
print "Loggin...\n" if($deb);
$dest= $mech->response->content;
if($mech->response->header("Content-Encoding") eq "gzip")
$dest = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($dest);
foreach $mobile (@mobilenos){
# for loop begins
print "\nMessage sending to ".($mobile)."\n";
$dest= $mech->response->content;
if($mech->response->header("Content-Encoding") eq "gzip")
$dest = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($dest);
print "Sending ... \n" if($deb);
print "Done \n" if($deb);
print "Failed \n" if($deb);
$dest = $mech->response->content;
if($mech->response->header("Content-Encoding") eq "gzip")
$dest = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($dest);
#print $dest if($deb);
if($dest =~ m/successfully/sig)
print "Message sent successfully \n" if($deb);
# foreach loop ends
print "Message sent to all the numbers\n Bye.\n";
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Nice try..

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Thank you!
It helped me a lot.
I have integrated your script in nagios alerts! and working fine.

Once again thanks!

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from two weeks this script is not working???

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i'm getting below error
Can't locate object method "form_with_fields" via package "WWW::Mechanize" at line 87.

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Error GETing Not Found at sms line 65
-- suggestion for alternatives?

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