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Created November 5, 2011 23:19
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python script for starring and liking google reader items from exported json (used to migrate starred and liked items), check for web app version.
#! python2
# Gaute Hope <> 2011
# Note: This script was only made to serve its purpose one time, and is not
# necessarily very user friendly. But have been used with success migrating
# Google Reader data to a Google Apps account.
# Stars and likes items in Google Reader, used to migrate starred
# and liked items from old account to new. Subscriptions already
# transferred using OPML, json acquired using the export functionality
# on original account.
# First: Create a secret API key for this application. Since this is not
# provided as a service, but run stand alone, you are the provider
# and need a secret key!
# See:
# This does work on Google Apps, but enable the Webmaster Tools
# Service and add service (domain) and generate key through there.
# Store key in file oauth_key and secret in file oauth_secret (or edit
# script below).
# Place files:
# - starred-items.json
# - liked-items.json
# in same folder as script and run with python2. You will have to grant access
# to this program for your account. Click on printed url, and when done
# press enter in this program.
# Resources:
# -
# -
# -
import os
import os.path
import json
import sys
import urlparse
import urllib
import oauth2 as oauth
scope = ''
sub_url = '%s/0/subscription/list?output=json' % scope
starred_url = '%s/0/stream/contents/user/-/state/' % scope
reading_url = '%s/0/stream/contents/user/-/state/' % scope
# google auth
request_token_url = "" % scope
authorize_url = ''
access_token_url = ''
f = open ('oauth_key', 'r')
oauth_key = ().strip ()
f.close ()
f = open ('oauth_secret', 'r')
oauth_secret = ().strip ()
f.close ()
consumer = oauth.Consumer (oauth_key, oauth_secret)
print "Authorzing with Google Reader.."
if not (os.path.exists('token') and os.path.exists('token_secret')):
client = oauth.Client (consumer)
# Requesting token
print "Request token.."
resp, content = client.request (request_token_url, 'GET')
request_token = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl (content))
print "Oauth Token: ", request_token['oauth_token']
print "Oauth Token secret: ", request_token['oauth_token_secret']
# Authorize in browser
print "=> Open this link in a browser..:"
print "%s?oauth_token=%s" % (authorize_url, request_token['oauth_token'])
print "Press ENTER when ready.."
raw_input ()
# Get access token
token = oauth.Token (request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret'])
client = oauth.Client (consumer, token)
resp, content = client.request(access_token_url, 'POST')
access_token = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl (content))
print "Access token:"
print "Oauth token: ", access_token['oauth_token']
print "Oauth secret token: ", access_token['oauth_token_secret']
# Writing token
print "Writing token to file.."
f = open ('token', 'w')
f.write (access_token['oauth_token'])
f.close ()
oauth_token = access_token['oauth_token']
f = open ('token_secret', 'w')
f.write (access_token['oauth_token_secret'])
f.close ()
oauth_token_secret = access_token['oauth_token_secret']
# Reading token from file
print "Reading token from file.."
f = open ('token', 'r')
oauth_token = ()
f.close ()
f = open ('token_secret', 'r')
oauth_token_secret = ()
f.close ()
print "Token: ", oauth_token
print "Token secret: ", oauth_token_secret
token = oauth.Token (oauth_token, oauth_token_secret)
client = oauth.Client (consumer, token)
# Trying to get subscriptions..
print "Testing token..",
resp, content = client.request (sub_url, 'GET')
subs = json.loads (content)
if 'subscriptions' in subs:
print "Token alright."
print "Token wrong, could not get subscriptions."
sys.exit (1)
# Getting starred items..
print "Remotely starred items:"
resp, content = client.request (starred_url, 'GET')
stars = json.loads (content)
for i in stars['items']:
print "[*]", i['title']
### Starred items
starred = open ('starred-items.json', 'r')
items = json.load (starred)
starred.close ()
## Getting edit token
print "Getting edit token.."
token_url = '%s/0/token?client=scroll' % scope
resp, content = client.request (token_url, 'GET')
oauth_token_edit = content
for i in items['items']:
print "=> Starring: ", i['title'], "..",
url = '%s/0/edit-tag?client=scroll' % scope
data = 'a=user/-/state/' % { 'sid' : i['origin']['streamId'], 'id' : i['id'], 'token' : oauth_token_edit }
resp, content = client.request (url, 'POST', body = data)
if resp['status'] == '200':
print 'done.'
print 'failed.'
print "Liking items.."
liked = open ('liked-items.json', 'r')
items = json.load (liked)
for i in items['items']:
print "=> Liking: ", i['title'], "..",
url = '%s/0/edit-tag?client=scroll' % scope
data = 'a=user/-/state/' % { 'sid' : i['origin']['streamId'], 'id' : i['id'], 'token' : oauth_token_edit }
resp, content = client.request (url, 'POST', body = data)
if resp['status'] == '200':
print 'done.'
print 'failed.'
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Very useful for moving from a Gmail account to a Google Apps account. Thanks.

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