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Last active March 13, 2023 05:05
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#! /usr/bin/python
# Author: Gaute Hope ( / 2015
# based on example from matlab sinc function and
# interpolate.m by H. Hobæk (1994).
# this implementation is similar to the matlab sinc-example, but
# calculates the values sequentially and not as a single matrix
# matrix operation for all the values.
import scipy as sc
import numpy as np
def resample (x, k):
Resample the signal to the given ratio using a sinc kernel
x a vector or matrix with a signal in each row
k ratio to resample to
y the up or downsampled signal
when downsampling the signal will be decimated using scipy.signal.decimate
if k < 1:
raise NotImplementedError ('downsampling is not implemented')
if k == 1:
return x # nothing to do
return upsample (x, k)
def upsample (x, k):
Upsample the signal to the given ratio using a sinc kernel
x a vector or matrix with a signal in each row
k ratio to resample to
y the up or downsampled signal
when downsampling the signal will be decimated using scipy.signal.decimate
assert k >= 1, 'k must be equal or greater than 1'
mn = x.shape
if len(mn) == 2:
m = mn[0]
n = mn[1]
elif len(mn) == 1:
m = 1
n = mn[0]
raise ValueError ("x is greater than 2D")
nn = n * k
xt = np.linspace (1, n, n)
xp = np.linspace (1, n, nn)
return interp (xp, xt, x)
def upsample3 (x, k, workers = None):
Like upsample, but uses the multi-threaded interp3
assert k >= 1, 'k must be equal or greater than 1'
mn = x.shape
if len(mn) == 2:
m = mn[0]
n = mn[1]
elif len(mn) == 1:
m = 1
n = mn[0]
raise ValueError ("x is greater than 2D")
nn = n * k
xt = np.linspace (1, n, n)
xp = np.linspace (1, n, nn)
return interp3 (xp, xt, x, workers)
def interp (xp, xt, x):
Interpolate the signal to the new points using a sinc kernel
xt time points x is defined on
x input signal column vector or matrix, with a signal in each row
xp points to evaluate the new signal on
y the interpolated signal at points xp
mn = x.shape
if len(mn) == 2:
m = mn[0]
n = mn[1]
elif len(mn) == 1:
m = 1
n = mn[0]
raise ValueError ("x is greater than 2D")
nn = len(xp)
y = np.zeros((m, nn))
for (pi, p) in enumerate (xp):
si = np.tile(np.sinc (xt - p), (m, 1))
y[:, pi] = np.sum(si * x)
return y.squeeze ()
default_workers = 6
def interp3 (xp, xt, x, workers = default_workers):
Interpolate the signal to the new points using a sinc kernel
Like interp, but splits the signal into domains and calculates them
separately using multiple threads.
xt time points x is defined on
x input signal column vector or matrix, with a signal in each row
xp points to evaluate the new signal on
workers number of threaded workers to use (default: 16)
y the interpolated signal at points xp
mn = x.shape
if len(mn) == 2:
m = mn[0]
n = mn[1]
elif len(mn) == 1:
m = 1
n = mn[0]
raise ValueError ("x is greater than 2D")
nn = len(xp)
y = np.zeros((m, nn))
# from upsample
if workers is None: workers = default_workers
xxp = np.array_split (xp, workers)
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import concurrent.futures
def approx (_xp, strt):
for (pi, p) in enumerate (_xp):
si = np.tile (np.sinc (xt - p), (m, 1))
y[:, strt + pi] = np.sum (si * x)
jobs = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor (max_workers = workers) as executor:
strt = 0
for w in np.arange (0, workers):
f = executor.submit (approx, xxp[w], strt)
strt = strt + len (xxp[w])
jobs.append (f)
concurrent.futures.wait (jobs)
return y.squeeze ()
def upsample2 (x, k):
Upsample the signal to the new points using a sinc kernel. The
interpolation is done using a matrix multiplication.
Requires a lot of memory, but is fast.
xt time points x is defined on
x input signal column vector or matrix, with a signal in each row
xp points to evaluate the new signal on
y the interpolated signal at points xp
mn = x.shape
if len(mn) == 2:
m = mn[0]
n = mn[1]
elif len(mn) == 1:
m = 1
n = mn[0]
raise ValueError ("x is greater than 2D")
nn = n * k
[T, Ts] = np.mgrid[1:n:nn*1j, 1:n:n*1j]
TT = Ts - T
del T, Ts
y = np.sinc(TT).dot (x.reshape(n, 1))
return y.squeeze()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
F = 10.
Fs = 100. * F
dt = 1. / Fs
t = np.arange (0, 2 * np.pi, dt)
s = np.sin (F * t)
mFs = 3 * F
mt = np.arange (min(t), max(t), 1. / mFs)
ms = np.sin (F * mt)
k = 16
us = upsample3 (ms, k)
ut = np.linspace (min(mt), max(mt), len(us))
plt.figure ()
plt.plot (t, s, 'b', label = 'high Fs')
plt.plot (mt, ms, 'r', label = 'low Fs')
plt.plot (ut, us, 'g', label = 'resampled')
# diff
uus = np.interp (t, ut, us)
dd = uus - s
plt.plot (t, dd, 'k', label = 'diff')
plt.legend () ()
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I wanted to do sinc interpolation of a discrete time signal using this code. I noticed that in the main module, you are using np.interp which is piecewise linear interpolation instead of sinc interpolation. Then I tried with the interp function defined in the code and obtained a non-zero error.
Am I doing something terribly wrong?

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