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Created May 14, 2018 19:13
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Customized version of Pawtucket IIIFService.php to avoid a load error
/** ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* app/lib/ca/Service/IIIFService.php
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* CollectiveAccess
* Open-source collections management software
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Software by Whirl-i-Gig (
* Copyright 2016-2017 Whirl-i-Gig
* For more information visit
* This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the provided license as published by Whirl-i-Gig
* CollectiveAccess is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES whatsoever, including any implied warranty of
* This source code is free and modifiable under the terms of
* GNU General Public License. ( See
* the "license.txt" file for details, or visit the CollectiveAccess web site at
* @package CollectiveAccess
* @subpackage WebServices
* @license GNU Public License version 3
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IIIFService {
# -------------------------------------------------------
* Dispatch service call
* @param string $ps_identifier
* @param RequestHTTP $po_request
* @return array
* @throws Exception
public static function dispatch($ps_identifier, $po_request, $po_response) {
$va_path = array_slice(explode("/", $po_request->getPathInfo()), 3);
// BASEURL: {scheme}://{server}{/prefix}/{identifier}
// INFO: {scheme}://{server}{/prefix}/{identifier}/info.json
// IMAGE: {scheme}://{server}{/prefix}/{identifier}/{region}/{size}/{rotation}/{quality}.{format}
if (sizeof($va_path) == 0) {
$vb_cache = true;
$pb_is_info_request = false;
if (($ps_region = array_shift($va_path)) == 'info.json') {
$pb_is_info_request = true;
//$vb_cache = false;
} else {
$ps_size = array_shift($va_path);
$ps_rotation = array_shift($va_path);
list($ps_quality, $ps_format) = explode('.', array_shift($va_path));
// Load image
$pa_identifier = explode(':', $ps_identifier);
if (sizeof($pa_identifier) > 1) {
$ps_type = $pa_identifier[0];
$pn_id = (int)$pa_identifier[1];
$pn_page = isset($pa_identifier[2]) ? (int)$pa_identifier[2] : null;
} else{
$pn_id = (int)$pa_identifier[0];
$pn_page = isset($pa_identifier[1]) ? (int)$pa_identifier[1] : null;
$vs_image_path = null;
if ($vb_cache && CompositeCache::contains($ps_identifier, 'IIIFMediaInfo')) {
$va_cache = CompositeCache::fetch($ps_identifier,'IIIFMediaInfo');
$va_sizes = $va_cache['sizes'];
$va_image_info = $va_cache['imageInfo'];
$va_tilepic_info = $va_cache['tilepicInfo'];
$va_versions = $va_cache['versions'];
$va_media_paths = $va_cache['mediaPaths'];
$vn_width = $va_cache['width'];
$vn_height = $va_cache['height'];
} else {
switch($ps_type) {
case 'attribute':
if ($pn_page) {
$t_attr_val = new ca_attribute_values($pn_id);
$t_media = new ca_attribute_value_multifiles();
$t_media->load(['value_id' => $pn_id, 'resource_path' => $pn_page]);
$t_attr = new ca_attributes($t_attr_val->get('attribute_id'));
$vs_fldname = 'media';
if (!$t_media || !$t_media->getPrimaryKey()) {
$t_media = new ca_attribute_values($pn_id);
$vs_fldname = 'value_blob';
$t_attr = new ca_attributes($t_media->get('attribute_id'));
$o_dm = Datamodel::load();
if ($t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableNum($t_attr->get('table_num'), true)) {
if ($t_instance->load($t_attr->get('row_id'))) {
if (!$t_instance->isReadable($po_request)) {
// not readable
$po_response->setHTTPResponseCode(403, _t('Access denied'));
return false;
} else {
// doesn't exist
$po_response->setHTTPResponseCode(400, _t('Invalid identifier'));
return false;
} else {
// doesn't exist
$po_response->setHTTPResponseCode(400, _t('Invalid identifier'));
return false;
case 'representation':
if ($pn_page) {
$t_media = new ca_object_representation_multifiles();
$t_media->load(['representation_id' => $pn_id, 'resource_path' => $pn_page]);
if (!$t_media || !$t_media->getPrimaryKey()) {
$t_media = new ca_object_representations($pn_id);
$vs_fldname = 'media';
if (!$t_media->getPrimaryKey()) {
// doesn't exist
$po_response->setHTTPResponseCode(400, _t('Invalid identifier'));
return false;
if (!$t_media->isReadable($po_request)) {
// not readable
$po_response->setHTTPResponseCode(403, _t('Access denied'));
return false;
$vn_width = $t_media->getMediaInfo($vs_fldname, 'original', 'WIDTH');
$vn_height = $t_media->getMediaInfo($vs_fldname, 'original', 'HEIGHT');
$va_sizes = IIIFService::getAvailableSizes($t_media, $vs_fldname, ['indexByVersion' => true]);
$va_image_info = IIIFService::imageInfo($t_media, $vs_fldname, $po_request);
$va_tilepic_info = $t_media->getMediaInfo($vs_fldname, 'tilepic');
$va_versions = $t_media->getMediaVersions($vs_fldname);
$va_media_paths = [];
foreach($va_versions as $vs_version) {
$va_media_paths[$vs_version] = $t_media->getMediaPath($vs_fldname, $vs_version);
CompositeCache::save($ps_identifier, [
'sizes' => $va_sizes,
'imageInfo' => $va_image_info,
'tilepicInfo' => $va_tilepic_info,
'versions' => $va_versions,
'mediaPaths' => $va_media_paths,
'width' => $vn_width,
'height' => $vn_height
if ($pb_is_info_request) {
//Modif GM
//Cleanup dimensions : converting string to int
foreach($va_image_info["sizes"] as $key=>$size) {
foreach($size as $type=>$dimension) {
$va_image_info["sizes"][$key][$type] = $dimension*1;
$va_image_info["width"] = $va_image_info["width"]*1;
$va_image_info["height"] = $va_image_info["height"]*1;
//END Modif GM
// Return JSON-format IIIF metadata
header("Content-type: text/json");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
return true;
} else {
$va_operations = [];
// region
$va_region = IIIFService::calculateRegion($vn_width, $vn_height, $ps_region);
if (($va_region['width'] != $vn_width) && ($va_region['height'] != $vn_height)) {
$va_operations[] = ['CROP' => $va_region];
// size
$va_dimensions = IIIFService::calculateSize($vn_width, $vn_height, $ps_size);
$va_operations[] = ['SCALE' => $va_dimensions];
// Can we use a pre-generated tilepic tile for this request?
$vn_tile_width = $va_tilepic_info['PROPERTIES']['tile_width'];
$vn_tile_height = $va_tilepic_info['PROPERTIES']['tile_height'];
if (
in_array('tilepic', $va_versions)
(($va_dimensions['width'] == $vn_tile_width) && ($va_dimensions['height'] == $vn_tile_height))
((($va_dimensions['width'] <= $vn_tile_width) || ($va_dimensions['height'] <= $vn_tile_height)) && ($va_dimensions['mode'] == 'incomplete'))
) {
$vn_scale_factor = ceil($va_region['width']/$va_dimensions['width']); // magnification = width of region requested/width of returned tile
$vn_level = floor($va_tilepic_info['PROPERTIES']['layers'] - log($vn_scale_factor,2)); // tilepic layer # = total # layers - num of layer with relevant magnification (layers are stored from smallest to largest)
$x = floor(($va_region['x'])/($vn_scale_factor * $vn_tile_width)); // scaled x-origin of tile
$y = floor(($va_region['y'])/($vn_scale_factor * $vn_tile_height)); // scaled y-origin of tile
$vn_num_tiles_per_row = ceil(($vn_width/$vn_scale_factor)/$vn_tile_width); // number of tiles per row for this layer/magnification
// calculate # of tiles in each layer of the image
if (!CompositeCache::contains($ps_identifier, 'IIIFTileCounts')) {
$va_tile_counts = [];
$vn_layer_width = $vn_width;
$vn_layer_height = $vn_height;
for($vn_l=$va_tilepic_info['PROPERTIES']['layers']; $vn_l > 0; $vn_l--) {
$va_tile_counts[$vn_l] = ceil($vn_layer_width/$vn_tile_width) * ceil($vn_layer_height/$vn_tile_height);
$vn_layer_width = ceil($vn_layer_width/2);
$vn_layer_height = ceil($vn_layer_height/2);
CompositeCache::save($ps_identifier, $va_tile_counts, 'IIIFTileCounts');
} else {
$va_tile_counts = CompositeCache::fetch($ps_identifier, 'IIIFTileCounts');
// calculate tile offset to required layer
$vn_tile_offset = 0;
for($vn_i=1; $vn_i < $vn_level; $vn_i++) {
$vn_tile_offset += $va_tile_counts[$vn_i];
// tile number = offset to layer + number of tiles in rows above region + number of tiles from left side of image
$vn_tile = ceil($y * $vn_num_tiles_per_row) + ceil($x) + 1;
$vn_tile_num = $vn_tile_offset + $vn_tile;
header("Content-type: ".$va_tilepic_info['PROPERTIES']['tile_mimetype']);
$po_response->addContent(TilepicParser::getTileQuickly($va_media_paths['tilepic'], $vn_tile_num, true));
return true;
// rotate
$va_rotation = IIIFService::calculateRotation($vn_width, $vn_height, $ps_rotation);
if ($va_rotation['angle'] != 0) {
$va_operations[] = ['ROTATE' => $va_rotation];
if ($va_rotation['reflection']) {
$va_operations[] = ['FLIP' => ['direction' => 'horizontal']];
// quality
$vs_quality = IIIFService::calculateQuality($vn_width, $vn_height, $ps_quality);
if ($vs_quality && ($vs_quality != 'default')) {
$va_operations[] = ['SET' => ['colorspace' => $vs_quality]];
// format
if (!($vs_mimetype = IIIFService::calculateFormat($vn_width, $vn_height, $ps_format))) {
$po_response->setHTTPResponseCode(400, _t('Unsupported format %1', $ps_format));
return false;
// find smallest size that is larger than the target width/height
// smaller file = less processing time
$vs_target_version = null;
$vn_d = null;
foreach($va_sizes as $vs_version => $va_size) {
$dw = $va_size['width'] - $va_dimensions['width'];
$dh = $va_size['height'] - $va_dimensions['height'];
if (($dw < 0) || ($dh < 0)) { continue; }
$d = sqrt(pow($dw, 2) + pow($dh,2));
if (is_null($vn_d) || ($d < $vn_d)) { $vn_d = $d; $vs_target_version = $vs_version; }
if ($vs_target_version) {
$vs_image_path = $va_media_paths[$vs_target_version];
} else {
$vs_image_path = $va_media_paths['original'];
$vs_output_path = IIIFService::processImage($vs_image_path, $vs_mimetype, $va_operations, $po_request);
// TODO: should we be caching output?
header("Content-type: {$vs_mimetype}");
header("Content-length: ".filesize($vs_output_path));
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
$o_fp = @fopen($vs_output_path,"rb");
while(is_resource($o_fp) && !feof($o_fp)) {
print(@fread($o_fp, 1024*8));
return true;
# -------------------------------------------------------
private static function processImage($ps_image_path, $ps_mimetype, $pa_operations, $po_request) {
$o_media = new Media();
if (!$o_media->read($ps_image_path)) {
throw new Exception("Cannot open file");
foreach($pa_operations as $vn_i => $va_operation) {
foreach($va_operation as $vs_operation => $va_params) {
switch($vs_operation) {
case 'SCALE':
case 'CROP':
case 'ROTATE':
case 'SET':
case 'FLIP':
$o_media->transform($vs_operation, $va_params);
$o_media->transform('SET', ['mimetype' => $ps_mimetype]);
return $o_media->write(caGetTempFileName("caIIIF"), $ps_mimetype);
# -------------------------------------------------------
* Calculate target image size based upon IIIF {size} value
* @param int $pn_image_width Width of source image
* @param int $pn_image_height Height of source image
* @param $ps_size IIIF size value
* @return array Array with 'width' and 'height' keys containing calculated width and height
private static function calculateSize($pn_image_width, $pn_image_height, $ps_size) {
if (preg_match("!^([\d]+),$!", $ps_size, $va_matches)) { // w,
$vn_width = (int)$va_matches[1];
$vn_height = (int)($pn_image_height * ($vn_width/$pn_image_width));
$vs_mode = 'incomplete';
} elseif (preg_match("!^,([\d]+)$!", $ps_size, $va_matches)) { // ,h
$vn_height = (int)$va_matches[1];
$vn_width = (int)($pn_image_width * ($vn_height/$pn_image_height));
$vs_mode = 'incomplete';
} elseif (preg_match("!^([\d]+),([\d]+)$!", $ps_size, $va_matches)) { // w,h
$vn_width = (int)$va_matches[1];
$vn_height = (int)$va_matches[2];
$vs_mode = 'full';
} elseif (preg_match("!^pct:([\d]+)$!", $ps_size, $va_matches)) { // pct:n
$vn_pct = (int)$va_matches[1];
$vn_width = (int)($pn_image_width * ($vn_pct/100));
$vn_height = (int)($pn_image_height * ($vn_pct/100));
$vs_mode = 'percent';
} elseif (preg_match("/^!([\d]+),([\d]+)$/", $ps_size, $va_matches)) { // !w,h
$vn_scale_factor_w = (int)$va_matches[1]/$pn_image_width;
$vn_scale_factor_h = (int)$va_matches[2]/$pn_image_height;
$vn_width = (int)($pn_image_width * (($vn_scale_factor_w < $vn_scale_factor_h) ? $vn_scale_factor_w : $vn_scale_factor_h));
$vn_height = (int)($pn_image_height * (($vn_scale_factor_w < $vn_scale_factor_h) ? $vn_scale_factor_w : $vn_scale_factor_h));
$vs_mode = 'fit';
} else { // full
$vn_width = $pn_image_width;
$vn_height = $pn_image_height;
$vs_mode = 'full';
return ['width' => $vn_width, 'height' => $vn_height, 'mode' => $vs_mode];
# -------------------------------------------------------
* Calculate target image region based upon IIIF {region} value
* @param int $pn_image_width Width of source image
* @param int $pn_image_height Height of source image
* @param $ps_region IIIF region value
* @return array Array with 'x', 'y', 'width' and 'height' keys containing calculated offsets, width and height
private static function calculateRegion($pn_image_width, $pn_image_height, $ps_region) {
if (preg_match("!^([\d]+),([\d]+),([\d]+),([\d]+)$!", $ps_region, $va_matches)) { // x,y,w,h
$vn_x = $va_matches[1];
$vn_y = $va_matches[2];
$vn_w = $va_matches[3];
$vn_h = $va_matches[4];
} elseif (preg_match("!^pct:([\d]+),([\d]+),([\d]+),([\d]+)$!", $ps_region, $va_matches)) { // pct:x,y,w,h
$vn_x = (int)(($va_matches[1]/100) * $pn_image_width);
$vn_y = (int)(($va_matches[2]/100) * $pn_image_height);
$vn_w = (int)(($va_matches[3]/100) * $pn_image_width);
$vn_h = (int)(($va_matches[4]/100) * $pn_image_height);
} else { // full
$vn_x = 0; $vn_w = $pn_image_width; // full
$vn_y = 0; $vn_h = $pn_image_height;
return ['x' => $vn_x, 'y' => $vn_y, 'width' => $vn_w, 'height' => $vn_h];
# -------------------------------------------------------
* Calculate target image rotation and/or reflection based upon IIIF {rotation} value
* @param int $pn_image_width Width of source image
* @param int $pn_image_height Height of source image
* @param $ps_rotation IIIF rotation value
* @return array Array with 'angle' and 'reflection' values
private static function calculateRotation($pn_image_width, $pn_image_height, $ps_rotation) {
if (preg_match("!^([\d]+)$!", $ps_rotation, $va_matches)) { // n
$vn_rotation = (float)$va_matches[1];
$vb_reflection = false;
} elseif (preg_match("/^!([\d]+)$/", $ps_rotation, $va_matches)) { // !n
$vn_rotation = (float)$va_matches[1];
$vb_reflection = true;
} else { // invalid/empty
$vn_rotation = 0;
$vb_reflection = false;
return ['angle' => (int)$vn_rotation, 'reflection' => (bool)$vb_reflection];
# -------------------------------------------------------
* Calculate target image quality using IIIF {quality} value
* @param int $pn_image_width Width of source image
* @param int $pn_image_height Height of source image
* @param $ps_quality IIIF quality value
* @return string Quality specifier; one of color, grey, bitonal, default
private static function calculateQuality($pn_image_width, $pn_image_height, $ps_quality) {
$ps_quality = strtolower($ps_quality);
if (!in_array($ps_quality, ['color', 'grey', 'bitonal', 'default'])) { $ps_quality = 'default'; }
return $ps_quality;
# -------------------------------------------------------
* Calculate target image format using IIIF {format} value
* @param int $pn_image_width Width of source image
* @param int $pn_image_height Height of source image
* @param $ps_format IIIF format value
* @return string mimetype for format, or null if format is unsupported
private static function calculateFormat($pn_image_width, $pn_image_height, $ps_format) {
$ps_format = strtolower($ps_format);
$vs_mimetype = null;
switch($ps_format) {
case 'jpg':
$vs_mimetype = 'image/jpeg';
case 'tif':
$vs_mimetype = 'image/tiff';
case 'png':
$vs_mimetype = 'image/png';
case 'gif':
$vs_mimetype = 'image/gif';
return $vs_mimetype;
# -------------------------------------------------------
* Calculate target image format using IIIF {format} value
* @param int $pn_image_width Width of source image
* @param int $pn_image_height Height of source image
* @param $ps_format IIIF format value
* @return array IIIF image information response
private static function imageInfo($pt_media, $ps_fldname, $po_request) {
$va_sizes = IIIFService::getAvailableSizes($pt_media, $ps_fldname);
$va_tilepic_info = $pt_media->getMediaInfo($ps_fldname, 'tilepic');
$va_scales = [];
for($i=0; $i < $va_tilepic_info['PROPERTIES']['layers']; $i++) {
$va_scales[] = pow(2,$i);
$va_tiles = ['width' => $va_tilepic_info['PROPERTIES']['tile_width'], 'height' => $va_tilepic_info['PROPERTIES']['tile_height'], 'scaleFactors' => $va_scales];
$vs_base_url = $po_request->config->get('site_host').$po_request->getFullUrlPath();
$va_tmp = explode("/", $vs_base_url);
if ($vn_i = array_search("service.php", $va_tmp)) {
$va_tmp = array_slice($va_tmp, 0, $vn_i + 3);
$vs_base_url = join('/', $va_tmp);
$va_possible_formats = ['jpg', 'tif', 'tiff', 'png', 'gif'];
$o_media = new Media();
if (!$o_media->read($pt_media->getMediaPath($ps_fldname, 'original')) && !$o_media->read($pt_media->getMediaPath($ps_fldname, 'large'))) {
throw new Exception("Cannot open file");
$va_formats = [];
foreach($o_media->getOutputFormats() as $vs_mimetype => $vs_ext) {
if (in_array($vs_ext, $va_possible_formats)) {
$va_formats[] = ($vs_ext === 'tiff') ? 'tif' : $vs_ext;
$va_resp = [
'@context' => '',
'@id' => $vs_base_url,
'protocol' => '',
'width' => $vn_width = $pt_media->getMediaInfo($ps_fldname, 'original', 'WIDTH'),
'height' => $pt_media->getMediaInfo($ps_fldname, 'original', 'HEIGHT'),
'sizes' => $va_sizes,
'tiles' => [$va_tiles],
'profile' => [
'formats' => $va_formats,
'qualities' => ['color', 'grey', 'bitonal'],
'supports' => [
'mirroring', 'rotationArbitrary', 'regionByPct', 'regionByPx', 'rotationBy90s',
'sizeAboveFull', 'sizeByForcedWh', 'sizeByH', 'sizeByPct', 'sizeByW', 'sizeByWh',
"maxWidth" => $vn_width
return $va_resp;
# -------------------------------------------------------
private static function getAvailableSizes($pt_media, $ps_fldname, $pa_options=null) {
$va_sizes = [];
foreach($pt_media->getMediaVersions($ps_fldname) as $vs_version) {
if ($vs_version == 'tilepic') { continue; }
$va_sizes[$vs_version] = ['width' => $pt_media->getMediaInfo($ps_fldname, $vs_version, 'WIDTH'), 'height' => $pt_media->getMediaInfo($ps_fldname, $vs_version, 'HEIGHT')];
return caGetOption('indexByVersion', $pa_options, false) ? $va_sizes : array_values($va_sizes);
# -------------------------------------------------------
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