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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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CartJS DOM Binding Example
This is some example markup for using the DOM Binding feature of CartJS (
It's a direct copy of the second live example code on the front page of the documentation site.
<!-- Add to cart form, using Data API -->
<form data-cart-submit="data-cart-submit">
<label>Select a Product</label>
<select name="id">
<option value="716986707">Coat</option>
<option value="716934999">Hat</option>
<label>Choose a Quantity</label>
<select name="quantity">
<label>Add a Custom Label <small>Optional</small></label>
<input type="text" name="properties[Custom Label]" />
<button type="submit">Add to Cart</button>
<!-- Cart table, rendered using DOM Binding -->
<table data-cart-view="data-cart-view">
<th colspan="2">Qty</th>
<th>Line Price</th>
<tr rv-each-item="cart.items">
<strong rv-text="item.title"></strong>
<ul rv-hide="item.propertyArray | empty">
<li rv-each-property="item.propertyArray > properties" rv-text="property.value"></li>
<td rv-text="item.price | money"></td>
<a href="#" rv-data-cart-update="index | plus 1" rv-data-cart-quantity="item.quantity | minus 1">-</a>
<span rv-text="item.quantity"></span>
<a href="#" rv-data-cart-update="index | plus 1" rv-data-cart-quantity="item.quantity | plus 1">+</a>
<a href="#" rv-data-cart-remove="index | plus 1">&times;</a>
<td rv-text="item.line_price | money"></td>
<tr rv-show="cart.item_count | lt 1">
<td colspan="5">You don't have any items in your cart.</td>
<tfoot rv-show="cart.item_count | gt 0">
<td colspan="4"></td>
<td rv-text="cart.total_price | money"></td>
<img src="loader.gif" width="16" height="11" class="cart-visible-loading"/>
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