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Created January 29, 2019 17:30
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Terminal / Cmd prompt - notes
# Check for open ports in a range
for i in $(seq 20 99); do netcat -v -n -z -w 1 192.168.5.$i 22; done
# Windows - show WiFi password
netsh wlan show profile name=”<Profile-Name>” key=clear
# Windows - show all devices in network
arp -a
# Convert images or other files to pdf using ImageMagick
convert "*.jpg" -quality 100 outfile.pdf
# Locate files in *nix
locate <filename>
# Find memory leaks
valgrind --leak-check=full -v ./<program>
# >> If using gcc, compile using -g flag
# Move 100 randomly picked files from a folder
shuf -n 100 -e * | xargs -i mv {} path-to-new-folder
# Convert iPython notebook to python script file
ipython nbconvert notebook.ipynb --to script
# Extract 2nd column form a TAB separated file, sort the values and filter out non-UNIQue values
cut -f 2 -d$'\t' phaseI_midyearpulse_selected_seqs_key_final.txt | sort | uniq > ~/repos/coding-not/data/pulse_check_test.UniProtACC
# Sort files recursively by size
du -ah ~/Downloads | grep -v "/$" | sort -rh
# Get directory name & filename separately in bash
dirname $filepath
basename $filepath
# Combined disk usage of files matching regex
find . -regex '.*\.bak' -print0 | du --files0-from=- -ch | tail -1 in bash
find . -name "*.o" -print0 | xargs -0 du -sch
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