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Created December 18, 2023 10:11
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Small script to call macOS Updates via MicroMDM
# Source environment variables
# Define API endpoints
# Function to validate OS version
validate_version() {
local version=$1
if [[ ! $version =~ ^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*$ ]]; then
echo "Invalid version format: $version. Should be like '14.2'."
exit 1
validate_action() {
local action=$1
case $action in
echo "Selected action: $action"
case $action in
"Install") echo "This will install the update immediately." ;;
"InstallLater") echo "This will install the update at a later time." ;;
"Download") echo "This will start a background download of the update." ;;
"DownloadAndNotify") echo "This will download the update and notify the user." ;;
read -p "Proceed with this action? (y/n): " confirmation
if [[ $confirmation != "y" ]]; then
echo "Update action aborted."
exit 1
echo "Invalid action: $action. Should be one of 'Install', 'InstallLater', 'Download', 'DownloadAndNotify'."
exit 1
# Function to get all devices
get_devices() {
local endpoint="$devices_endpoint"
devices_json=$(curl "$CURL_OPTS" -X POST --data-binary {} -s -u "micromdm:$API_TOKEN" "$SERVER_URL/$endpoint")
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error fetching devices from MicroMDM."
exit 1
devices=$(echo "$devices_json" | jq -r '.devices[].udid | select(. != null)')
if [ -z "$devices" ]; then
echo "No devices found."
exit 1
schedule_os_update() {
local udid=$1
local version=$2
local deferrals=$3
local priority=$4
local action=$5
jq -n \
--arg request_type "ScheduleOSUpdate" \
--arg udid "$udid" \
--arg product_key "$key" \
--arg product_version "$version" \
--arg install_action "$action" \
--arg priority "$priority" \
--argjson max_user_deferrals "${deferrals--1}" \
--arg command_uuid "$uuid" \
'.udid = $udid
| if $command_uuid != "" then .command_uuid = $command_uuid else . end
| .request_type = $request_type
| .updates = [
.install_action = $install_action
| if $max_user_deferrals != -1 then .max_user_deferrals = $max_user_deferrals else . end
| if $product_key != "" then .product_key = $product_key else . end
| if $product_version != "" then .product_version = $product_version else . end
| if $priority != "" then .priority = $priority else . end
curl $CURL_OPTS -K <(cat <<< "-u micromdm:$API_TOKEN") "$SERVER_URL/$commands_endpoint" -d@-
# Function to update devices, potential here to call this directly if UDID is supplied as an argument.
update_devices() {
local version=$1
local action=$2
local deferrals="0"
local priority="High"
for udid in $devices; do
echo "Processing device $udid..."
schedule_os_update "$udid" "$version" "$deferrals" "$priority" "$action"
# Main function
main() {
local version="${1:-14.2}"
local action="${2:-Download}"
validate_version "$version"
validate_action "$action"
update_devices "$version" "$action"
# Execute main function if the script is run directly
[[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]] && main "$@"
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