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Last active September 1, 2021 13:11
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Introduction to SQL and Postgres Cheatsheet

shell commands

Command Function
psql Interact with Postgres
... -d $name Connect to a database
createdb $name Create a database
dropdb $name Destroy a database
pg_dump Utility for backing up and restoring

psql commands


Command Function
\? List psql commands
\h List help topics
... $topic View help for a specific topic
\l List databases
\c $name Connect to a database
\q Quit

In a Database

Command Function
\d Describe relations
... $relation Describe a specific relation, e.g. a table schema
\dt List tables in the database

SQL commands

Table/schema operations

Command Function
CREATE TABLE Create a table
ALTER TABLE $table Make a change to a table schema
... RENAME TO $name Rename a table
... ADD COLUMN $name [$options] Add a column
... RENAME COLUMN $name TO $new_name Rename a column
... ALTER COLUMN $name $attribute Change a column
... DROP COLUMN $name Destroy a column
DROP TABLE $name Destroy a table

Data operations

Command Function
INSERT INTO $table ... Add data
SELECT $query Select data to operate on
... FROM $table Narrow selection to a particular table
... WHERE $criteria Narrow selection by attributes
... ORDER BY $field [ASC|DESC] Order the returned data
UPDATE $table SET ... Change data
... WHERE $criteria Narrow update to specific rows
DELETE Delete data
... FROM $table Narrow deletion to a particular table
... WHERE $criteria Narrow deletion by attributes


Command Function
SELECT $columns FROM $table... Select columns to display after joining tables. $columns can be in the format $table.column or $other_table.column
... INNER JOIN $other_table ON $condition Return data which corresponds to an entry in both tables
... LEFT JOIN $other_table ON $condition Return all rows in $table. For those that lack corresponding data in $other_table, leave the column from $other_table blank
... RIGHT JOIN $other_table ON $condition Return all rows in $other_table. For those that lack corresponding data in $table, leave $table's columns blank
... CROSS JOIN $other_table Return all the combinations of rows from two tables
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