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Created July 27, 2012 14:41
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Save gavinmyers/3188410 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
REST, CoffeeScript, NodeJS, Redis
express = require "express"
crypto = require "crypto"
user = require "./src/user"
project = require "./src/project"
app = express.createServer()
app.listen 8008
app.get '/', (req, res) ->
res.write JSON.stringify {version:0.3}
res.end ""
app.get '/api/:token', (req,res) ->
token = req.params.token
user.get token, (c) ->
res.end JSON.stringify c
app.get '/api/:token/project/new/:name', (req,res) ->
token = req.params.token
name =
user.get token, (agn) ->
if !agn then return res.end ""
id = crypto.randomBytes(18).toString('hex')
org = agn.client
project.create {"name":name,"client":org,"id":id}, (crs) ->
res.write JSON.stringify crs
res.end ""
app.get '/api/:token/project/:id', (req,res) ->
token = req.params.token
id =
user.get token, (agn) ->
if !agn then return res.end ""
org = agn.client
project.get org,id, (crs) ->
res.write JSON.stringify crs
res.end ""
async = require "async"
request = require "request"
redis = require "redis"
crypto = require "crypto"
main = require "../main"
url = ""
console.log '\u001B[2J\u001B[0;0f'
rdscl = redis.createClient()
org = crypto.randomBytes(18).toString('hex')
token = crypto.randomBytes(18).toString('hex')
invorg = crypto.randomBytes(18).toString('hex')
invtoken = crypto.randomBytes(18).toString('hex')
currentproject = ""
invproject = "1-abc-def-ghi-1"
async.series [
(cb) ->
console.log "==> INIT"
cb 0,null
(cb) ->
console.log "==> SETUP"
rdscl.set "client:#{org}", JSON.stringify {name:"ABC Corp",id:org, type:0}
rdscl.set "token:#{token}", JSON.stringify {client:org}
rdscl.get "token:#{token}", (e,c) ->
obj = JSON.parse c
if obj.client != org
throw new Error "redis isn't working with token/org"
cb 0,null
(cb) -> request.get "#{url}", (err,res,body) ->
console.log "==> VERSION"
obj = JSON.parse body
if obj.version != 0.3
throw new Error "version not setup"
cb 0,null
(cb) -> request.get "#{url}/api/#{token}",(err,res,body) ->
console.log "==> TOKEN"
obj = JSON.parse body
if obj.client != org
throw new Error "redis/org/token issue #{org} is not " + obj.client
cb 0,null
(cb) -> request.get "#{url}/api/#{invtoken}",(err,res,body) ->
console.log "==> INVALID TOKEN"
obj = JSON.parse body
if obj
throw new Error "body should be null, not #{obj} nothing to do here"
cb 0,null
(cb) -> request.get "#{url}/api/#{invtoken}/project/new/test1",(err,res,body) ->
if body
throw new Error "body should be null when creating a new project"
console.log "==> NEW project INVALID"
cb 0,null
(cb) -> request.get "#{url}/api/#{token}/project/new/test%20123",(err,res,body) ->
if !body
throw new Error "body should not be null when creating a new project"
obj = JSON.parse body
currentproject =
if != "test 123"
throw new Error "project name " + + " not set"
console.log "==> NEW project VALID"
cb 0,null
(cb) -> request.get "#{url}/api/#{token}/project/new/test%20456",(err,res,body) ->
if !body
throw new Error "body should not be null when creating a new project"
obj = JSON.parse body
currentproject =
if != "test 456"
throw new Error "project name " + + " not set"
console.log "==> NEW project VALID"
cb 0,null
(cb) -> request.get "#{url}/api/#{token}/project/#{currentproject}",(err,res,body) ->
obj = JSON.parse body
if !obj
throw new Error "body should not be null when viewing project #{currentproject}"
console.log "==> VIEW project VALID"
cb 0,null
(cb) -> request.get "#{url}/api/#{token}/project/#{invproject}",(err,res,body) ->
obj = JSON.parse body
if obj
throw new Error "silly redis, no project exits for #{invproject}"
console.log "==> VIEW project INVALID"
cb 0,null
(cb) -> request.get "#{url}/api/#{token}/project/list",(err,res,body) ->
obj = JSON.parse body
if obj.length != 2
throw new Error "we should have 2 projects"
console.log "==> LIST projectS"
cb 0,null
(err,res) ->
console.log '\u001B[2J\u001B[0;0f'
console.log ":-)"
process.exit 1
redis = require "redis"
rdscl = redis.createClient()
exports.get = (org,id,cb) ->
token = "client:#{org}:project:#{id}"
if id == 'list'
rdscl.smembers token, (e,c) ->
rdscl.mget c, (e2,c2) ->
for i in [0..c2.length - 1]
c2[i] = JSON.parse c2[i]
cb c2
rdscl.get token, (e,c) ->
cb JSON.parse c
exports.create = (newproject,cb) ->
org = newproject.client
id =
key = "client:#{org}:project:#{id}"
rdscl.set key, JSON.stringify newproject
rdscl.sadd "client:#{org}:project:list", key
rdscl.get key,(e,c) ->
cb JSON.parse c
redis = require "redis"
rdscl = redis.createClient()
exports.get = (id,cb) ->
token = "token:#{id}"
rdscl.get token, (e,c) ->
ret = JSON.parse c
if !ret then ret = ""
cb ret
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