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Last active February 25, 2018 06:30
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Using Alaveteli JSON feeds with Hugo data-driven content

Using Alaveteli JSON feeds with Hugo data-driven content

The open source Alaveteli software provides JSON endpoints for feeds of information about freedom information requests sent through an installation. The following snippet of code is a Hugo partial that I created for my personal website to implement this.

To see this code in action, visit this page.

To implement this code, enter the following into a shortcode HTML file on your Hugo-based website. Call the shortcode on any page you wish.

  • Replace '' with the URL of your Alaveteli installation.
  • Replace 'YOUR_USER' with your username from your Alaveteli installation.
  {{ $opra_requests := getJSON "" }}
  {{ range first 3 $opra_requests }}
   <li><a href="{{ .info_request.url_title }}" target="">{{ .info_request.title }}</a><p>Requested from: <a href="{{ .public_body.url_name }}" target="">{{ }}</a></p><p>Status: <strong>{{ .display_status }}</strong></p> <p><i>{{ .snippet }}</i></p></li>
  {{ end }}
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