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Last active March 21, 2019 08:23
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First derivatives and simultaneous confidence intervals for GAM spline terms
`derivSimulCI` <- function(mod, n = 200, eps = 1e-7, newdata, term,
samples = 10000) {
if(inherits(mod, "gamm"))
mod <- mod$gam
m.terms <- attr(terms(mod), "term.labels")
if(missing(newdata)) {
newD <- sapply(model.frame(mod)[, m.terms, drop = FALSE],
function(x) seq(min(x), max(x) - (2*eps), length = n))
names(newD) <- m.terms
} else {
newD <- newdata
newDF <- data.frame(newD) ## needs to be a data frame for predict
X0 <- predict(mod, newDF, type = "lpmatrix")
newDF <- newDF + eps
X1 <- predict(mod, newDF, type = "lpmatrix")
Xp <- (X1 - X0) / eps
Xp.r <- NROW(Xp)
Xp.c <- NCOL(Xp)
## dims of bs
bs.dims <- sapply(mod$smooth, "[[", "bs.dim") - 1
## number of smooth terms
t.labs <- attr(mod$terms, "term.labels")
## match the term with the the terms in the model
if(!missing(term)) {
want <- grep(term, t.labs)
if(!identical(length(want), length(term)))
stop("One or more 'term's not found in model!")
t.labs <- t.labs[want]
nt <- length(t.labs)
## list to hold the derivatives
lD <- vector(mode = "list", length = nt)
names(lD) <- t.labs
## sample draws from the posterior distribution of model coefficients
Rbeta <- t(mvrnorm(n = samples, coef(mod), vcov(mod)))
## loop over the terms
for(i in seq_len(nt)) {
want <- grep(t.labs[i], colnames(X1))
lD[[i]] <- list(deriv = Xp[, want] %*% coef(mod)[want],
simulations = Xp[, want] %*% Rbeta[want, ])
class(lD) <- "derivSimulCI"
lD$gamModel <- mod
lD$eps <- eps
lD$eval <- newD - eps
lD ##return
plot.derivSimulCI <- function(x, alpha = 0.05, polygon = TRUE,
sizer = FALSE, term,
eval = 0, lwd = 3,
col = "lightgrey", border = col,
ylab, xlab, main, ...) {
l <- length(x) - 3
## get terms and check specified (if any) are in model
term.labs <- names(x[seq_len(l)])
if(missing(term)) {
term <- term.labs
} else {
term <- term.labs[match(term, term.labs)]
if(any(miss <-
stop(paste("'term'", term[miss], "not a valid model term."))
stop("All terms in 'term' not found in model.")
l <- sum(!miss)
nplt <- n2mfrow(l)
ylab <- expression(italic(hat(f)*"'"*(x)))
if(missing(xlab)) {
xlab <- attr(terms(x$gamModel), "term.labels")
names(xlab) <- xlab
if (missing(main)) {
main <- term
names(main) <- term
## compute confidence interval
ciFUN <- function(x, alpha) {
ahalf <- alpha / 2
apply(x$simulations, 1, quantile, probs = c(ahalf, 1 - ahalf))
CI <- lapply(x[seq_len(l)], ciFUN, alpha = alpha)
## plots
layout(matrix(seq_len(l), nrow = nplt[1], ncol = nplt[2]))
for(i in term) {
lwr <- CI[[i]][1,]
upr <- CI[[i]][2,]
ylim <- range(upr, lwr)
plot(x$eval[,i], x[[i]]$deriv, type = "n",
ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab[i], main = main[i], ...)
if(isTRUE(polygon)) {
polygon(c(x$eval[,i], rev(x$eval[,i])),
c(upr, rev(lwr)), col = col, border = border)
} else {
lines(x$eval[,i], upr, lty = "dashed")
lines(x$eval[,i], lwr, lty = "dashed")
abline(h = 0, ...)
if(isTRUE(sizer)) {
lines(x$eval[,i], x[[i]]$deriv, lwd = 1)
S <- signifD(x[[i]]$deriv, x[[i]]$deriv, upr, lwr,
eval = eval)
lines(x$eval[,i], S$incr, lwd = lwd, col = "blue")
lines(x$eval[,i], S$decr, lwd = lwd, col = "red")
} else {
lines(x$eval[,i], x[[i]]$deriv, lwd = 2)
signifD <- function(x, d, upper, lower, eval = 0) {
miss <- upper > eval & lower < eval
incr <- decr <- x
want <- d > eval
incr[!want | miss] <- NA
want <- d < eval
decr[!want | miss] <- NA
list(incr = incr, decr = decr)
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