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Created July 20, 2015 22:37
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GADT typechecking and existentials
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving, TypeOperators, ExistentialQuantification, EmptyCase #-}
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Void
data UTerm = UTrue
| UFalse
| UIf UTerm UTerm UTerm
| UZero
| USucc UTerm
| UIsZero UTerm
deriving (Show)
data TTerm a where
TTrue :: TTerm Bool
TFalse :: TTerm Bool
TIf :: TTerm Bool -> TTerm a -> TTerm a -> TTerm a
TZero :: TTerm Int
TSucc :: TTerm Int -> TTerm Int
TIsZero :: TTerm Int -> TTerm Bool
deriving instance Show (TTerm a)
data Type a where
TInt :: Type Int
TBool :: Type Bool
deriving instance Show (Type a)
data ETerm = forall a b. (a ~ b) => ETerm (Type a) (TTerm b)
deriving instance Show ETerm
typeEq :: Type a -> Type b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
typeEq TInt TInt = Just Refl
typeEq TBool TBool = Just Refl
typeEq _ _ = Nothing
typeEq2 :: Type a -> Type b -> Either (a :~: b) ((a :~: b) -> Void)
typeEq2 TBool TBool = Left Refl
typeEq2 TInt TInt = Left Refl
typeEq2 _ _ = Right (\eq -> case eq of)
typecheck :: UTerm -> Maybe ETerm
typecheck UTrue = Just $ ETerm TBool TTrue
typecheck UFalse = Just $ ETerm TBool TFalse
typecheck UZero = Just $ ETerm TInt TZero
typecheck (USucc a) = do
(ETerm TInt a') <- typecheck a
return $ ETerm TInt (TSucc a')
typecheck (UIsZero a) = do
(ETerm TInt a') <- typecheck a
return $ ETerm TBool (TIsZero a')
typecheck (UIf ucond ut uf) = do
(ETerm TBool tcond) <- typecheck ucond
(ETerm tyt tt) <- typecheck ut
(ETerm tyf tf) <- typecheck uf
-- pattern match will fail and we'll get Nothing if tyt (the type of the
-- true branch) and tyf (the type of the false branch) aren't equal
Refl <- typeEq tyt tyf
return $ ETerm tyt (TIf tcond tt tf)
reduce :: TTerm a -> TTerm a
reduce TTrue = TTrue
reduce TFalse = TFalse
reduce TZero = TZero
reduce (TSucc a) = TSucc $ reduce a
reduce (TIf TTrue t _) = t
reduce (TIf TFalse _ f) = f
reduce (TIf cond t f) = TIf (reduce cond) t f
reduce (TIsZero TZero) = TTrue
reduce (TIsZero (TSucc _)) = TFalse
reduce (TIsZero a) = TIsZero (reduce a)
eReduce :: ETerm -> ETerm
eReduce (ETerm t a) = ETerm t (reduce a)
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