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=== RUN TestPerRequestWithTimeoutAndWithRetries
panic: test timed out after 10m0s
1: running [Created by time.goFunc @ sleep.go:180]
testing testing.go:1701 (*M).startAlarm.func1()
1: chan receive
testing testing.go:1240 (*T).Run(*T(#968), string(#13, len=39), func(#14))
testing testing.go:1512 runTests.func1(func(#968))
testing testing.go:1194 tRunner(*T(#968), func(#165))
testing testing.go:1510 runTests(func(#124), []InternalTest(0x108 len=264 cap=13839348556227511523), Time(#31), #123)
08-14 20:21:31.483 698 826 BTAudioProviderStub I endSession - SessionType=A2DP_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD_DATAPATH
08-14 20:21:31.483 698 826 BTAudioProviderSession I ReportSessionStatus - SessionType=A2DP_HARDWARE_OFFLOAD_DATAPATH notify to bluetooth_audio=0x0200
08-14 20:21:31.528 11339 11358 AudioStreamLegacy D onAudioDeviceUpdate() devId 3405 => 3415
08-14 20:21:31.528 11339 11358 AudioStreamLegacy D onAudioDeviceUpdate() request DISCONNECT in data callback due to device change
08-14 20:21:31.534 1938 2092 AS.AudioDeviceInventory W handleDeviceConnection() failed, deviceKey=0x20:00:00:00:00:00:00, deviceSpec=null, connect=false
08-14 20:21:31.534 1938 2092 AS.AudioDeviceInventory W handleDeviceConnection() failed, deviceKey=0x40:00:00:00:00:00:00, deviceSpec=null, connect=false
08-14 20:21:31.534 751 2005 AudioPolicyService D updateUidStates_l: appName tech.bori
gavv / callback-after-close-and-crash
Last active August 1, 2020 18:49
08-01 21:32:24.758 16319 16379 I AudioManager: In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application:
08-01 21:32:24.765 2302 3560 I AudioService: In isSpeakerphoneOn(), mForcedUseForCommExt: 3
08-01 21:32:24.780 2302 2302 I AudioService: device:BC:B8:63:46:6E:85
08-01 21:32:24.783 2302 2302 I AudioService: checkAndUpdatTwsPlusScoState returns true
08-01 21:32:24.783 2302 2302 I AudioService: In setBluetoothScoOn(), eventSource: setBluetoothScoOn(false) from u/pid:1000/2302
08-01 21:32:24.783 2302 2302 I AudioService: setBluetoothScoOnInt: false setBluetoothScoOn(false) from u/pid:1000/2302
08-01 21:32:24.783 2302 2302 I AudioService: In setbluetoothScoOnInt(), mForcedUseForCommExt: 0
08-01 21:32:24.786 2302 2302 I AudioService: In clearCount(), stopSco: true, mStartcount: 1
08-01 21:32:24.786 2302 2302 I AudioService: In requestScoState(), state: 10, scoAudioMode: 0
08-01 21:32:24.787 2302 2302 I AudioService: In checkScoAudioState(), mScoAudioState: 3
<<< BTW I see these "AudioFlinger server died!" messages from time to time; don't know why >>>
07-22 13:19:14.758 2302 2426 AudioService E Audioserver started.
07-22 13:19:15.260 30366 30612 AudioSystem W AudioFlinger server died!
07-22 13:19:15.268 30366 30366 MYAPP:StateManager I <<< here my app detects device removal, but it doesn't call close for now >>>
07-22 13:19:15.297 2302 2302 AudioService I Audio-path brought-up
07-22 13:19:15.297 2302 2302 AudioService I In onReceive(), mScoAudioState: 3, broadcast: true
07-22 13:19:15.310 30366 30614 AudioTrack I AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 1536 -> 1536

Generate input

sox -r 44100 -n -b 16 -c 2 input.wav synth 1800 vol -1dB

Record output

parec -d <sink>.monitor | sox -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 2 -r 44100 - output.wav
diff --git a/src/lib_common/linear_binary_codes_utils/of_symbol.c b/src/lib_common/linear_binary_codes_utils/of_symbol.c
index 487fb5b..851581c 100644
--- a/src/lib_common/linear_binary_codes_utils/of_symbol.c
+++ b/src/lib_common/linear_binary_codes_utils/of_symbol.c
@@ -244,25 +244,30 @@ void of_add_from_multiple_symbols (void *to,
#else //defined (__LP64__) || (__WORDSIZE == 64) } {
- /*
- * 32-bit machines
#!env python3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from scipy.signal import *
from scipy.fftpack import *
from optparse import OptionParser
import scipy
#!env python3
import os.path
import sys
import numpy
import pylab
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.ticker
import scipy.signal
gavv / of.c
Created June 13, 2019 11:29
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef uint64_t UINT64;
typedef uint32_t UINT32;
typedef uint8_t UINT8;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <of_openfec_api.h>
#define CHECK(expr) if (!(expr)) { fprintf(stderr, "CHECK failed: %s\n", #expr); exit(1); }
// these parameters allows us to repair *all* source packets
#define N_SOURCE 10
#define N_REPAIR 20