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Created November 23, 2022 15:25
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From mathcomp Require Export fintype finset ssrbool ssreflect.
Module Type FinTypeSig.
Parameter T : finType.
End FinTypeSig.
Module Type ArgFrame (FTS : FinTypeSig).
Import FTS.
Record AF := mkAF {
carrier : {set T};
rel :> {set T * T};
_ : rel \subset setX carrier carrier;
End ArgFrame.
Module Type ArgFrameSig (FTS : FinTypeSig) (AF : ArgFrame FTS).
Import AF.
Parameter R : AF.
End ArgFrameSig.
Module Type Syntacs (FTS : FinTypeSig ) (AF : ArgFrame FTS)(AFS : ArgFrameSig FTS AF).
Import FTS AF AFS.
Check R.
Definition attacks (S : {set T}) (a : T) :=
[exists x, (x \in S) && ((x,a) \in R)].
Lemma attacksP (S : {set T}) (a : T) :
reflect (exists x, x \in S /\ (x,a) \in R) (attacks S a).
apply existsPP => x.
apply andPP; apply idP.
Definition cf (S : {set T}) :=
~~ [exists a, [exists b, (a \in S) && ((b \in S) && ((a,b) \in R))]].
Lemma cfP (S : {set T}) :
reflect (~ exists a b, a \in S /\ b \in S /\ (a,b) \in R) (cf S).
apply negPP.
apply existsPP => a.
apply existsPP => b.
apply andPP; [|apply andPP]; apply idP.
Definition CF :=
{S : {set T} | cf(S)}.
Definition deffend (S : {set T}) (a : T) :=
[forall b, ((b,a) \in R) ==> attacks S b].
Lemma deffendP (S : {set T}) (a : T) :
reflect (forall b, (b,a) \in R -> exists x, x \in S /\ (x,b) \in R) (deffend S a).
apply forallPP => b.
apply implyPP; try apply idP.
apply existsPP => x.
apply andPP; apply idP.
Definition admissible S :=
cf S && [forall a, (a \in S) ==> deffend S a].
Lemma admissibleP (S : {set T}) :
((~ exists a b, a \in S /\ b \in S /\ (a,b) \in R) /\
(forall a, a \in S -> forall b, (b,a) \in R -> exists x, x \in S /\ (x,b) \in R))
(admissible S).
apply andPP.
apply cfP.
apply forallPP => a.
apply implyPP; try apply idP.
apply deffendP.
Lemma deff_admi_cup S x :
admissible S -> deffend S x -> admissible (x |: S).
move => /admissibleP [H1 H2].
move => /deffendP H3.
apply /admissibleP; split.
move => [a [b [/setUP Ha [/setUP Hb [Hab]]]]].
case Ha, Hb.
- move /set1P : H0 => F; subst.
move /set1P : H => F; subst.
move : (H3 x Hab) => [y [Hy yRx]].
move : (H3 y yRx) => [z [Hz zRy]].
apply H1; exists z, y; repeat split; auto.
- move /set1P : H => F; subst.
move : (H2 b H0 x Hab) => [y [Hy yRx]].
move : (H3 y yRx) => [z [Hz zRy]].
apply H1; exists z,y; repeat split; auto.
- move /set1P : H0 => F; subst.
move : (H3 a Hab) => [y [Hy yRa]].
apply H1; exists y,a; repeat split; auto.
- apply H1; exists a,b; repeat split; auto.
move => a /setUP Ha b bRa.
case Ha.
- move /set1P => F; subst.
move : (H3 b bRa) => [y [Hy yRb]].
exists y; split; auto.
apply /setUP; right; auto.
- move => H.
move : (H2 a H b bRa ) => [y [Hy yRb]].
exists y; split; auto.
apply /setUP; right; auto.
Lemma deff_admi_cup_ S x x':
admissible S -> deffend S x' -> deffend (x |: S) x'.
move => HS Hx'.
apply /deffendP => a aRx'.
move /deffendP : Hx'.
move /(_ a aRx') => [z [Hz zRa]].
exists z; split; auto.
apply /setUP; right; auto.
Lemma ex_addmi :
exists B, admissible B.
exists set0.
apply /admissibleP; split.
- move => [a [b [F _]]].
rewrite in_set0 in F; inversion F.
- move => a F.
rewrite in_set0 in F; inversion F.
Definition compl E :=
admissible E && [forall e, deffend E e ==> (e \in E)].
Definition pref E :=
admissible E && [forall E', admissible E' ==> (E' \subset E)].
Definition ground E :=
compl E && [forall E', compl E' ==> (E \subset E')].
Definition stable E :=
cf E && [forall a, (a \notin E) ==> (attacks E a)].
Lemma stable_not_attacked S :
stable S <-> S = [set x | ~~ attacks S x].
- move /andP; case => /cfP HS.
move /forallP => H.
apply /setP /subset_eqP /andP => //; split; apply /subsetP => x Hx.
* rewrite in_set.
apply /negP => /attacksP [y [Hy yRx]].
apply HS. exists y,x; repeat split; auto.
* rewrite in_set in Hx.
apply /negPn.
apply /negP => F.
move /negP : Hx; apply.
move : (H x); move /implyP; apply; auto.
- move => H0. rewrite H0.
apply /andP; split.
* apply /cfP => F.
move : F => [a [b [Ha [Hb H]]]].
rewrite in_set in Ha.
rewrite in_set in Hb.
move /negP : Hb. apply.
rewrite /attacks.
apply /existsP; exists a; apply /andP; split; auto.
rewrite H0 in_set; auto.
* apply /forallP => x.
apply /implyP. rewrite in_set.
move /negPn /attacksP => [y [Hy yRx]].
rewrite H0 in_set in Hy.
apply /attacksP.
exists y; split; auto.
rewrite in_set; auto.
Theorem compl_admi S :
compl S -> admissible S.
rewrite /compl.
move /andP; case; auto.
Theorem pref_compl S :
pref S -> compl S.
rewrite /pref /compl.
move /andP => [H1 H2].
apply /andP; split; auto.
apply /forallP => e.
apply /implyP => He.
move : (deff_admi_cup S e H1 He) => HSe.
move /forallP : H2.
move /(_ (e |: S)) /implyP /(_ HSe) /subsetP; apply.
apply /setUP; left; apply /set1P; auto.
Lemma ex_pref :
exists S, pref S.
rewrite /pref /admissible.
exists set0.
apply /andP; split.
- apply /admissibleP; split.
* move => [a [b [Ha _]]].
rewrite in_set0 in Ha; inversion Ha.
* move => a. rewrite in_set0 => F; inversion F.
- rewrite /admissible.
Lemma stable_pref S :
stable S -> pref S.
rewrite /stable /pref /cf.
move /andP => [H1 H2].
apply /andP; split.
- apply /admissibleP; split.
* move => [a [b [Ha [Hb H]]]].
move /negP : H1; apply.
apply /existsP; exists a.
apply /existsP; exists b.
apply /andP; split; auto.
apply /andP; split; auto.
* move => a Ha b bRa.
move /existsPn : H1.
move /(_ b) /existsPn /(_ a).
move /nandP; case; [|move /nandP; case].
- move => F; move /forallP : H2; move /(_ b).
move /implyP; move /(_ F) /attacksP; auto.
- rewrite Ha => F; inversion F.
- rewrite bRa => F; inversion F.
- apply /forallP => E'; apply /implyP => /admissibleP [HE1 HE2].
apply /subsetP => x Hx.
move : (HE2 x Hx).
End Syntacs.
Module Type ArgFrameEx (FTS : FinTypeSig) (AF : ArgFrame FTS) <: ArgFrameSig FTS AF.
Import FTS AF.
Parameter a b c d e : T.
Definition A := [set a; b; c; d; e].
Definition Rel := [set (a,b); (c,b); (c,d); (d,c); (d,e); (e,e)].
Lemma axiom :
Rel \subset setX A A.
Definition R := mkAF A Rel axiom.
End ArgFrameEx.
Module ex (FTS : FinTypeSig ) (AF : ArgFrame FTS) (AFE : ArgFrameEx FTS AF)(SYN : Syntacs FTS AF AFE).
Goal admissible [set a; d].
apply /admissibleP; split.
- move => [x [y [Hx [Hy ]]]].
rewrite in_set.
End ex.
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