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Created October 29, 2023 19:38
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Require Export UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Export UniMath.Algebra.Monoids.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.Posets.Basics.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.Posets.MonotoneFunctions.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Core.DirectedSets.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Core.Basics.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Examples.Products.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Examples.SubDCPO.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.FixpointTheorems.Pataraia.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Open Scope dcpo.
Definition is_closed (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) (P : X -> hProp):=
P (⊥_{X}) ×
(∏ x : X, P x -> P (f x)) ×
∏ D : directed_set X, (∏ d : D, P (D d)) → P (⨆ D).
Lemma is_closed_isaprop (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) (P : X -> hProp) :
isaprop (is_closed f P).
repeat apply isapropdirprod.
- apply propproperty.
- apply impred; intro.
apply impred; intro.
apply propproperty.
- apply impred; intro.
apply impred; intro.
apply propproperty.
Definition is_closed_hProp (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) (P : X -> hProp ):=
make_hProp (is_closed f P )(@is_closed_isaprop X f P).
Definition closed {X : dcppo} (f : monotone_function X X) : (X -> hProp) -> hProp :=
fun P => is_closed_hProp f P.
Definition smallest (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) : X -> hProp :=
fun x => ∀ P, (closed f P ⇒ P x)%logic.
Lemma smallest_is_closed (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) :
is_closed f (smallest f).
unfold smallest, subtype_intersection.
unfold is_closed.
split; [|split].
- intros Y [k _]; auto.
- intros x Hx P HP.
apply (pr12 HP).
apply (Hx P HP); auto.
- intros D HD P HP.
apply (pr22 HP).
intros d.
apply (HD d P HP).
Definition smallest_included_in_closed {X : dcppo} (f : monotone_function X X) (P : X -> hProp) :
is_closed f P -> ∏ x, smallest f x -> P x.
intros H x Hx.
apply (Hx P); auto.
Definition smallest_dcppo (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) : dcppo.
pose (L := (sub_dcpo _ (smallest f) (pr22 (smallest_is_closed f)))).
exists (pr1 L).
exists (pr2 L).
use tpair.
- exists ⊥_{X}; simpl.
intros x [Hx _]; auto.
- intros x.
apply is_min_bottom_dcppo.
Definition restrict_to_smallest (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) : monotone_function (smallest_dcppo f) (smallest_dcppo f).
use tpair.
- intros [x Hx].
exists (f x).
intros y Hy.
apply (pr12 Hy).
simpl in Hx.
apply Hx; auto.
- simpl.
intros x y xy.
apply (pr2 f); auto.
Lemma restriction_elim (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) (x : smallest_dcppo f) :
pr1 (restrict_to_smallest f x) = f (pr1 x).
unfold restrict_to_smallest; auto.
Definition pataraia (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) : X :=
pr1 (pataraia_fixpoint (restrict_to_smallest f)).
Lemma pataraia_is_fixpoint (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) :
f (pataraia f) = pataraia f.
unfold pataraia.
pose (k := f (pr1 (pataraia_fixpoint (restrict_to_smallest f)))).
change (f (pr1 (pataraia_fixpoint (restrict_to_smallest f)))) with k.
rewrite <- (is_fixpoint_pataraia_fixpoint ((restrict_to_smallest f))).
rewrite restriction_elim.
Lemma under_is_closed (X : dcppo) (f : monotone_function X X) (x : X) :
f x = x -> is_closed f (fun y => y ≤ x).
intros H.
repeat split.
- apply is_min_bottom_dcppo.
- intros y Hy.
rewrite <- H; apply (pr2 f); auto.
- intros [D HD] H0.
eapply dcpo_lub_is_least.
intro i.
apply (H0 i); auto.
Proposition pataraia_is_leastfixpoint (X : dcppo)(f : monotone_function X X) :
forall x, f x = x -> pataraia f ≤ x.
intros x Hx.
apply (@smallest_included_in_closed X f (fun y => y ≤ x)).
{ apply under_is_closed; auto. }
unfold pataraia.
apply (pr2 (pataraia_fixpoint (restrict_to_smallest f))).
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