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Last active July 27, 2022 07:10
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Require Export Classical.
Module ACTL.
Section Def.
Context {state action : Set} {trans : state -> action -> state -> Prop}
{tau : action} {tau_eq : forall s s', trans s tau s' <-> s = s'}.
(******************** path ********************)
CoInductive path : state -> Set :=
| nilp s a s' : trans s a s' -> path s
| consp s a s' : trans s a s' -> path s' -> path s.
Inductive run := Run s : path s -> run.
Definition headState (r : run) : state :=
match r with Run s _ => s end.
Definition nextState (r : run) : state :=
match r with
| Run s p => match p with
| nilp _ _ s' _ => s'
| consp _ _ s' _ _ => s'
Definition pathOf (r : run) : match r with Run s _ => path s end :=
match r with
| Run s p => p
Definition headAction (r : run) : action :=
match r with
| Run _ p => match p with
| nilp _ a _ _ => a
| consp _ a _ _ _ => a
(******************** action_formula ********************)
Inductive action_form :=
| any : action_form
| action_ : action -> action_form
| not_ : action_form -> action_form
| and_ : action_form -> action_form -> action_form.
Definition non := not_ any .
Fixpoint sata (a : action) (chi : action_form) : Prop :=
match chi with
| any => True
| action_ a' => a = a'
| not_ chi' => ~ sata a chi'
| and_ chi1 chi2 => sata a chi1 /\ sata a chi2
(******************** tinvoral operator ********************)
Inductive Until (f f' : state -> Prop) (chi chi' : action_form) : run -> Prop :=
| until_here r :
sata (headAction r) chi' -> f' (nextState r) -> Until f f' chi chi' r
| until_there s a s' H p:
sata a chi -> f s' -> Until f f' chi chi' (Run s' p) ->
Until f f' chi chi' (Run s (consp s a s' H p)).
CoInductive Unless (f f' : state -> Prop) (chi chi' : action_form) : run -> Prop :=
| unless_here r :
sata (headAction r) chi' -> f' (nextState r) -> Unless f f' chi chi' r
| unless_there s a s' H p:
sata a chi -> f s' -> Unless f f' chi chi' (Run s' p) ->
Unless f f' chi chi' (Run s (consp s a s' H p)).
(******************** ACTL ********************)
Inductive form :=
| top : form
| bot : form
| not : form -> form
| and : form -> form -> form
| or : form -> form -> form
| imp : form -> form -> form
| exist : formr -> form
| all : formr -> form
with formr :=
| until : form -> form -> action_form -> action_form -> formr
| unless: form -> form -> action_form -> action_form -> formr.
Scheme form_mut := Induction for form Sort Prop
with formr_mut := Induction for formr Sort Prop.
Fixpoint sat (f : form) (s : state) : Prop :=
match f with
| top => True
| bot => False
| not f => ~ (sat f) s
| and f1 f2 => sat f1 s /\ sat f2 s
| or f1 f2 => sat f1 s \/ sat f2 s
| imp f1 f2 => sat f1 s -> sat f2 s
| exist f => exists r' , headState r' = s /\ satr f r'
| all f => forall r', headState r' = s -> satr f r'
with satr (f : formr) (r : run) : Prop :=
match f with
| until f1 f2 chi chi' => sat f1 (headState r) /\ Until (sat f1) (sat f2) chi chi' r
| unless f1 f2 chi chi' => sat f1 (headState r) /\ Unless (sat f1) (sat f2) chi chi' r
End Def.
(******************** derived operation ********************)
Notation "⊤" := top.
Notation "⊥" := bot.
Notation "¬ f" := (not f)(at level 10).
Notation "f ∧ f'" := (and f f')(at level 20).
Notation "f ∨ f'" := (or f f')(at level 20).
Notation "f → f'" := (imp f f')(at level 30).
Notation "f [ chi ] 'U' [ chi' ] f'" := (until f f' chi chi')(at level 50).
Notation "f [ chi ] 'W' [ chi' ] f'" := (unless f f' chi chi')(at level 50).
Notation "f 'U' f'" := (f [any] U [any] f')(at level 50).
Notation "f 'W' f'" := (f [any] W [any] f')(at level 50).
Notation "[ chi ] 'U' [ chi' ] f'" := (⊤ [chi] U [chi'] f')(at level 50).
Notation "[ chi ] 'W' [ chi' ] f'" := (⊤ [chi] W [chi'] f')(at level 50).
Notation "'E' p" := (exist p)(at level 50).
Notation "'A' p" := (all p)(at level 50).
Notation "'EX' [ chi ] f" := (E (⊤ [non] U [chi] f))(at level 50, chi at level 5).
Notation "'AX' [ chi ] f" := (A (⊤ [non] U [chi] f))(at level 50, chi at level 5).
Notation "'EF' [ chi ] f" := (E (⊤ [any] U [chi] f))(at level 50, chi at level 5).
Notation "'AF' [ chi ] f" := (A (⊤ [any] U [chi] f))(at level 50, chi at level 5).
Notation "'EG' [ chi ] f" := (E (f [chi] W [non] ⊥))(at level 50, chi at level 5).
Notation "'AG' [ chi ] f" := (A (f [chi] W [non] ⊥))(at level 50, chi at level 5).
Export ACTL.
Section theorems.
Context {state action : Set} {trans : state -> action -> state -> Prop}
{tau : action} {tau_eq : forall s s', trans s tau s' <-> s = s'}.
Notation "s |= f" := (@sat state action trans f s)(at level 80).
Notation "|= f" := (forall s, s |= f)(at level 80).
Notation τ := (action_ tau).
Notation "< chi > f" := (E (⊤ [τ] U [chi] f))(at level 50, chi at level 5).
Notation "[ chi ] f" := (¬ <chi> ¬ f)(at level 50, chi at level 5).
Notation "'EX' f" := (<any> f)(at level 50).
Notation "'AX' f" := ([any] f)(at level 50).
Notation "'EF' f" := (f ∨ EF [any] f)(at level 50).
Notation "'AF' f" := (f ∨ AF [any] f)(at level 50).
Notation "'EG' f" := (¬ AF ¬ f)(at level 50).
Notation "'AG' f" := (¬ EF ¬ f)(at level 50).
Notation "f 'EU' f'" := (f' ∨ (f ∧ (EX (E (f U f')))))(at level 50).
Notation "f 'AU' f'" := (f' ∨ (f ∧ (AX (A (f U f')))))(at level 50).
Notation "f 'EW' f'" := (¬ ((¬ f') AU ((¬ f) ∧ (¬ f'))))(at level 50).
Notation "f 'AW' f'" := (¬ ((¬ f') EU ((¬ f) ∧ (¬ f'))))(at level 50).
Theorem tau_refl s :
trans s tau s.
apply tau_eq; auto.
Theorem dia_spec f s chi:
s |= <chi> f <->
exists a s', sata a chi /\ trans s a s' /\ s' |= f.
+ destruct f;
try (
intro H; induction H as [r [Hr [_ HU]]]; subst;
induction HU; subst; simpl in *; subst;
try (destruct r, p; simpl in *; exists a, s'; repeat split; auto);
assert (s = s') by (apply tau_eq; auto); subst s'; auto
intro H; induction H as [r [Hr [_ HU]]]; subst.
induction HU; subst; simpl in *; subst.
try (induction H0; destruct r, p; simpl in *; exists a, s'; repeat split; auto).
assert (s = s') by (apply tau_eq; auto); subst s'; auto.
+ intro H; induction H as [a [s' [H_ [Ht Hf]]]].
unfold sat; simpl.
exists (Run s (nilp s a s' Ht)); repeat split; constructor; auto.
Theorem box_spec f s chi :
s |= [chi] f <->
forall r : run (trans := trans),
headState r = s ->
sata (headAction r) chi ->
trans (headState r) (headAction r) (nextState r) ->
(nextState r) |= f.
+ destruct f;
unfold sat; intros H r Hr Ha Ht;
apply not_ex_all_not with (n := r) in H;
apply not_and_or in H;
induction H; try (case (H Hr)); subst;
apply not_and_or in H;
induction H; apply NNPP; intro F; apply H; auto; clear H;
destruct r, p; simpl in *; constructor; simpl; auto.
+ destruct f; auto;
unfold sat; intros H F;
induction F as [r [Hr [_ HU]]];
induction HU; auto; simpl in *; subst;
try (apply H1; clear H1; apply H; auto; destruct r, p; auto);
try (assert (s = s') by (apply tau_eq; auto); subst s'; auto).
apply (H r ); auto; destruct r, p; auto.
Inductive belong : run (trans := trans) -> state -> Prop :=
| belong_here r s : headState r = s -> belong r s
| belong_next r s : nextState r = s -> belong r s
| belong_there s a s' H p s'':
belong (Run s' p) s'' -> belong (Run s (consp s a s' H p)) s''.
Theorem EF_spec f s :
s |= EF f <->
exists (r : run (trans := trans)) s',
headState r = s /\ belong r s' /\ s' |= f.
split; unfold sat; intro; fold (sat (trans := trans)) in *.
+ induction H; auto.
* exists (Run s (nilp s tau s (tau_refl s))), s;
repeat split; try constructor; auto.
* induction H as [r [Hr [_ HU]]]; subst.
induction HU.
- exists r, (nextState r); repeat split; auto.
destruct r, p; constructor 2; auto.
- simpl.
induction IHHU as [r [s'' [Hr [Hs'' Hf]]]] .
destruct r; simpl in *; subst s0.
exists (Run s (consp s a s' H p0)), s''; repeat split; auto.
constructor 3; auto.
+ induction H as [r [s' [Hr [Hs Hf]]]]; subst.
induction Hs; subst; auto; right; simpl in *.
- exists r; repeat split.
constructor; unfold sata; auto.
- apply IHHs in Hf.
induction Hf; auto.
* exists (Run s (nilp s a s' H)); repeat split.
constructor; try unfold sata; auto.
* induction H0 as [r [Hr [_ HU]]].
destruct r; simpl in Hr; subst s0.
exists (Run s (consp s a s' H p0)); repeat split.
constructor 2; try unfold sata; auto.
Theorem AF_spec f s :
s |= AF f <->
(forall r, headState r = s ->
(exists s', belong r s' /\ s' |= f)).
split; unfold sat; intro; fold (sat (trans := trans)) in *.
+ intros r Hr.
induction H.
- exists s; split; auto; constructor; auto.
- apply H in Hr; clear H.
induction Hr as [_].
induction H.
* exists (nextState r); split; auto.
constructor 2; auto.
* induction IHUntil as [s'' [Hs'' Hf]].
exists s''; split; auto.
constructor 3; auto.
+ specialize (H (Run s (nilp s tau s (tau_refl s))) (eq_refl s)).
induction H as [s' [Hs Hf]].
inversion Hs; subst; auto.
Theorem axiomK f f' :
|= (AX (f → f')) → ((AX f) → (AX f')).
unfold sat; intros; fold (sat (trans := trans)) in *.
intro F; induction F as [r [Hr [_ HU]]].
induction HU.
+ apply H0; exists r; repeat split; auto.
constructor; try unfold sata; auto; intro F.
apply H; exists r; repeat split; auto.
constructor; try unfold sata; auto.
+ simpl in *; subst s0 a.
apply IHHU; symmetry; apply tau_eq; auto.
Theorem axiomAXEX f :
|= (AX f) → (EX f).
unfold sat; intros s H; fold (sat (trans := trans)) in *.
remember (Run s (nilp s tau s (tau_refl s))).
apply not_ex_all_not with (n := r) in H.
apply not_and_or in H.
induction H; simpl in *.
+ contradiction H; subst; auto.
+ apply not_and_or in H; induction H; [apply NNPP; intro F; apply H; auto|].
apply NNPP; intro F; apply H; constructor; unfold sata; auto; simpl.
intro F_; apply F.
exists r; subst; repeat split; constructor; unfold sata; auto.
Ltac satisfy := unfold sat; fold (sat (trans := trans)).
Theorem axiomAX f :
|= f -> |= AX f.
satisfy; intros H s F.
induction F as [r [Hr [_ HU]]].
induction HU; eauto; simpl in *; subst.
apply IHHU; symmetry; apply tau_eq; auto.
Theorem AU_ind f g h :
|= (g ∨ (f ∧ AX h)) → h -> |= (f AU g) → h.
satisfy; intros H s H'.
apply H; clear H.
induction H'; [left|right]; auto.
induction H; split; auto.
intro F; apply H0; clear H0.
induction F as [r [Hr [_ HU]]].
exists r; repeat split; auto; subst.
destruct r,p; inversion_clear HU; simpl in *; subst.
+ constructor; auto; simpl.
apply ex_not_not_all.
exists (Run s' (nilp s' tau s' (tau_refl s'))); simpl.
intro F.
specialize (F (eq_refl s')).
induction F.
inversion H3; simpl in *.
End theorems.
Require Import ACTL.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
Inductive state := State : bool -> bool -> bool -> state.
Inductive action := switch | brake | park | tau | isOn | isBraked | isParked.
Inductive trans : state -> action -> state -> Prop :=
| Tr_SwitchOk e : trans (State e true true) switch (State (negb e) true true)
| Tr_SwitchNG e b p : andb b p = false -> trans (State e b p) switch (State e b p)
| Tr_Brake e b p : trans (State e b p) brake (State e (negb b) p)
| Tr_Park e b p : trans (State e b p) park (State e b (negb p))
| Tr_IsOn b p : trans (State true b p) isOn (State true b p)
| Tr_IsBraked e p : trans (State e true p) isBraked (State e true p)
| Tr_IsParked e b : trans (State e b true) isParked (State e b true)
| Tr_tau s: trans s tau s.
Theorem tau_eq s s' : trans s tau s' <-> s = s'.
split; intro H.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
+ subst; constructor.
Notation "s |= f" := (@sat state action trans f s)(at level 80).
Notation "|= f" := (forall s, s |= f)(at level 80).
Notation τ := (action_ tau).
Notation "< chi > f" := (E (⊤ [τ] U [chi] f))(at level 50, chi at level 5).
Notation "[ chi ] f" := (¬ <chi> ¬ f)(at level 50, chi at level 5).
Notation "'EX' f" := (<any> f)(at level 50).
Notation "'AX' f" := ([any] f)(at level 50).
Notation "'EF' f" := (f ∨ EF [any] f)(at level 50).
Notation "'AF' f" := (f ∨ AF [any] f)(at level 50).
Notation "'EG' f" := (¬ AF ¬ f)(at level 50).
Notation "'AG' f" := (¬ EF ¬ f)(at level 50).
Notation "f 'EU' f'" := (E (f U f'))(at level 50).
Notation Path := (@path state action trans).
Notation Form := (@form action).
Notation Formr := (@formr action).
Notation IsOn := (< (action_ isOn) > ⊤).
Notation IsBraked := (<(action_ isBraked)> ⊤).
Notation IsParked := (<(action_ isParked)> ⊤).
Notation Switch := (action_ switch).
Notation Brake := (action_ brake).
Notation Park := (action_ park).
Ltac satisfy := unfold sat; fold (sat (trans := trans)).
Definition engineState s :=
match s with
| State b _ _ => b
Definition brakeState s :=
match s with
| State _ b _ => b
Definition parkState s :=
match s with
| State _ _ b => b
Theorem IsOn_spec s :
s |= IsOn <-> engineState s = true.
destruct s; simpl; split; satisfy; intro H.
+ induction H as [r [Hr [_ HU]]].
induction HU; simpl in *; auto; subst.
- destruct r,p; simpl in *; subst; inversion t; auto.
- apply IHHU; symmetry; apply tau_eq; auto.
+ subst.
remember (State true b0 b1).
assert (trans s isOn s) by (subst; constructor).
exists (Run s (nilp s isOn s H)); repeat split.
constructor; unfold sata; auto.
Theorem IsBraked_spec s :
s |= IsBraked <-> brakeState s = true.
destruct s; simpl; split; satisfy; intro H.
+ induction H as [r [Hr [_ HU]]].
induction HU; simpl in *; auto; subst.
- destruct r,p; simpl in *; subst; inversion t; auto.
- apply IHHU; symmetry; apply tau_eq; auto.
+ subst.
remember (State b true b1).
assert (trans s isBraked s) by (subst; constructor).
exists (Run s (nilp s isBraked s H)); repeat split.
constructor; unfold sata; auto.
Theorem IsParked_spec s :
s |= IsParked <-> parkState s = true.
destruct s; simpl; split; satisfy; intro H.
+ induction H as [r [Hr [_ HU]]].
induction HU; simpl in *; auto; subst.
- destruct r,p; simpl in *; subst; inversion t; auto.
- apply IHHU; symmetry; apply tau_eq; auto.
+ subst.
remember (State b b0 true).
assert (trans s isParked s) by (subst; constructor).
exists (Run s (nilp s isParked s H)); repeat split.
constructor; unfold sata; auto.
Theorem switch_safe :
|= AG ((IsOn ∧ ¬ IsParked) → [Switch] IsOn).
satisfy; intros s F.
induction F.
+ apply imply_to_and in H.
induction H as [[H H0] H1].
apply IsOn_spec in H.
rewrite (IsParked_spec s) in H0.
assert (parkState s = false).
{ destruct (parkState s); auto. contradiction H0; auto. }
clear H0.
apply NNPP in H1.
induction H1 as [r [Hr [_ HU]]].
induction HU.
- apply H1; clear H1.
destruct s; simpl in *; subst.
destruct r, p; simpl in *; subst a s;
inversion t; subst;
remember (State true b0 false) as s;
assert (trans s isOn s); try( subst; constructor );
exists (Run s (nilp s isOn s H)); repeat split;
constructor; unfold sata; auto.
- simpl in *; subst.
apply IHHU. symmetry. apply tau_eq; auto.
+ induction H as [r [Hr [_ HU]]]; subst.
induction HU; auto.
apply imply_to_and in H0.
induction H0 as [[H0 H1] H2].
apply IsOn_spec in H0.
rewrite (IsParked_spec (nextState r)) in H1.
assert (parkState (nextState r) = false).
{ destruct r, p, s', b1; auto; contradiction H1; auto. }
clear H1.
apply NNPP in H2.
induction H2 as [r' [Hr' [_ HU']]].
induction HU'.
* apply H2; clear H2.
destruct r,p; simpl in *; subst;
destruct r0; [destruct p| destruct p0]; simpl in *; subst;
destruct s0; simpl in *; subst; inversion t0; subst;
remember (State true b0 false) as s';
assert (trans s' isOn s') as H0; try (subst; constructor);
exists (Run s' (nilp s' isOn s' H0));
repeat split; constructor; unfold sata; auto.
* apply IHHU'; simpl in *; subst.
symmetry; apply tau_eq; auto.
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