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Created May 17, 2023 11:36
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Require Import Ensembles Classical_sets.
Require Import ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import finset eqtype ssrbool seq.
Require Import NonEmptyFintype.
Open Scope list_scope.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
(* ================== Notation of finset ================== *)
Notation "x ∈ X" := (x \in X)(at level 60).
Notation "A ∩ B" := (setI A B)(at level 40).
Notation "A ∪ B" := (setU A B)(at level 40).
Notation "A ⊂ B" := (A \subset B)(at level 30).
Notation "A // B" := (setD A B)(at level 40).
Notation "¬ A" := (setC A)(at level 40).
Notation "pow[ A ]" := (powerset A).
Notation "∅" := set0.
Arguments Union {U}.
Arguments Intersection {U}.
Arguments Complement {U}.
Arguments Singleton {U}.
Arguments In {U}.
(* ================== Nondeterministic Finite Autolmata(NFA) ================== *)
Record NFA (alphabet : nonEmptyFintype) := {
state : nonEmptyFintype;
init : {SET state};
trans : state -> alphabet -> {set state};
accepts : {set state}
Arguments state {alphabet}.
Arguments init {alphabet}.
Arguments trans {alphabet}.
Arguments accepts {alphabet}.
Inductive path {Σ : nonEmptyFintype} (N : NFA Σ) : list Σ -> (state N) -> Prop :=
| path_nil s : s ∈ init N -> path N nil s
| path_step s s' a w : s' ∈ trans N s a -> path N w s -> path N (a :: w) s'.
Definition langOf {Σ : nonEmptyFintype}(N : NFA Σ) : Ensemble (list Σ) :=
fun input => exists s, path N input s /\ s ∈ accepts N.
(* ================== Deterministic Finite Autolmata(DFA) ================== *)
Record DFA (alphabet : nonEmptyFintype) := {
baseD :> NFA alphabet;
initD : [set (default (state baseD))] = init baseD;
transD :forall s a, exists s0, trans baseD s a = [set s0];
Arguments baseD {alphabet}.
Arguments initD {alphabet}.
Arguments transD {alphabet}.
Lemma DFA_path {Σ : nonEmptyFintype} (N : DFA Σ) (w : list Σ) :
exists s, path N w s.
induction w.
- exists (default (state N)).
rewrite <- initD.
apply /set1P; auto.
- move : IHw => [s H].
move : (transD N s a) => [s' H'].
exists s'.
econstructor; eauto.
rewrite H'.
apply /set1P; auto.
Lemma DFA_path_inj {Σ : nonEmptyFintype} (N : DFA Σ) (w : list Σ) s s' :
path N w s -> path N w s' -> s = s'.
move : s s'.
induction w => s s' H1 H2; inversion H1; inversion H2; clear H1 H2; subst.
- rewrite <- (initD N) in H, H0.
move /set1P : H ->.
move /set1P : H0 ->.
- move : (IHw s0 s1 H5 H10) => ss; subst s1.
case : (transD N s0 a) => [s1 Hs1] .
rewrite Hs1 in H3, H8.
move /set1P : H3 ->.
move /set1P : H8 ->.
(* ================== Union ================== *)
Definition union_init_ {Σ : nonEmptyFintype} (N1 N2 : NFA Σ) :=
[set ss : sum_finType (state N1) (state N2)
| match ss with
| inl s1 => s1 ∈ init N1
| inr s2 => s2 ∈ init N2
Definition union_init {Σ : nonEmptyFintype} (N1 N2 : NFA Σ) :
{SET nonEmptyFinType_of (inl (default (state N1)) : sum_finType (state N1) (state N2))}.
eapply nonEmptyFinset.Pack with (carrier := union_init_ N1 N2).
unfold union_init_.
rewrite in_set.
apply hasDefault.
Definition union_trans {Σ} (N1 N2 : NFA Σ) ss a :=
[set ss' |
match ss with
| inl s1 => [exists s, (s ∈ trans N1 s1 a) && (ss' == inl s)]
| inr s2 => [exists s, (s ∈ trans N2 s2 a) && (ss' == inr s)]
Definition union {Σ : nonEmptyFintype} (N1 N2 : NFA Σ) : NFA Σ :=
state := nonEmptyFinType_of (inl (default (state N1)) : sum_finType (state N1) (state N2));
init := union_init N1 N2;
accepts := [set ss : sum_finType (state N1) (state N2)
| match ss with
| inl s1 => s1 ∈ accepts N1
| inr s2 => s2 ∈ accepts N2
trans := union_trans N1 N2;
Theorem union_spec {Σ} (N1 N2 : NFA Σ) :
Union (langOf N1) (langOf N2) = langOf (union N1 N2).
apply Extensionality_Ensembles; split => w H.
destruct H; move : H => [s [Hp Ha]];
[exists (inl s) | exists (inr s)].
- split.
+ clear Ha; induction Hp.
* constructor; simpl.
rewrite in_set => //.
* apply (path_step (union N1 N2) (inl s)); eauto.
rewrite in_set.
apply /existsP.
exists s'.
apply /andP; auto.
+ simpl.
rewrite in_set => //=.
- split.
+ clear Ha; induction Hp.
* constructor; simpl.
rewrite in_set => //.
* apply (path_step (union N1 N2) (inr s)); eauto.
rewrite in_set.
apply /existsP.
exists s'.
apply /andP; auto.
+ simpl.
rewrite in_set => //.
destruct H as [s [Hp Ha]].
destruct s; rewrite in_set in Ha;
[left|right]; exists s; split; auto; clear Ha.
- move : s Hp.
induction w => s Hp.
* inversion Hp; subst; clear Hp.
rewrite in_set in H.
constructor; auto.
* inversion Hp; subst.
rewrite in_set in H1.
destruct s0; move /existsP : H1 => [s' /andP [Hs' /eqP Hss]];
inversion Hss; subst s'.
econstructor; eauto.
- move : s Hp.
induction w => s Hp.
* inversion Hp; subst; clear Hp.
rewrite in_set in H.
constructor; auto.
* inversion Hp; subst.
rewrite in_set in H1.
destruct s0; move /existsP : H1 => [s' /andP [Hs' /eqP Hss]];
inversion Hss; subst s'.
econstructor; eauto.
(* ================== Intersection ================== *)
Definition inter_init {Σ : nonEmptyFintype} (N1 N2 : NFA Σ) :
{SET nonEmptyFinType_of (default (state N1), default (state N2))}.
eapply nonEmptyFinset.Pack with (carrier := setX (init N1) (init N2)).
apply /setXP.
split; apply hasDefault.
Definition inter_trans {Σ} (N1 N2 : NFA Σ) ss a :=
[set ss' |
(fst ss' ∈ trans N1 (fst ss) a) && (snd ss' ∈ trans N2 (snd ss) a)
Definition inter {Σ : nonEmptyFintype} (N1 N2 : NFA Σ) : NFA Σ :=
state := nonEmptyFinType_of (default (state N1), default (state N2));
init := inter_init N1 N2;
accepts := setX (accepts N1) (accepts N2);
trans := inter_trans N1 N2;
Theorem inter_spec {Σ} (N1 N2 : NFA Σ) :
Intersection (langOf N1) (langOf N2) = langOf (inter N1 N2).
apply Extensionality_Ensembles; split => w H.
destruct H as [s [s1 [Hp1 Ha1]] [s2 [Hp2 Ha2]]].
exists (s1, s2); split; try split.
* clear Ha1 Ha2.
move : s2 Hp2.
induction Hp1 => s2 Hp2.
- inversion Hp2; subst.
constructor => //=.
apply /setXP; auto.
- inversion Hp2; subst.
econstructor; first last.
apply IHHp1. apply H4.
simpl. rewrite in_set => //=.
apply /andP; split; auto.
* rewrite in_set.
apply /andP; split; auto.
destruct H as [[s1 s2] [H1 H2]].
rewrite in_set in H2.
move /andP : H2 => /= [H H0].
split; [exists s1 | exists s2]; split; auto; clear H H0.
- move : s1 s2 H1.
induction w => s1 s2 H.
* inversion H; subst; clear H.
rewrite in_set in H0.
move : H0 => /= /andP [H1 H2].
constructor; auto.
* inversion H; subst.
destruct s as [s1' s2'].
rewrite in_set in H2.
move : H2 => /= /andP [H1 H2].
econstructor; eauto.
- move : s1 s2 H1.
induction w => s1 s2 H.
* inversion H; subst; clear H.
rewrite in_set in H0.
move : H0 => /= /andP [H1 H2].
constructor; auto.
* inversion H; subst.
destruct s as [s1' s2'].
rewrite in_set in H2.
move : H2 => /= /andP [H1 H2].
econstructor; eauto.
(* ================== Complements ================== *)
Definition compl {Σ} (N : NFA Σ) :=
state := state N;
init := init N;
trans := trans N;
accepts := ¬ (accepts N);
Lemma path_compl_inj {Σ} (N : DFA Σ) w s s' :
path N w s -> path (compl N) w s' -> s = s'.
move : s s'.
induction w => s s' H H'.
- inversion H; inversion H'; subst; simpl in *.
move : (initD N) H0 H1 <-.
move /set1P ->.
move /set1P ->.
- inversion H; inversion H'; subst; clear H H'.
simpl in *.
move : (IHw _ _ H4 H9) => ss; subst.
move : (transD N s1 a) => [s0 H]; rewrite H in H2 H7.
* move /set1P : H2 ->.
move /set1P : H7 ->.
Lemma path_compl_iff {Σ} (N : DFA Σ) w s :
path N w s <-> path (compl N) w s.
move : s.
induction w => s; split => H; inversion H; clear H; subst;
try econstructor => //=; eauto; try apply IHw; auto.
Theorem compl_spec {Σ} (N : DFA Σ) :
langOf (compl N) = Complement (langOf N).
apply Extensionality_Ensembles; split => w H.
destruct H as [s [Hp Ha]]; simpl in *.
move => F; destruct F as [s0 [Hp0 Ha0]].
move : (path_compl_inj N w s0 s Hp0 Hp) => ss; subst.
move /setCP : Ha0; auto.
apply: NNPP => F.
unfold In, langOf in *.
unfold Complement, In in H.
assert (forall s, ~ path N w s \/ ~ s ∈ accepts N).
move => s0.
apply not_and_or => F0; apply H; exists s0; auto .
assert (forall s, ~ path (compl N) w s \/ ~ s ∈ setC (accepts N)).
move => s0.
apply not_and_or => F0; apply F; exists s0; auto .
clear H F.
move : (DFA_path N w) => [s Hp].
move : (H0 s); move /or_to_imply /(_ Hp); clear H0 => H0.
apply path_compl_iff in Hp.
move : (H1 s); move /or_to_imply /(_ Hp); clear H1 => H1.
apply H1; apply /setCP; auto.
(* ================== Determization ================== *)
Definition determize_init_ {Σ} (N : NFA Σ) :
{ SET nonEmptyFinType_of (nonEmptyFinset.carrier (init N))}.
eapply nonEmptyFinset.Pack with
(carrier := [set nonEmptyFinset.carrier (init N)]).
apply /set1P; auto.
Definition determize_ {Σ} (N : NFA Σ) : NFA Σ :=
state := nonEmptyFinType_of (nonEmptyFinset.carrier (init N));
init := determize_init_ N;
trans := fun T a =>
[set [set t | [exists s, (s \in T) && (t \in trans N s a)]]];
accepts :=
[set T | T ∩ (accepts N) != ∅ ];
Lemma determize_initD {Σ} (N : NFA Σ) :
[set (default (state (determize_ N)))] = init (determize_ N).
simpl. auto.
Lemma determize_transD : forall {Σ} (N : NFA Σ),
forall (s : state (determize_ N)) (a : Σ),
(exists s0 : state (determize_ N), trans (determize_ N) s a = [set s0]).
move => Σ N s a.
simpl in *.
exists ([set t | [exists s1, (s1 ∈ s) && (t ∈ trans N s1 a)]]); auto.
Definition determize {Σ} (N : NFA Σ) : DFA Σ :=
baseD := determize_ N;
initD := determize_initD N;
transD := determize_transD N;
Lemma determize_preserves_path {Σ} (N : NFA Σ) w S :
path (determize N) w S -> forall s, s ∈ S -> path N w s.
induction 1; rename s into S => s Hs.
- simpl in *.
move /set1P : H => E; subst.
constructor; auto.
- simpl in *.
move /set1P : H => E; subst.
rewrite in_set in Hs.
move /existsP : Hs => [s0 /andP [Hs0 Hs1]].
econstructor 2 with s0; auto.
Lemma path_extends_determize {Σ} (N : NFA Σ) w s :
path N w s -> exists S : {set (state N)}, s ∈ S /\ path (determize N) w S.
induction 1.
- exists (init N); split; auto.
constructor. apply hasDefault.
- destruct IHpath as [S [HS Hp]].
exists ([set t | [exists s0, (s0 ∈ S) && (t ∈ trans N s0 a)]]); split.
* rewrite in_set.
apply /existsP; exists s; apply /andP; split; auto.
* econstructor 2 with S; auto.
apply /set1P; auto.
Theorem determize_spec {Σ} (N : NFA Σ) :
langOf (determize N) = langOf N.
apply Extensionality_Ensembles; split => w H.
destruct H as [S [Hp Ha]]; simpl in *.
rewrite in_set in Ha.
move /set0Pn : Ha => [s /setIP [Hs Ha]].
unfold langOf, In.
exists s; split; auto.
apply determize_preserves_path with S; auto.
unfold In, langOf in *.
move : H => [s [Hp Hs]].
apply path_extends_determize in Hp.
destruct Hp as [S [HS Hp]].
exists S; split; auto.
rewrite in_set.
apply /set0Pn.
exists s; apply /setIP; split; auto.
Lemma determizes_compl_spec {Σ} (N : NFA Σ) :
langOf (compl (determize N)) = Complement (langOf N).
rewrite compl_spec.
rewrite determize_spec.
From mathcomp Require Export fintype finset ssrbool.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Module nonEmptyFintype.
Section Def.
Record mixin_of (T : finType) := Mixin {
default : T;
Structure class_of (T : finType):= Class {
base : Finite.class_of T;
mixin : mixin_of T
Structure type := Pack {
sort : finType ;
class_ : class_of sort
End Def.
Section nonEmptyFintype_of.
Variable T : finType.
Variable x : T.
Definition nonEmptyFinType_of : type :=
sort := T;
class_ := {|
base := Finite.class T;
mixin := {| default := x |}
End nonEmptyFintype_of.
Module Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> Finite.class_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> finType.
Notation nonEmptyFintype := nonEmptyFintype.type.
Notation default T := (default (mixin (class_ T))).
Notation nonEmptyFinType_of := nonEmptyFintype.nonEmptyFinType_of.
End Exports.
End nonEmptyFintype.
Export nonEmptyFintype.Exports.
Module nonEmptyFinset.
Section Def.
Variable T : nonEmptyFintype.
Structure type := Pack {
carrier : {set T};
hasDefault : default T \in carrier;
End Def.
Module Exports.
Notation nonEmptyFinset := nonEmptyFinset.type.
Notation hasDefault := nonEmptyFinset.hasDefault.
Coercion carrier : type >-> set_of.
Notation "{ 'SET' T }" := (nonEmptyFinset T).
End Exports.
End nonEmptyFinset.
Export nonEmptyFinset.Exports.
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