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Created August 26, 2022 15:09
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From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Variables argument position : finType.
Definition A := [set : argument].
Definition X := [set : position].
Definition Rel := rel position.
Axiom axiomA : 0 < #|argument|.
Axiom axiomX : 1 < #|position|.
Theorem ex_elm_A :
exists a, a \in A.
apply /card_gt0P.
rewrite cardsT.
apply axiomA.
Theorem ex_elm_X :
exists x y, [/\ x \in X, y \in X & x != y].
apply /card_gt1P.
rewrite cardsT.
apply axiomX.
Definition partial_order (R : Rel) :=
antisymmetric R /\ transitive R.
Definition linear_order (R : Rel) :=
antisymmetric R /\ transitive R /\ total R.
Definition maximal (x : position) (R : Rel) (H : antisymmetric R) :=
~~ [exists y, R y x].
Theorem partial_maximal R (H : partial_order R) :
exists x H, maximal x R H.
Definition valuation := position -> position -> {set argument}.
Axiom asymp : forall (p : valuation) x y,
setI (p x y) (p y x) != set0.
Axiom irreflp : forall (p : valuation) x,
p x x = set0.
Definition totalp (p : valuation) :=
forall x y a, a \in p x y \/ a \in p y x.
Definition transp (p : valuation) :=
forall x y z, setI (p x y) (p y z) \subset p x z.
Theorem totalp' (p : valuation) :
totalp p <->
(forall x y, setU (p x y) (p y x) = A).
split => H.
- move => x y.
apply /setP /subset_eqP /andP; split; apply /subsetP => a.
- case /setUP; apply /subsetP /subsetT.
- move => _; apply /setUP; auto.
- move => x y a.
suff : (a \in A).
- rewrite <- (H x y).
case /setUP => Ha; [left|right]; auto.
- apply in_setT.
Axiom constituent : valuation -> argument -> Rel.
Axiom axiom_constituent :
forall p x y a, constituent p a x y <-> a \in p x y.
Lemma transitive_stransp p :
transp p <-> forall a, transitive (constituent p a).
split => H.
- move => a x y z /axiom_constituent Hyx /axiom_constituent Hxz.
apply /axiom_constituent.
move /subsetP : (H y x z ).
apply /setIP; auto.
- move => x y z.
apply /subsetP => a.
case /setIP => /axiom_constituent Hxy /axiom_constituent Hyz.
apply axiom_constituent.
apply : (H a y x z); auto.
Lemma total_totalp p :
totalp p <-> forall a, total (constituent p a).
split => H.
- move => a x y.
apply /orP.
case : (H x y a) => Hp; [left|right]; apply axiom_constituent; auto.
- move => x y a.
case /orP : (H a x y); move /axiom_constituent; auto.
Definition unassailable (p : valuation) : Rel :=
fun x y => p y x == set0.
Definition UA (p : valuation) :=
[set x | [forall y, unassailable p x y]].
Definition dominate (p : valuation) (x y : position) :=
(p x y != set0) && [forall z, p z x \subset p z y].
Definition UD p :=
[set x | ~~ [exists y, dominate p y x]].
Theorem UA_UD p :
UA p \subset UD p.
rewrite /UA /UD.
apply /subsetP => x.
rewrite in_set => /forallP H.
rewrite in_set.
apply /negP => /existsP [y /andP [Hxy _]].
move /negP : Hxy; apply; eauto.
Theorem dominate_partial_order p :
partial_order (dominate p).
- move => x y /andP; case.
rewrite /dominate.
move => /andP [_ /forallP Hxy].
move : (Hxy y).
rewrite (irreflp p y) => F.
move => /andP [yx0 _].
move /set0Pn : yx0 => [a Ha].
move /subsetP : F.
move /(_ a Ha) => F.
move : (in_set0 a); rewrite F => contra.
inversion contra.
- move => y x z.
rewrite /dominate.
move => /andP [xy0 /forallP Hxy].
move => /andP [yz0 /forallP Hyz].
apply /andP; split.
- apply /eqP => F.
move /set0Pn : xy0 => [a Ha].
move : (Hyz x).
move /subsetP /(_ a Ha).
rewrite F => set0a.
move : (in_set0 a); rewrite set0a; auto.
- apply /forallP => w; apply /subsetP => a H.
move /subsetP : (Hxy w); move /(_ a H) => wy.
move /subsetP : (Hyz w); apply; auto.
Lemma ex_undominat p :
exists x, x \in UD p.
move : (partial_maximal _ (dominate_partial_order p)) => [x [H /negP Hx]].
rewrite /maximal in Hx.
exists x.
rewrite /UD.
rewrite in_set.
apply /negP => /existsP [y Hy].
apply Hx.
apply /existsP; exists y; auto.
Definition projection (p : valuation) : Rel :=
fun x y => [exists a, a \in p x y].
Theorem projection_UA p (H : antisymmetric (projection p)) :
[set x | maximal x (projection p) H] = UA p.
apply /setP.
apply /subset_eqP /andP; split;
apply /subsetP => x;
rewrite /UA /maximal /unassailable /projection;
repeat rewrite in_set.
- move /existsPn => Hx; apply /forallP => y.
move /existsPn : (Hx y) => Ha.
apply /negPn /negP => /set0Pn [a F].
move : (Ha a); rewrite F; auto.
- move /forallP => Hxy.
apply /negP => /existsP F.
move : F => [y /existsP [a Ha]].
move : (Hxy y) Ha.
move /eqP ->.
rewrite in_set; auto.
Inductive closure (p : valuation) : position -> position -> Prop :=
| cls_nil x y : projection p x y -> closure p x y
| cls_cons x y z : projection p x y -> closure p y z -> closure p x z.
Lemma transitive_closure p :
forall x y z, closure p x y -> closure p y z -> closure p x z.
move => x y z H.
generalize dependent z.
induction H; intros; constructor 2 with y; auto.
Definition TC p x :=
forall y , closure p y x -> closure p x y.
Lemma UA_TC p x :
x \in UA p -> TC p x.
rewrite /UA /TC.
rewrite in_set; move /forallP => H y Hyx.
rewrite /unassailable in H.
induction Hyx.
- rewrite /projection in H0.
move /existsP : H0 => [a].
move : (H x).
rewrite /unassailable.
move /eqP ->; rewrite in_set => F; inversion F.
- clear IHHyx H0.
induction Hyx.
- move /existsP : H0; case => a.
move /eqP : (H x0) ->; rewrite in_set => F; inversion F.
- apply IHHyx; auto.
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