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Created May 8, 2014 21:06
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  • Save gayanhewa/46aea93b02b4c8c38052 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gayanhewa/46aea93b02b4c8c38052 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Command line output
gayan@gayan-laptop:~/Workspace/personal$ git clone -b develop
Cloning into 'laravel'...
remote: Reusing existing pack: 21846, done.
remote: Total 21846 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (21846/21846), 8.50 MiB | 116.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10882/10882), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
gayan@gayan-laptop:~/Workspace/personal$ clear
gayan@gayan-laptop:~/Workspace/personal$ ls
git-test laravel last-min.-shopping magelk-charity taskrapp
gayan@gayan-laptop:~/Workspace/personal$ cd laravel/
gayan@gayan-laptop:~/Workspace/personal/laravel$ ls
app artisan bootstrap composer.json phpunit.xml public server.php
gayan@gayan-laptop:~/Workspace/personal/laravel$ compos
compose composer composite composite.im6
gayan@gayan-laptop:~/Workspace/personal/laravel$ composer update
Warning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "/usr/bin/composer self-update" to get the latest version.
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
file_put_contents(/home/gayan/.composer/cache/repo/$framework.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied could not be fully loaded, package information was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date
gayan@gayan-laptop:~/Workspace/personal/laravel$ sudo composer update
[sudo] password for gayan:
Warning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "/usr/bin/composer self-update" to get the latest version.
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing symfony/security-core (dev-master de6e3aa)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/translation (dev-master 254931b)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/routing (dev-master 99b4e8e)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/process (dev-master 8a3edac)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing psr/log (dev-master a78d650)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/debug (dev-master d167d2b)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/http-foundation (dev-master 8fa3504)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (dev-master cb62ec8)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/http-kernel (dev-master 59c4dcd)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/finder (dev-master 51e3af2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/dom-crawler (dev-master 9e80794)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/css-selector (dev-master 339e53e)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/console (dev-master d12686c)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/browser-kit (dev-master a618115)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (dev-master 46d55ba)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing monolog/monolog (dev-master 467e30a)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing filp/whoops (1.0.10)
Loading from cache
- Installing stack/builder (dev-master b4af43e)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing nesbot/carbon (1.8.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing nikic/php-parser (0.9.x-dev 5960ecf)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing jeremeamia/superclosure (1.0.1)
Loading from cache
- Installing ircmaxell/password-compat (1.0.x-dev 1fc1521)
Loading from cache
- Installing d11wtq/boris (v1.0.8)
Loading from cache
- Installing symfony/filesystem (dev-master 98e831e)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing classpreloader/classpreloader (dev-master 2c9f3bc)
Loading from cache
- Installing phpseclib/phpseclib (dev-master 3a309d3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing patchwork/utf8 (v1.1.22)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing predis/predis (0.8.x-dev 83df2ef)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing laravel/framework (dev-master 8b40407)
Downloading: 100%
symfony/security-core suggests installing symfony/validator (For using the user password constraint)
symfony/security-core suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using the expression voter)
symfony/translation suggests installing symfony/config ()
symfony/translation suggests installing symfony/yaml ()
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/config (For using the all-in-one router or any loader)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/yaml (For using the YAML loader)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expression matching)
symfony/routing suggests installing doctrine/annotations (For using the annotation loader)
symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/class-loader ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/config ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-amqp (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server (1.0+ required))
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-mongo (Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing doctrine/couchdb (Allow sending log messages to a CouchDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing raven/raven (Allow sending log messages to a Sentry server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ruflin/elastica (Allow sending log messages to an Elastic Search server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Allow sending log messages to AWS services like DynamoDB)
monolog/monolog suggests installing graylog2/gelf-php (Allow sending log messages to a GrayLog2 server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing rollbar/rollbar (Allow sending log messages to Rollbar)
phpseclib/phpseclib suggests installing ext-gmp (Install the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) extension in order to speed up arbitrary precision integer arithmetic operations.)
phpseclib/phpseclib suggests installing pear-pear/PHP_Compat (Install PHP_Compat to get phpseclib working on PHP < 4.3.3.)
patchwork/utf8 suggests installing ext-intl (Use Intl for best performance)
predis/predis suggests installing ext-phpiredis (Allows faster serialization and deserialization of the Redis protocol)
laravel/framework suggests installing doctrine/dbal (Allow renaming columns and dropping SQLite columns.)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
Generating optimized class loader
Compiling common classes
gayan@gayan-laptop:~/Workspace/personal/laravel$ php artisan
Laravel Framework version 4.2-dev
[options] command [arguments]
--help -h Display this help message.
--quiet -q Do not output any message.
--verbose -v|vv|vvv Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
--version -V Display this application version.
--ansi Force ANSI output.
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output.
--no-interaction -n Do not ask any interactive question.
--env The environment the command should run under.
Available commands:
changes Display the framework change list
clear-compiled Remove the compiled class file
down Put the application into maintenance mode
dump-autoload Regenerate framework autoload files
env Display the current framework environment
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
migrate Run the database migrations
optimize Optimize the framework for better performance
routes List all registered routes
serve Serve the application on the PHP development server
tail Tail a log file on a remote server
tinker Interact with your application
up Bring the application out of maintenance mode
workbench Create a new package workbench
asset:publish Publish a package's assets to the public directory
auth:clear-reminders Flush expired reminders.
auth:reminders-controller Create a stub password reminder controller
auth:reminders-table Create a migration for the password reminders table
cache:clear Flush the application cache
command:make Create a new Artisan command
config:publish Publish a package's configuration to the application
controller:make Create a new resourceful controller
db:seed Seed the database with records
key:generate Set the application key
migrate:install Create the migration repository
migrate:make Create a new migration file
migrate:publish Publish a package's migrations to the application
migrate:refresh Reset and re-run all migrations
migrate:reset Rollback all database migrations
migrate:rollback Rollback the last database migration
queue:failed List all of the failed queue jobs
queue:failed-table Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table
queue:flush Flush all of the failed queue jobs
queue:forget Delete a failed queue job
queue:listen Listen to a given queue
queue:retry Retry a failed queue job
queue:subscribe Subscribe a URL to an push queue
queue:work Process the next job on a queue
session:table Create a migration for the session database table
view:publish Publish a package's views to the application
gayan@gayan-laptop:~/Workspace/personal/laravel$ clear
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