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Josh gaycomputers

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gaycomputers /
Created December 10, 2022 21:01
database inserter with bottleneck
//goal here is a handler that receives data and writes it to memory, then every x receiving writes everything to sqlite on disk with a spawned thread
use std::{
//use sha2::digest::crypto_common::Key;
use sha2::{Sha256, Digest};
//use rusqlite::NO_PARAMS;
use rusqlite::{Connection};
//use hex_literal::hex;
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
# Blender v2.81 (sub 16) OBJ File: 'decimated.blend'
mtllib decimated.mtl
o Cleric
v -4.249013 0.173351 -5.851451
v -6.496604 1.539833 0.761737
v 0.913255 1.567932 2.039918
v 0.912945 1.568729 2.040165
v 1.001156 1.567935 1.990299
v 1.211599 1.568729 2.008395
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
# Blender v2.81 (sub 16) OBJ File: 'decimated.blend'
mtllib decimated.mtl
o Cleric
v 39.840073 -1.799888 -13.308946
v 35.344551 0.933483 -0.085413
v 50.062321 0.990866 2.555499
v 50.340416 0.989277 2.374552
v 50.761299 0.990866 2.410744
v 53.609653 -1.647653 -12.314352
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
v 39.871063 -1.527576 -13.191097
v 39.767487 -1.362104 -13.043050
v 40.058258 -1.799725 -13.425722
v 49.490547 -1.351477 -14.321033
v 50.340538 0.933100 2.373257
v 54.288162 -1.348049 -11.561015
v 51.322380 -1.348059 -13.608842
v 48.755157 -1.348040 -14.505868
v 46.635010 -1.348016 -14.801224
v 44.899796 -1.348181 -14.748602
gaycomputers / decimated
Created December 31, 2019 02:53
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
# Blender v2.81 (sub 16) OBJ File: 'decimated.blend'
mtllib decimated.mtl
o Cleric
v 39.840073 -1.799888 -13.308946
v 35.380711 0.909546 -0.085253
v 50.062321 0.990866 2.555499
v 50.340416 0.989277 2.374552
v 50.761299 0.990866 2.410744
v 53.393349 -1.799584 -12.595247
gaycomputers / dsod.txt
Last active July 18, 2019 03:20
Detroit style of design
Simplicity-the design must be simple, both in implementation and interface. If it is impossible to achieve both, some combination of the problem, requirements, and tools must be re-thought.
Correctness-the design must be correct in all observable aspects. If correctness is impossible to achieve, correctness, and therefore requirements, must be re-thought.
Consistency-the design must not be inconsistent. Consistency is as important as correctness and simplicity.
Completeness-the design must cover as many important situations as is practical. All reasonably expected cases must be covered. Consistency, simplicity, and correctness take precident over maximum completeness. If achieving a reasonable and usable level of completeness is impossible, again; tools, requirements, interface, implementation, and the problem must be rethought.
This is a markup for a esoteric lanuage called numberpipes
Surprise, unicode is important
so far:
| and - draw pipes, useful for connections
+ is a crossover,
x is a splitter
Gist explorer and analytics application for note taking and viewing
AR Headset:
Smart Watch:
Autonomous ergo stool/ chair:
JS: Understanding the weird parts:
Systems: Complex or Complicated?:
Math: Linear Algebra:
TS: Result class: